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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/12 in all areas

  1. vand/schimb cu orice mi se pare interesant (exclus invitatii pe trackere)
    1 point
  2. Steam-ul a ajuns la mine! Multumesc frumos Lego!
    1 point
  3. I did not find the vulnerability. I simply rewrote a DEP/ASLR bypass PoC for it (for my own exercise). Original poc: The KMPlayer .mp3 Buffer Overflow Exploit XPSP3 DEP Bypass This poc: The KMPlayer .mp3 Buffer Overflow Exploit (Win7 + ASLR bypass mod)
    1 point
  4. Hi, Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir sind darüber informiert worden, dass unter der URL <https://rstcenter.com/forum/54846-rst-vs-polonic.rst> IP-Adresse: <> Daten von rumänischen Bürgern veröffentlich werden und diese verleumdet werden (siehe angehängte E-Mail). Wir bitten um Prüfung des Sachverhalts. Wir werden dem rumänischen CERT empfehlen zu prüfen, ob der Inhalt der oben genannten URL strafrechtlich von Bedeutung ist und ggf. entsprechende rechtliche Schritte einzuleiten. Wir sehen unserseits keine Veranlassung weiterer Schritte. Kontaktmöglichkeiten sowie weitere Informationen zu unserem Team entnehmen Sie bitte der folgenden Webseite: https://www.bsi.bund.de/DE/Themen/IT-Krisenmanagement/CERTBund/certbund_node.html Mit freundlichen Grüßen das Team CERT-Bund Im Auftrag Hilse -- Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) Referat C 21 - Lagezentrum und CERT-Bund Godesberger Allee 185-189 D-53175 Bonn Telefon: +49 (0)228 99 9582 5110 Telefax: +49 (0)228 99 9582 7025 ---- Forwarded message from CERT-RO <//moderated> --- From: CERT-RO //moderated To: //moderated ReplyTo: //moderated Subject: [CERT-RO #1001583] Help needed Date: 2012-08-13 10:15:02 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear Sir/Madam, We are the Romanian national CERT and we are contacting you in order to help us, if possible, in a case regarding a website hosted in your country which illegally published the personal data of a Romanian citizen (full name, adress and phone number). The website is https://rstcenter.com/ ( and the reported URL is https://rstcenter.com/forum/54846-rst-vs-polonic.rst (a thread from a forum) Not only that personal data was published on that thread, but also the users denigrated the person directly affected by the post. We tried to contact the administrators of the site, but they refused to take any action. The site is published in Romanian, but the hosting provider is located in Germany, so we need your help. We hope that you are able to contact them regarding this issue and ask them to remove the thread or block the website. We hope hearing from you soon. Best regards, - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CERT-RO - Centrul National de Raspuns la Incidente de Securitate Cibernetica / Romanian National Computer Security Incident Response Team Phone: //moderated Fax: //moderated Email: //moderated -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJQKLdIAAoJEI1+3dj89Dop75YH/1DWv3RKfvdSLb7EUQzFRSY6 PUMZEN7a2GYIlrjs9/QKlNoWUtU7TXFX+vjQFGBcD3STQRCPliiNxV82sBfa77qa uWfuUV+/RnCmxDDispqX2iQaKTFlthiPl5B5pztfFaX4hFnWrf1Zj2qPT1k4p9J/ 96qXQQgDeyN0fxdh6iIYSrdZGwro1I9zHglpMjIwrrv8kDPJ2vRXKZuQ1C7rNi6v b1wqTWkS/tA5FQ2bxpnBhXPurDgmh6SEeDua/XZKyE4CfrPRf7qA3IaRx2xwSjVf B5NGvALA0Ox0Q1r/iDntEcvkUnoX9/+vgeyfWGWytfyh3aLg3OZlHhz9m2V6vg0= =gGt1 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- ---- End forwarded message --- Pentru ca timpul nu-mi permite, o sa incerc sa va explic pe scurt. Preaiubita voastra "colega" de forum, cu cel putin 80 de usere facute in decurs de un an, v-a reclamat la CERT-RO. Cei de la CERT, au contactat probabil un admin dupa site dar au omis sa contacteze un reprezentant al companiei de hosting (cu toate ca sunt publicate date de abuse@ la whois), asa ca au trecut mai departe si au inaintat plangerea catre o organizatie din Germania (dat fiind faptul ca adresele ip cat si compania de hosting sunt de acolo). Din cate stiti, m-am implicat personal in scoaterea de date cu caracter personal (am sters cel putin 4 threaduri intregi), dupa ce am discutat cu "reclamanta", insa am renuntat cand am vazut ca se continua cu aceleasi obiceiuri (injurii, umplerea threadurilor cu mizerii, zeci de usere). Am trimis catre CERT-RO un raspuns la email-ul dumnealor trimis catre CERT-Bund care suna cam asa: Buna ziua, Am primit email-ul de mai jos, primit de la Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, Germania. Am analizat cazul raportat de dumneavoastra inainte de a primi reportul de mai jos (cu aproximativ 3 luni in urma). De asemenea, am discutat personal cu administratorul site-ului web si am ajuns la concluzia ca persoana fizica ce a inaintat plangerea catre dvs. nu are