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  1. we bring you a 24 hour spooktacular giveaway of CyberGhost VPN (69.99 USD value) to give you that invisible power and get you protected from cyber-thieves. CyberGhost Classic VPN 12 months prepaid Anonymize yourself with your own Virtual Private Network. Simple and secure. Sofort-Download 1 53,98 53,98 link: 24 hour exclusive CyberGhost VPN Spooktacular giveaway! | Software Deals - CNET Download.com ps: nu luati mai mult de 1 licenta, nu pot fi folosite 2 licente promotionale oferta este valabila azi 1 noiembrie 2012 // * Unlimited traffic volume included. Speed limited to a maximum of 512 kbit/s after 20 GB/month
    4 points
  2. Ce este Java Drive-By Download? Este o metoda prin care atacatorul ,implementeaz? pe site-ul lui niste coduri java ?i atunci când cineva viziteaz? pagina, un executabil care poate fi un RAT, WORM sau un VIRUS este desc?rcat ?i executat în sistemul s?u, f?r? stirea lui Download Link Aici: Java Drive by Download.rar Acum sa incepem: 1.Uploadeaza-ti fisierul [RAT,STEALER,WARM etc] pe un host Hostul trebuie sa aiba download direct fara timp de asteptare ceva de forma Deci fara timp de asteptare sau etc,intelegeti voi 2.Acum dezarhivam arhiva JavaDriveby Intram in ea si editam index.html Editam index.html ca in imaginea de mai jos inloc de Punem link-ul de la fisierul nostru 3.Uploadati index.html si client.jar pe un host Eu recomand Create a Website for Free - Make a free website at T15.org Incercati sa pacaliti victima sa intre pe site-ul creat Atunci cand victima intra ii va aparea un request Daca accepta , virusul v-a fii rulat pe sistemul victimei Cum lucreaza Java Drive-by? Ai nevoie de 3 fisiere pentru a rula java-drive-by 1.virusul tau.exe 2.Client.jar ,applet-ul java care acceseaza CMD-ul iar mai tarziu creeaza si executa fisierul winconfig.vbs 3.index.html , care incorporeaza Client.jar si codurile care trebuie scrise in winconfig.vbs Cam atata am avut de explicat,sper ca va este de ajutor Tutorialul nu este facut de mine, eu doar l-am tradus in limba romana Sursa english : Java Drive by Download: Tutorial and Explanation – Kerala Cyber Force | KCF
    1 point
  3. Trebuie sa aveti minim 50 de posturi pentru a face un 'request'. RST hash cracker machine: CPU: Intel core 2 duo 3.2 GHZ 8 MB l2 GPU: MSI Radeon HD6950 Twin Frozr III Power Edition OC 1GB DDR5 256-bit Ram: 16 GB OS: BackTrack 5 rc3 App: hashcat.net/oclhashcat-plus/ System ul de mai sus va fi tinut up non stop doar pentru acest job. Pentru ca sa pot sa procesez requestul vostru va trebui sa raspundeti in urmatorul format: Hash: b467979095aa4670bfa1eeb74a2fa17a Tip Hash: md5 Informati aditionale1: limba: germana Informati aditionale2: min/max caractere= 7/15 Informati aditionale3: caractere speciale = da Bafta
    1 point
  4. Numerele castigatoare : 753 si 294 Castigatori : Undeath ai PM de la mine si R3Flux va primi de la LLegoLLaS //Closed
    1 point
  5. Barron's SAT Subject Test Math Level 2, 10th Edition download International Student Handbook 2013: All-New 26th Edition download Si ca bonus
    1 point
  6. A common challenge for computer security specialists is getting data out of a very locked-down system. Of course all network traffic on these test machines is monitored, and burning a CD or writing to a USB Flash drive is out of the question. Where there’s a will there’s a way, so [András] figured out how to extract data from a computer by emulating a keyboard. Emulating a USB HID device is nothing new; the newest Arduino can do it, as can any AVR with the help of V-USB. [András]‘s build emulates a USB keyboard that can download data from a computer by listening to the NUM, CAPS and SCROLL lock LEDs. Of course, [András] first needs an app to transmit data through these keyboard status LEDs. To do this, his build carries with it a Windows executable file on the AVR’s Flash memory. After plugging his device into the computer, it writes this program to disk and is then able to send data out through keyboard status LEDs. It’s not very fast – just over one byte per second – but [András] did manage to extract data from a computer, circumventing just about every anti-leaking solution. Extracting data with keyboard emulation - Hack a Day
    1 point
  7. nmap -p 80 --open daca nu stii ce inseamna /15 sau /13 cauta pe net un subnet calculator si te prinzi tu
    1 point
  8. Se ofera gratuit contul cu urmatoarele jocurile : http://i46.tinypic.com/2i7bdlf.jpg Reguli : - postati un numar de la 1 la 1500 - fara edit , sunteti descalificati - extragerea se face in aceasta seara(01.11.2012) la ora 22 Un like nu strica
    -1 points
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