Am adunat cateva bucati de cod din wiki-ul pefile (UsageExamples - pefile - Usage examples of pefile - pefile is a Python module to read and work with PE (Portable Executable) files - Google Project Hosting, PEiDSignatures - pefile - Using PEiD signatures - pefile is a Python module to read and work with PE (Portable Executable) files - Google Project Hosting) intr-un script, astfel incat la executia lui sa apara un output gen: Size: 541927bytes MD5: c8260d9531fef36ce1a0369cdb08c39b OEP: 0x48ef89 Packed: True PEiD Signature: [['UPX 2.93 - 3.00 [LZMA] -> Markus Oberhumer, Laszlo Molnar & John Reiser']] Sections: UPX0 0x1000 0x413000 0 UPX1 0x414000 0x7c000 506880 .rsrc 0x490000 0x6000 24064 Imported: KERNEL32.DLL 0x895b74 LoadLibraryA 0x895b78 GetProcAddress 0x895b7c VirtualProtect 0x895b80 VirtualAlloc 0x895b84 VirtualFree 0x895b88 ExitProcess user32.dll 0x895b90 MessageBoxA DB-ul cu semnaturi PEiD poate fi descarcat de aici: , fisierul "UserDB.TXT" trebuie sa fie in acelasi director cu scriptul python. E de la sine inteles ca pentru a putea fi utilizat este necesar sa aveti instalat pefile utilizare: python PEfile Codul sursa: import sys import os import hashlib import re import pefile import peutils try: signatures = peutils.SignatureDatabase('UserDB.TXT') except: print "Lipseste fisierul cu semnaturi: UserDB.TXT" sys.exit() if len(sys.argv) != 2: print """\tRST PEiD file info:\n Utilizare: python executabil""" sys.exit() else: pe = pefile.PE(sys.argv[1]) def hashfile(afile, blocksize=65536): handle = open(afile, "rb") temp = hashlib.md5() while True: data = if not data: break temp.update(data) return temp.hexdigest() print str(sys.argv[1]) print "Size: " + str(os.path.getsize(sys.argv[1])) + "bytes" print "MD5: " + hashfile(sys.argv[1]) print "OEP: " + str(hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint)) print "Packed(Entropy): " + str(peutils.is_probably_packed(pe)) matches = signatures.match_all(pe, ep_only = True) print "PEiD Signature: " + str(matches) print "Sections: " for section in pe.sections: print "\t", section.Name.strip("\x00"), hex(section.VirtualAddress), hex(section.Misc_VirtualSize), section.SizeOfRawData print "Imported: " pe.parse_data_directories() for entry in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT: print "\t", entry.dll for imp in entry.imports: print '\t\t', hex(imp.address), #print "Exported: " #for exp in pe.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT.symbols: # print "\t", hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase + exp.address),, exp.ordinal Daca se plictiseste cineva, poate sa-i adauge si verificarea/extragerea semnaturii digitale