dreptate, din urmatoarele considerente: - Utilizatorul ce a reclamat ca s-au publicat datele cu caracter personal pe acel forum, si-a facut cel putin 70 de nume de utilizator (useri), folosindu-se de ele pentru a aduce injurii utilizatorilor. - Datele cu caracter personal prezente pe acel forum erau deja publice la data publicarii lor. - Utilizatorul si-a dat acceptul citind termenii si conditiile prezente pe acel forum, atunci cand si-a facut user. Sugeram persoanei ce a inaintat plangerea catre dumneavoastra ca pe viitor sa manifeste un grad rezonabil de discretie atunci cand ofera proprietarilor de site-uri web informatii cu caracter personal. De asemenea, sa citeasca cu atentie termenii si conditiile sau politica de confidentialitate a site-urilor accesate. Nota personala: Cat sa fii de idiot incat sa intrii pe o comunitate de IT, sa-ti faci zeci de usere si sa te apuci sa aduci injurii utilizatorilor? Chiar in ultimele zile si-a facut in jur de 6 usere pe acel forum. Consider ca aceasta reclamatie este nefondata, avand in vedere motivele de mai sus. Cand o sa isi ceara scuze fata de utilizatori, o sa ma implic personal in scoaterea informatiilor de pe acel forum. Multumesc si o zi placuta - Cu stima, Amza Marian Network Engineer Linux Security Group In cazul in care domnii bugetari de la CERT-RO platiti din banii dumneavoastra, vor intra pe aici: Corect era sa primim email sau fax pentru un abuz in reteaua noastra, dar v-ati gandit dvs. ca ar da mai bine sa primim notificare de la CERT-BUND. La noi in curte, regulile le facem noi. Asa e in Germania. Nu stiu daca in BabuinLand la dvs este altfel. PS: As schimba putin TOS de la RST. O sa compun unul zilele astea si vi-l arat. - Nenea hosterul
    1 point
  5. The majority of the penetration testers are using the Mozilla Firefox as a web browser for their pentest activities.This article will introduce the firefox addons that can be used for a web application penetration test. 1) Firebug It is useful for the debugging tools that can help you tracking rogue javascript code on servers. 2) User Agent Switcher You can use this extension to change the user agent of your browser.Useful for web application penetration tests that you want to check and the mobile versions of the websites. 3) Hackbar Useful for SQL injection and XSS attacks.It includes also tools for URL and HEX encoding/decoding and many more. 4) HttpFox Monitor and analyze all the incoming and outgoing HTTP traffic between your browser and the web server. 5) Live HTTP Headers View the HTTP headers of a website instantly. 6) Tamper Data View and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters. 7) ShowIP Shows the IP of the current page in the status bar.It also includes information like the hostname,the ISP,the country and the city. 8) OSVDB Open Source Vulnerability Database Search. 9) Packet Storm search plugin Search the packet storm database for exploits,tools and advisories. 10) Offsec Exploit-db Search Search the Exploit-db archive. 11) Security Focus Vulnerabilities Search Plugin Search for vulnerabilities in the Security Focus 12) Cookie Watcher Watch the selected cookie in the status bar. 13) Header Spy Shows HTTP Headers on status bar 14) Groundspeed Manipulate the application user interface. 15) CipherFox Displays the current SSL/TLS cipher and certificate on the status bar. 16) XSS Me Tool for testing reflected XSS vulnerabilities. 17) SQL Inject Me Extension to test SQL Injection vulnerabilities. 18) Wappalyzer Discover technologies and applications that are used on websites. 19) Poster Make HTTP requests,interact with web services and watch the output. 20) Javascript Deobfuscator Show the JavaScript code that are running on web pages. 21) Modify Headers Modify HTTP request headers. 22) FoxyProxy Advanced proxy management tool. 23) FlagFox Displays a country flag for the location of the web server.It also includes tools such as Whois,Geotool,Ping,Alexa etc. 24) Greasemonkey Customize the way a webpage behaves by using small bits of JavaScript. 25) Domain Details Displays Server Type, Headers, IP Address, Location Flag, and links to Whois Reports. 26) Websecurify Useful for security assessments in web applications. 27) XSSed Search Search the cross-site scripting database at XSSed.Com 28) ViewStatePeeker ASP.NET viewstate viewer. 29) CryptoFox CryptoFox is an encryption/decryption tool for cracking MD5 passwords. 30) WorldIP Location of the web server,IP,Datacenter,Ping,Traceroute,RDNS,AS etc. 31) Server Spy Unveils the technology of the web server (Apache, IIS etc.) 32) Default Passwords Search CIRT.net default password database. 33) Snort IDS Rule Search Search for Snort IDS Rules. Sursa
    1 point
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