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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/11 in all areas

  1. Se da urmatorul parametru : http://www.radiobremen.de/apps/php/mediathek/metadaten.php?id=040903 .. evident complet nesanitizat! Nu e cazul sa va complicati cu tehnici de bypass ptr ca nu exista absolut nici un filtru care sa blocheze functii, operatori sau alte caractere. Totul consta in manipularea Query-ului deja existent in metadaten.php in asa fel incat executia injectiei sa nu intre in conflict cu el. Am spus in titlu : "EXTRA-Difficult" ptr ca sunt 2-3 lucruri care se tin lant si de care neaparat trebuie sa tineti cont , dar ca si tehnica nu este neaparat foarte foarte dificila. Problema este sa aflati inainte de toate care sunt acele lucruri. Cerintele sunt : - injectarea parametrului folosind strict UNION SELECT .. se poate si BLIND sau ERROR BASED dar nu ma intereseaza acel gen de sintaxe. - postati un screenshot [preferabil cu injectia cenzurata] in care ati extras cateva informatii de baza care sa dovedeasca faptul ca ati reusit :versiune, nume db, system user, OS, ...etc .. ce vreti voi, nu conteaza foarte mult ce anume. - sau trimiteti un PM cu sintaxa ptr validare. Nu se vor face publice! Screenshot-ul meu Castigatorii vor fi afisati in lista de mai jos: And the WINNERS aaaaaaareeee: ---------------------------------------------- [1] :::: tromfil [2] :::: tdxev [3] :::: jesus [4] :::: birouamar [5] :::: to be edited.. ----------------------------------------------- Asadar ..
    1 point
  2. Ma refeream poate ai mai f?cut ?i alte conturi cu nume de MASCUL pe aici asa ca sa î?i readuc aminte Nu o considera ca un atac O spun ?i eu asa poate conteaz? pentru al?ii ,mie mi-e indiferent de apartenenta ?i orientarea sexuala Se întîmpla rar dar cînd o fata deschide un topic se umple ?i la sfîr?it persoana î?i schimba automat ?i sexul Adica din devine Nu vreau sa fac iluzii pentru unii b?ie?i din echipa
    1 point
  3. reputatie=respect si nu se cerseste.[punct]
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
    1 point
  6. tutorialul,este facut complet de mine fara,sa ma inspir de nicaeri. deci sa incepem. Eu o sa folosesc un telefon simplu Nokia model 1600:)) (ce mai performanta,nu?)intram la:MESAJE>SETARI MESAJE>PROFIL EXPEDIERE>expediere mesaje ca,si acolo e selectat pe "text".selectam trimitere mesaj ca "mail", dupa ce selectam o sa mai apara inca o optiune "SERVER EMAIL" si acolo bagam numarul persoanei caruia vrem sa-i trimitem smsul.Iesim,dam la mesaj nou si scriem mesajul de ex"la multi ani" apoi dam expediere. in loc de numar o sa ne apara sa introducem adresa de mail si scriem de ex "fat@frumos" si expediere. Si persoana in cauza va primi un sms de la "fat@frumos" cu mesajul "la multi ani". metoda merge cam pe 90% din telefoanele nokia.inclusiv cele noi. scuzati gramatica pt ca e primul post al meu. sper sa va ajute si chiar va rog sa-mi lasati comentarii. PE NOKIA MERGE IN 90% DIN CAZURI<DEPINDE DE MODELUL TELEFONULUI> ASTEPT COMENTARII!
    -1 points
  7. Ardamax Keylogger is a keystroke recorder that captures user's activity and saves it to an encrypted log file. The log file can be viewed with the powerful Log Viewer. Use this tool to find out what is happening on your computer while you are away, maintain a backup of your typed data automatically or use it to monitor your kids. Also you can use it as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. Logs can be automatically sent to your e-mail address, access to the keylogger is password protected. Besides, Ardamax Keylogger logs information about the Internet addresses the user has visited. This invisible spy application is designed for 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7. Keylogger Features: * Email log delivery - keylogger can send you recorded logs through e-mail delivery at set times - perfect for remote monitoring! * FTP delivery - Ardamax Keylogger can upload recorded logs through FTP delivery. * Network delivery - sends recorded logs through via LAN. * Clipboard logging - capture all text copied to the Windows Clipboard. * Invisible mode makes it absolutely invisible to anyone. Ardamax Keylogger is not visible in the task bar, system tray, Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows 7 Task Manager, process viewers (Process Explorer, WinTasks etc.), Start Menu and Windows Startup list. * Visual surveillance - periodically makes screenshots and stores the compressed images to log. * Chat monitoring - Ardamax Keylogger is designed to record and monitor both sides of a conversation in following chats: o AIM o Windows Live Messenger 2011 o ICQ 7 o Skype 4 o Yahoo Messenger 10 o Google Talk o Miranda o QiP 2010 * Security - allows you to protect program settings, Hidden Mode and Log file. * Application monitoring - keylogger will record the application that was in use that received the keystroke! * Time/Date tracking - it allows you to pinpoint the exact time a window received a keystroke! * Powerful Log Viewer - you can view and save the log as a HTML page or plain text with keylogger Log Viewer. * Small size – Ardamax Keylogger is several times smaller than other programs with the same features. It has no additional modules and libraries, so its size is smaller and the performance is higher. * Ardamax Keylogger fully supports Unicode characters which makes it possible to record keystrokes that include characters from Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and many other character sets. * It records every keystroke. Captures passwords and all other invisible text. Other Features: * Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7 support * Monitors multi-user machines * Automatic startup * Friendly interface * Easy to install Enjoy;) Download: http://www.filesonic.com/file/77948562/Ardamax_Keylogger_v3.5.3_+_Serial_[Only_Here].rar L-am cumparat de curand si am zis sa il impart si cu voi Bucurati-va http://www.virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=820255ca92ded7b0e31536ea59731143ded7a7de8fbf893861dc2793c666c3df-1297258343
    -1 points
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