In filmulet veti vedea cum functioneaza! Rata de succes foarte scazuta deoarece pluginul NRPE are un fisier de config care contine allowed_hosts = ca default iar dupa configurare de obicei se pun doar serverele pe care le doreste administratorul! Am intrebat si pe canalul lor de IRC si mi-au confirmat ca doar cei trecuti in allowed_hosts pot da comenzi! Daca cunoaste cineva si lucreaza cu Nagios si NRPE este asteptat aici poate ne invata mai multe chestii cum putem da bypass la allowed_hosts!
Ai dreptate. In tot ceea ce zici. Dar nu imi este clar un lucru: ai peste un miliard si ceri sfaturi pe un forum? Sper sa nu ma intelegi gresit, dar de pe forumuri in proportie de 90% iei sfaturi pe ureche. Daca noi aveam ceva in cap, care este profit 100%, o faceam noi. Inca odata, nu ma intelege gresit, sper sa-ti reuseasca.
Buna seara! Romana mea ii cam rugunita deci o sa va scriu in engleza sperand sa va ajut. So in this forum I have read manny threads and a lot of people have a "bad/mistaken" conception of cracking, basically I want to clear things up. So this is how it works: There are various ways of cracking here is a list: 1. RATing and Keylogging: This are the most worldwide known methods even though RATs have more potential in monetizing your victims has slaves[for installs and such] or minners[for BTC]. They are actually remote adminisration tools[RAT] so you can actually spy someone and discover his pass or use a rat to install a Keylogger. Keylogger: The keylogger is a tool that register the keys a victim uses to log into an account. this are tools that have "specific target" so you can use it to lets say steal your friends password and therfor they are extremly stupid to use in a mass attack. Here are two open source softwares wich you can play arround with to learn some new things: RAT: search for Dark Comet[one of the best you have 30 day trial wichyou can learn a lot and then eventually buy it or try with a FREE rat though free RATs have initiall set-up more difficult than this one(and trust me setting it up for the first time is not easy.)] Well this RAT will be hard to find because it is only on "Hacking forums" While this keylogger is perfectly legal because his purpose is to put it on your PC to monitor if others have acces to it[it is ussualy used by corporations to monitor there employees] BUT this is what hackers do... Now you have to find a way to install on the victims PC and you can use it easily because it will send the log in[email:pass] to a mail wich you will input this one can be found easily anywhere here is one example[there are manny but the more it costs the better it is] please remember this is only to play around to se how it works and to have fun with the code: Jucarii pentru hackerz 2. Acum mergem inspre mai "PRO" A day or two ago I have seen this comment: This comment shocked NO seriously this guy things that if you want to crack into 500 accounts you HAVE to do it manually? WTF I thought Romanian hackers where somwhere I knoe that has good has russians but atleast near russians... that ONE comment made me thing that romanian hackers are nothing more than skids.... O.k. Let's see now oh.. @MadFather: you may bee interest it in this "for educational purpose" This method is calle "Buteforce2 and is based on succes by probability, basically this software will "attack" the site by trying to log in with all the pssible combos of email/pass you input. This has much more steps anyway there are two programms that can help you crack the first one is an opensource that I personally don't use very much cause it to complicated for my point of view though if someone wants to take a look it is called: Hydra[THC] The second one is the one that I use and preffer and it is called Sentry[MBA] this one is an open source to and is very easy to use BUT you will need something I will not give you: 1-list of e-mail/password[sentry has 3 options you can load a list of email:pass or pass:emaill in altenative you can load a list of passwords and a list of emails] There are manny public[that I reccomend to understand how this works but let's be honest with a public one you'll get 2 accounts per day.] 2-A config: Sentry needs a script for the attacking site wich is actually easy to make there are manny tutorials on youtube[those scripts do not work anymore but they are usefull to let you know the basics of this kind of scripting] I find this quite timewasting so personally I prefer paying someone to do it for me because I know people that are very good at doing them[i can do it too but I script them in an hour or more based on the difficulty, cause I am not a programmer, I am actually diplomated in Electronics only had a passion for hacking and discovered a lot of things.... and made a lot of money.. oh.. I actually know a programming lnguage: PLC applicated in Siemens-S7] 3-A list of working proxyes I reccomend another opensource software calle: PoisonProxy This programm will find you proxy's test them and make a list of the working ones[with the details[flag actually] of wich country the proxy is in]. Hope you n00bs had fun reading and had learned that if you wanna do something ion the Internet you need: 1-Hunger for learning and practiceing with love for effort. or 2-Money to make evryone to the job for you. Or both! P.s.- Always make your RATs and KeyLoggers [FUD]crypted has mentioned above you can either try to cypt them yorself or pay someone to do it. *Sursa: forums-CrackForums si prieteni mei affidabil care imi vand scripturi pentr mba si liste mail: Asmoo si RavenShadows. Sper sa nu mai vad commente proaste ca acel citat mai sus. Buna seara!