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  1. Mega DoS & DDoS Collection [GOLD] Difference between DoS & DDoS Okay- Here is a little rant that is probably going to turn into some basic information... I am getting sick and tired of people making this mistake- I suppose I could understand because the difference in names is so small; but the difference in meanings is huge as far as Data flooding goes, aDoS (Denial of Service) is NOT a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service)...There IS a Difference, Let me Define both of them: DoS: a DoS Attack is a Denial of Service attack- it involves using one computer / Internet connection to flood a server with packets (TCP / UDP) - The Objective of this attack is to 'overload' the servers bandwidth / other resources, This will cause a Denial of Service to anyone else that tries to use the server for whatever reason (HTTP [Website]).etc - hence the name Denial of Service Attack. DDoS: Yes, There IS a difference- a DDoS Attack (or Distributed Denial of Service Attack) is pretty much the same as a DoS- but the difference in results is massive; as its name suggests the DDoS attack is executed using a distributed computing method often referred to as a 'botnet army', the creation process of which involves infecting computers with a form of malware that gives the botnet owner access to the computer somewhat- this cold be anything from simply using the computers connection to flood to total control of the computer - these attacks affect the victims computer -> server more than a regular DoS- because multiple connections are being used against ONE connection, Think of it like a fight, if there is a 1-on-1 fight; the chance of the good guy winning is far higher than if he was being beaten up by severalthousand tough-guys For dummies: Dos = One Computer DDos = Many More (DoS) Nukerz: Rocket v1.0 = http://users.otenet.gr/~dstefan/cgi-bin/RocketV1_0.zip Inferno Nuler = http://users.otenet.gr/~matisnfx/inf3rn0_nk.zip Nemesy = http://users.otenet.gr/~dstefan/cgi-bin/n3m3sy.zip IGMP Nuke = http://users.otenet.gr/~dstefan/cgi-bin/lgmp.zip Panther Mode 2 = http://users.otenet.gr/~dstefan/cgi-bin/panther2.zip (DoS) Flooders: Janidos Send = http://rapidshare.com/files/107095756/ja...g.rar.html DDoS 51.5 = http://rapidshare.com/files/37997459/DoS..._Final.rar LOIC (Low Orbit Ion Cannon) = LOIC.zip ServerAttack = Download ServerAttack+Dos+Attack+(Private).zip for free on uploading.com Unknown = MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (DoS) Collection: http://rs84.rapidshare.com/files/40856215/DDOS.rar Net tools = MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service Pass: chemprojects.org (Do not add the http:// part to the password) (DDoS) Host booters/Tools: Black Energy DDOS bot = http://rapidshare.com/files/204652028/Bl...8.zip.html SuperNova v5 {VIP} = http://rapidshare.com/files/185628977/BR...nova_5.rar (DDoS) Collection: Click images for download XR Host Booter DDoSeR DaRK DDoSeR Darth DDoSer *Uses any port MeTuS Delphi 2.8 *Uses any port DDoSeR 3.0 Metus 2.0 GB Edition *Uses port 3176 BioZombie *Uses port 3174 XR (Older) *Uses on port 3070
    1 point
  2. Untitled Document bafta!
    1 point
  3. Iata-ma la 999 de posturi nu stiu cat la suta au fost inutile si cate nu au fost...imi place aici intru zilnic , nu prea postez aiurea. Acum sunt ocupat cu scoala cu bacul...cu multe:).. Va doresc numai bine si in continuare am sa scriu despre cateva lucruri care mi s-au parut interesante. PS sa sti ca RST nu s a schimbat cu nimic[in rau] poate persoanele care intra pe el sunt altele si au o altfel de gandire:) =========================================================== 1.Free HotFile Download Manager Features: Download multiple links from Hotfile.com. Auto shutdown after the download is complete. Load and save the download list Download http://shabestar.net/projects/hfad/hfad.msi ========================================================== 2.Cum sa folosesti internetul prin E-mail a.Ca sa vezi o pagina web prin email :trimiti URL adresei acesteia www@web2mail.com b.sa convertesti PDF in .txt trimiti un mail iar in Atach sa fie file.Pdf la adresa pdf2txt@adobe.com c.sa ti faca un slide show din .pdf sau ppt upload@upload.slideshare.net d.sinonime si definitie pt orice cuvant[testat in engleza] wsmith@wordsmith.org te intrebi la ce ti trebuie toate asta cand exista google?pai pt ca unele firme interzic sa vezi o pagina web sau sa intri pe unele pagini si cred ca asa e cel mai simplu.. =========================================================== 3.Cum sa iei un DVD Windows 7 Sp1 Gratuit! da e gratis doar pt US si Canada pt romania fiind perceputa doar o mica taxa de transport naval[cred ca 10$] click la Learn how to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) selectezi tara si te descurci:) ============================================================ 4. 2 site-uri sa trimiti mail la cineva din viitor[mi s-a parut grozava ideea] a. MailFreezr.com - freeze email messages for up to 100 years [beta b.FutureMe.org: letters to the future ========================================================== 5.Cum sa dezactivezi noul facebook album multi folosesc fB azi ,pe mine unul ma streseaza noul mod de vizualizare.Iata ce poti face:) trebuie sa folosesti Chrome si sutn cateva extensii https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/dllbmgdedpfgmkjnlmkeklhebkijggeh https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hekghhccehegplbbippabnhnhlegiodo =========================================================== 6.Cum sa ti faci Nokia 5800, 5230, 5233, 5235 sa arate ca android? http://silentmuffler.blogspot.com/2010/02/android-21-for-nokia-s60v5_28.html ======================================================= 7.IPHONE OS 3.0 mai vechi dar paote mai are cineva nevoie http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4780862/IPHONE_OS_3.0_leaked_ ======================================================= 8. Cum sa aflii daca cineva se logheaza pe FaceBook-ul tau Settings>Account Security> bifezi ca inmagine dai save si intri si iesi si dupa trebuie sa ti apara o fereastra pop-up si dai confirmare. Te anuta pe mail si chiar pe telefon iar daca cineva incearca sa schimbe notif nu o sa i fie usor:).. ========================================================= + o invitatie pe demonoid..ca atat mai am primul venit primul servit[data] M-am simtit bine aici..si nu vreau sa se schimbe nimic.Bafta in continuare. PS maine daca am timp largesc lista:)poate mai gaesc niste invitatii PS1 daca v-a placut si ati invatat lucruri noi hit the rep.
    0 points
  4. Scopul este simplu. Pentru a accesa site-ul blocat. 1) Deschideti browser-ul dumneavoastr?. 2) Du-te la Google Translate Si cam asta este,puteti edita ro|en etc,si puteti naviga pe site-urile blocate fara probleme.
    -1 points
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