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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/12 in all areas

  1. Treci de captcha. Start here. Se poate face prin mai multe metode. Cea mai simpl? e s? fii bun (?i rapid) în calcule. Have fun! Solvers: - HrN - shaggi. - pinguinulturbat - DarkyAngel - Gecko Extra: - endemic Too lazy to finish: - benny CLOSED!
    1 point
  2. The usually quiet world of mathematics is abuzz with a claim that one of the most important problems in number theory has been solved. Mathematician Shinichi Mochizuki of Kyoto University in Japan has released a 500-page proof of the abc conjecture, which proposes a relationship between whole numbers — a 'Diophantine' problem. The abc conjecture, proposed independently by David Masser and Joseph Oesterle in 1985, might not be as familiar to the wider world as Fermat’s Last Theorem, but in some ways it is more significant. “The abc conjecture, if proved true, at one stroke solves many famous Diophantine problems, including Fermat's Last Theorem,” says Dorian Goldfeld, a mathematician at Columbia University in New York. “If Mochizuki’s proof is correct, it will be one of the most astounding achievements of mathematics of the twenty-first century.” Proof claimed for deep connection between primes : Nature News & Comment Read more at: Mathematician announces that he's proved the ABC conjecture
    1 point
  3. sa-mi bag pula in iphone 5-ul vostru, nici daca ar fi coborat Iisus pe pamant nu era atata harmalaie
    1 point
  4. Linux = Conserv? (exceptând backtrack ?i slackware) FreeBSD all the way!
    1 point
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