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  1. Hide any file inside a picture! Items Needed: Any Icon Changer A Binder A Brain 1) Create your virus. We shall call it 'server1.exe' for now. 2) Get any picture file you want to distribute. 3) Bind the 'server1.exe' and your picture file with any binder, we'll call the binded file 'virus1.exe'. 3.5) I reccomend Easy Binder 2.0, which comes with a bytes adder and a icon extractor, aswell as some really good packing options. I've uploaded it, virus free, to: Easy_Binder.rar 4) Be sure you have 'Hide common extensions' unchecked in your Folder Options. 5) Change the 'virus1.exe' to '%Picturename%.jpeg - %Email/Web Address%.com'. For example, we'll call it 'HPIC_119.jpeg - undies@live.com'. .com works the same as .exe, except fewer people actually know that's what it really is. 6) If you plan on distributing your virus via MSN, please skip to 7. If you plan on distributing your virus via file upload sites, please skip to 8. 6.5) I reccomend Icon Extractor V3.8 FULL with Serial, that can be downloaded from this thread: Hack Forums 7) You will now need to change the icon from that ugly box. Find the picture you added to the file, and make it an icon. How? Find one of the various online Picture to Icon converters. Once your picture is a .ico, use your Icon Changer program to change the icon of the file to the .ico you just made from the picture. When you send it to people on MSN, it will show a small box of the picture inside. 8) You will not need to change the icon from that ugly box. Using your Icon Changer program, find the .jpeg icon, and change the ugly box to the .jpeg icon. 9) Conclusion. Your file will now look like a legit picture to 9/10 people. Some people do know that .com is an extension, but the average computer user will not see any difference, and will download it without hesitation. I have never come across a tutorial that explains how to do this, and found this out after hours of online searching. If there is another tutorial, all credits to them, my mistake. #Sursa: hackforums[dot]net
    -1 points
  2. In cele ce urmeaza vom explica cum sa inchidem 'propriul' calculator doar cu ajutorul telefonului. Vom avea nevoie de clientul de email Mozilla Thunderbird, un add-on pentru acesta si cateva setari. 1. Descarcam si instalam Mozilla Thunderbird Dupa instalare vom avea nevoia sa configuram un cont de email pentru a folosi aplicatia, fie creati un cont nou, fie folositi unul deja existent si il configurati. 2. Descarcam si instalam add-on-ul 2.1 Salvam add-on-ul 2.2 Deschidem Mozilla Thunderbird si mergem la Tools -> Add-ons 2.3 Dupa instalare, restartam aplicatia. 3. Configuram inbox-ul. Creem un folder sub inbox in care vor fi redirectionate toate mesajele trimise cu scopul de a inchide PC-ul. Click dreapta pe index, New Folder, dupa care il denumiti cum vreti, in cazul meu Shutdown. Tools -> Message Filters. Click pe New pentru a crea un nou filtru, dupa care il configuram in felul urmator. Ideea, in cazul de fata este ca toate mesajele cu subiectul 'Shut The Fuck Down' vor fi mutate in folderul Shutdown cel pe care l-am creat sub inbox. In cazul meu 'Shut The Fuck Down' insa puteti sa-l inlocuiti cu orice altceva. 4. Configurarea add-on-ului. Creem un fisier de tip bat care sa contina shutdown.exe -s il denumim shutdown.bat si il mutam in folderul in care s-a instalat Mozilla Thunderbird. In Thunderbird, click pe folderul Shutdown, Tools -> Mailbox Alert Preferences si facem setarile Bifati 'Execute a command', selectati fisierul shutdown.bat si OK. IMPORTANT: Fiti sigur ca ati selectat folderul inainte de a face setarile in 'Mailbox Alert Preferences' altfel, veti stinge pc-ul de fiecare data cand primiti un email nou. Pentru a micsora timpul dintre momentul in care s-a primit mesajul de stingere a PC-ului si momentul in care v-a executa comanda, mergem la Tools -> Account Settings -> Server Settings si inlocuim 'Check for new messages every' 10 minutes cu 1 Acum aveti posibilitatea sa va inchideti propriul PC din orice loc, atata timp cat acesta este conectat la internet si aveti la dispozitie un telefon. Incercati sa trimiteti un mesaj catre adresa de email cu subiectul in cazul meu 'Shut The Fuck Down', in cazul vostru ce ati setat ca si filtru. Daca totul a fost facut corect, in momentul in care Thunderbird va verifica mesajele, pc-ul ar trebui sa se stinga. // sandabot: Da
    -1 points
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