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  1. Am facut un script, micut, poate folositor cuiva. Iti returneaza adresa exacta, adica tara, orasul, strada. Am folosit HTML5 GeoLocation, Ajax, si google Maps API. page.html <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <script> navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success); function success(position) { var latt = position.coords.latitude; var longg = position.coords.longitude; $.ajax({ type: 'post', url: 'ajax.php', data: {latt : latt, longg : longg}, success: function(raspuns) { $('#rsp').html(raspuns); } }); } </script> <div id="rsp"></div> ajax.php <?php $url = 'http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng='.$_POST['latt'].','.$_POST['longg'].'&sensor=true'; $jsondata = json_decode(file_get_contents($url),true); $adresa = $jsondata['results'][0]['formatted_address']; echo $adresa; ?>
    1 point
  2. Description : A series of targeted attacks, now known as "Duqu", was discovered in 2011. The initial vector for these attacks was a Windows TrueType Font 0-day vulnerability [CVE-2011-3402]. A year later, this exploit begins to appear in Russian exploit kits. These exploit kits use the *exact* same exploit code as "Duqu". (Right down to the metadata.) This presentation explains the technical details of this exploit. It is not about "Duqu" nor Russian exploit kits. The vulnerability itself only allows the attacker to perform an "OR" operation on a value of their choice, at a memory location of their choice. This exploit leverages the functionality of the TrueType Font Finite State Machine itself to manipulate memory to provide for a reliable execution of the shellcode. > Reason why this material is innovative or significant or an important tutorial. It's an advanced kernel exploit, used in a real world targeted attack against a certain unnamed commercial or government entity. And now that very same kernel exploit is being used by criminals. The exploit technique is unique as well. I believe that it is the only exploit which uses the TrueType graphics operators to manipulate kernel memory into reliable, multi-platform, shellcode execution. (It even does sanity checks on itself to avoid a blue-screen of death.) The current draft of the presentation is already over 200 slides, but most of those are code walkthrouh animations. I still need to add information about the similarities and differences between the original Duqu sample, and the current exploit kit. And details about the kernel shellcode. There are a bunch of slides about how to reverse engineer a kernel exploit, which I'll probably cut out for time. (And safe to assume audience already knows how?) For More Information please visit : - https://www.hackinparis.com
    1 point
  3. Google has released an emergency fix plugging a security vulnerability that was affecting 99 percent of all Android devices. A Google spokesman confirmed to V3 the company has released the patch to core partners and OEMs, but added the firm is yet to see any evidence suggesting the flaw has been actively exploited by cyber criminals. Even with the patch fix released, it will still remain up to manufacturers and partner companies to roll it out to the general public. In the past companies have been slow to release updates to Android. The vulnerability was originally reported by security firm Bluebox and reportedly affects every version of Android since 1.6. and could be used to target any Google phone or tablet released in the last four years. Bluebox security chief technology officer Jeff Forristal said the flaw relates to the cryptographic signature of Android apps. Theoretically if exploited the flaw could allow hackers to turn legitimate applications into defence-dodging Trojans. This is largely due to the fact most companies, like Samsung, Sony and HTC have chosen to customise the Android version used on their devices which need to be optimised for each new version of the OS released by Google. The slow update cycle means that in the past older versions of Android, like Gingerbread have been the most commonly used. It was only this month that Google's latest Jelly Bean Android version overtook Gingerbread to become the most common version of the OS. Security experts have highlighted the slow update cycle as causing numerous problems outside of the Master Key issue reported by Bluebox. Most recently experts from Trend Micro and Kaspersky said even with the release Android's fragmented nature makes it difficult to fully secure the operating system, making it laborious and costly for security firms to fully support all Android versions. Sursa V3.co.uk
    1 point
  4. Bluebox, o companie de securitate pentru dispozitivele mobile, a anuntat ca a descoperit o vulnerabilitate in programarea sistemului de operare Android. Aceasta eroare extrem de grava le-ar permite hackerilor, conform VentureBeat.com, sa "preia controlul" asupra majoritatea dispozitivelor cu Android lansate in ultimii 4 ani, sa citeasca informatii, datele stocate, sa obtina parolele si sa controleze orice functie a telefonului, inclusiv trimiterea mesajelor, pornirea camerei foto, dar si a apelurilor telefonice. Pe scurt, asta inseamna ca aproximativ 900 de milioane de dispozitive Android sunt in pericol in acest moment. "Aceasta aplicatie tip Trojan are abilitatea de a citi date stocate pe dispozitiv si de a obtine informatii despre conturi", noteaza Jeff Forristal, CTO la Bluebox. Confom acestuia, Google a fost deja anuntat de problema, mai departe informand partenerii producatori, urmand ca in viitorul apropiat mai multe update-uri sa fie lansate pentru a rezolva eroarea Sursa: www.yoda.ro
    1 point
  5. Sincer sa fiu nu stiu PHP dar ma descurc cat de cat atunci cand vad ca imi da eroare cod-ul imi este deajuns sa ma uit la el si stiu ce are sau daca nu intreb pe cineva de pe aici. (Va stiti voi.). Programarea e ca viata cand incepi sa o gusti vrei mult, mult si mai mult si tot asa. Ce sa zic prezentarea ta este ok am inteles ce vrei si detalile de baza cat sa imi fac o inchipuire a ta si a ce o sa faci tu pe parcursul timp-ului alaturi de noi. Ce mai pot zice decat un bine ai venit calduros si nu te lasa intimidat la toti pitpalaci care incearca sa para ca au coaie cand de fapt sau nascut fetite! Bafta si inca odata salut.
    1 point
  6. Am cumparat 3k fani, tranzactia a decurs foarte rapid.
    -1 points
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