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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/11 in all areas

  1. Problema e in felul urmator, daca esti incepator si treci direct la framework sa zicem Zend e o mare probabilitate sa ajungi programator de zend framework nu de php(nativ), e posibil sa te lovesti dupa un timp de faptul ca nu stii sa scrii cod nativ, nu zic ca nu e bine sa incercti un freamwork, te ajuta mult, iti dezvolta "privirea" asupra codului scris corect si gandit, insa inainte invata sa scri cod nativ php
    1 point
  2. ...is just that, a collection of handy bookmarks I initially collected that aid me in my day to day work or I find in the course of research. They are not all inclusive and some sections need to be parsed but they are all good reference materials. I find having this Hackery folder in Firefox an easy way to reference syntax, tricks, methods, and generally facilitate and organize research. Categories: Hacker Media Blogs Worth It Forums Magazines Video Methodologies OSINT Presentations People and Organizational Infrastructure Exploits and Advisories Cheatsheets and Syntax Agile Hacking OS and Scripts Tools Distros Labs ISOs and VMs Vulnerable Software Test Sites Exploitation Intro Reverse Engineering & Malware Passwords and Hashes Wordlists Pass the Hash MiTM Tools OSINT Metadata Google Hacking Web Attack Strings Shells Scanners Burp Social Engineering Password Metasploit MSF Exploits or Easy NSE Net Scanners and Scripts Post Exploitation Netcat Source Inspection Firefox Addons Tool Listings Training/Classes Sec/Hacking Metasploit Programming Python Ruby Other Misc Web Vectors SQLi Upload Tricks LFI/RFI XSS Coldfusion Sharepoint Lotus JBoss VMWare Web Oracle App Servers SAP Wireless Capture the Flag/Wargames Conferences Misc/Unsorted Bookmarks List
    1 point
  3. L-am luat acum 3 zile@hackforums din VIP Area. 2xtripo5: a0DMYzasQ4n5QLLy/jSMY29s==9cn6NQ=Yg0YaWu=sacWz9J/YSydwTT
    1 point
  4. Rezolvarea mea la acest challenge: http://rstcenter.com/forum/45281-sql-injection-control-remote-system-game-over.rst
    1 point
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