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  1. Note: ganditi-va bine inainte sa il instalati Vimperator is a Firefox browser extension with strong inspiration from the Vim text editor, with a mind towards faster and more efficient browsing. It has similar key bindings and you could call it a modal web browser, as key bindings differ according to which mode you are in. For example, it has a special Hint mode, where you can follow links easily with the keyboard only. Also most functionality is available as commands, typing : back will go back within the current page history, just like hitting the back button in the toolbar. Features * Vim-like key bindings (h, j, k, l, gg, G, 0, $, ZZ, <C-f>, etc.) * Ex commands (:quit, : open foo.com, ...) with a proper command line * Tab completion available for all commands, showing suggestions while you type * Hint mode (start with f to follow a link) * Extensions! Yes, you can extend Vimperator's functionality with scripts just like you can extend Firefox with extensions * Explore JavaScript objects with :echo window and even context-sensitive tab completion * Easily customizable GUI (easily hide all GUI elements with :set gui=) * Ability to :source JavaScript files, and to use a ~/.vimperatorrc file with syntax highlighting if you install vimperator.vim * Easy quick searches (: open foo will search for "foo" in google, : open ebay terminator will search for "terminator" on eBay) with support for Firefox keyword bookmarks and search engines * Count supported for many commands (3<C-o> will go back 3 pages) * Beep on errors * Marks support (ma to set mark 'a' on a webpage, 'a to go there). * QuickMarks support (quickly go to previously marked web pages with go{a-zA-Z0-9}). * :map and :command support (and feedkeys() for script writers). * :time support for profiling * Move the text cursor and select text with Vim keys and a visual mode * External editor support * Macros to replay key strokes * AutoCommands to execute action on certain events * A comprehensive :help system, explaining all commands, mappings and options * Much more... Vimperator ? Vimperator Labs
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. votat! //The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters
    1 point
  4. Done. *10 generic char*
    1 point
  5. Vote accepted Successfully voted for request 68006 Back to request details
    1 point
  6. Am vazut ca panicatii de pe forum mi-au sarit in cap ca am pus keylogger in Md5 Bruteforcer, si m-am gandit sa fac sursa publica ca toti copii sa fure si sa puna numele lor pe ea. --------------------------------------------------- [1] Se introduc : - un timer - 5 milisecunde / porneste cu form-ul - un background worker pentru treaba. [2] Se importa urmatoarele : Imports System Imports System.Text Imports System.Security.Cryptography [3] Se ia urmatoarea functie pentru Md5 care aparent NU se gaseste pe net . Function getMd5Hash(ByVal input As String) As String Dim md5Hasher As MD5 = MD5.Create() Dim data As Byte() = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(input)) Dim sBuilder As New StringBuilder() Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To data.Length - 1 sBuilder.Append(data(i).ToString("x2")) Next i Return sBuilder.ToString() End Function [4][a] Butonul pentru citit & split-uit wordlist-ul in listbox : Try If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then ListBox1.Items.Clear() Else ' Go fuck yourself ;D End If Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog ofd.Filter = "Text files (*.txt) |*.txt" ofd.Title = "Open wordlist" ofd.ShowDialog() TextBox1.Text = ofd.FileName ListBox1.Items.AddRange(Split _ (My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText _ (TextBox1.Text), vbNewLine)) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ErrorToString, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error loading wordlist") End Try * Checkbox2 curata lista. [4] Butonul care adauga o linie manual : If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then ListBox1.Items.Clear() ListBox1.Items.Add(TextBox3.Text) TextBox3.Text = "" Else ListBox1.Items.Add(TextBox3.Text) TextBox3.Text = "" End If [5] Timer-ul : Label1.Text = "You have " & ListBox1.Items.Count & " lines." [6] Butonul pentru decriptare care porneste background worker-ul : BackgroundWorker1.RunWorkerAsync() ![7] Butonul pentru criptarea Md5 : TextBox5.Text = getMd5Hash(TextBox4.Text) !![8] Decriptarea pe baza de dictionar (munca background worker-ului) : For Each item In ListBox1.Items Dim item_md5 As String = getMd5Hash(item) If TextBox2.Text = item_md5 Then MsgBox("Provided Md5 : " & TextBox2.Text & vbNewLine & "Plain text : " & item) End If Next - Ia fiecare item din lista respectiva - Il cripteaza in Md5 - Daca este identic cu Md5-ul vostru, a gasit plain. --------------------------------------------------- Pentru cei care cunosc (orice) limbaj(e) de programare : a fost greu ? Important e sa ai imaginatie si restul vine de la sine. Pentru toti copiii frustrati care vor copia sursa si isi vor pune numele lor pe ea : credite mie (pr00f), sau vin si va omor ra?a cu care faceti baie.
    1 point
  7. Multumesc baieti ! Trebuie sa recunosc ca sunt placut surprinsa de faptul ca au fost destul de multe persoane care au citit articolul asta de la cap la coada avand in vedere dimensiunile lui. Oricum, daca aveti nevoie de tutoriale pe o anumita tema din IT sau de cineva sa va scrie un articol, va stau la dispozitie in limita timpului disponibil (imi place sa citesc si sa scriu tutoriale lungi). Dar nu am prea mult pentru urmatoarele 3 saptamani (restante, restante si mai multe restante). Oricum daca aveti ceva sa imi ziceti pozitiv sau negativ nu va sfiiti sa imi scrieti.
    1 point
  8. ahahaha =))la tobogane strikes again ps: PePe failed
    -1 points
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