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  1. BitDefender Internet Security 2014 :D download Text File Download Serials txt Dogefile.com
    1 point
  2. Salutare, aveti idee daca se poate pune auto play la urmatoul cod .... sau la asta, am vazut ca are functia &autoplay=no dar daca pun yes sau true sau 1 tot nu functioneaza .... Alte idei ?
    1 point
  3. Tot astazi Google a lansat si un gadget despre care nu se stia nimic. Se numeste Nexus Player si este un set top box ce ruleaza Android TV. Acest gadget este produs de ASUS, ruleaza aplicatii pentru Android, suporta control vocal si are mai multe accesorii printre care as putea enumera un controller pentru gaming ce costa 40 de dolari sau o telecomanda. De asemenea este primul device ce ruleaza Android TV despre care s-a vorbit mult la I/O. Astfel ca vei putea urmari continut de pe Netflix, Hulu, Food Network, Travel Channel, etc. Pe partea hardware are un procesor Intel Atom quad core la 1.8 GHz, 1 GB de RAM, 8 GB de memorie interna, GPU Imagination PowerVR Seria 6 si este capabil sa ruleze aplicatii pe 64 bit. Se conecteaza la televizor prin HDMI si prin bluetooth la accesorii. Costa 100 de dolari si va fi disponibil din 3 noiembrie. Precomenzile incep din 17 octombrie. Surs?: Google a lansat Nexus Player | Arena IT
    1 point
  4. De unde stiti ca asta nu e o vrajeala sa stranga astia de impart galeti niste bani pentru Campania Electorala?
    1 point
  5. Ba sincer, mie niciodata nu mi-au placut stealerele, eu prefer mai mult RAT...stealerele fura ce ai salvat in browser pe cand cu rat ai si acces si tot odata keylogger. Si nu in ultimu rand iti multumesc pentru el.
    1 point
  6. Dupa cum am mai zis, azi dimineata si aseara am trimis niste mesaje la Libra Bank si cred ca mesajele mele au avut un efect http://s14.postimg.org/p4izmlt6p/Snapshot_2014_10_15_182111.png Au si inchis site-ul )) Pentru treaba asta ar trebuii sa imi multumeasca multi romanii , macar o donatie de 1 euro de la fiecare roman Pisicule lasa ciocu mic http://www.mircea-badea.ro/blog/zoso-ala-care-suna-pe-la-usi-si-fuge/
    1 point
  7. Background freenode is a large IRC network providing services to Free and Open Source Software communities, and in September the freenode staff team blogged about a potential compromise of an IRC server. NCC Group’s Cyber Defence Operations team provided pro bono digital forensic and reverse engineering services to assist the freenode infrastructure team with their incident response activities. In this post we discuss a subset of the information we documented about one of the components involved in the compromise, specifically a Linux backdoor with some interesting functionality and features. One difficulty all attackers face after compromising a system is how to retain control over a long period of time in a stealthy manner. Backdoor tools which listen for incoming connections can be easily identified by a port scan or by listing open sockets. Tools which periodically connect outbound to a server are usually limited to a small number of addresses or a predictable domain generation algorithm. The backdoor discussed in this post avoids these issues by using a novel method for recognising specially generated incoming packets, bypassing most typical host firewalls and enabling the attacker to change IP address without losing access. Articol full (sursa) : https://www.nccgroup.com/en/blog/2014/10/analysis-of-the-linux-backdoor-used-in-freenode-irc-network-compromise/
    1 point
  8. A?a mai merge, FUD din nou. Sper c? nu o s? mai fie multe probleme cu VT. Rog un moderator/administrator s? cure?e topic-ul. Am testat pe Opera ?i nu a furat nicio parol?, am s? verific ?i pe alte sisteme.
    1 point
  9. Coailii Update 1.1 - Suport pentru ultima versiune Firefox - Suport pentru Opera, IE 7/8/9 si Steam Username - FUD din nou. Apasati butonul Update pentru a descarca noua versiune. PHP Panel 1.1: PHP Panel 1.1.rar — RGhost — file sharing Server scan: http://razorscanner.com/result.php?id=605211
    1 point
  10. Norton Internet Security 2014 Norton AntiVirus 2014 Norton 2014 – strong on protection, light on system resources, award winning! It runs quietly in the background to detect and block today’s complex threats and to protect your identity when you buy, bank, or browse online. The friendly and efficient product design helps minimize confusing security and system slowdowns that can get in the way of your online experience. Norton provides essential protection from viruses, hackers, spyware, spam and other privacy threats. A comprehensive set of security tools, Norton helps keep you safe online as you surf and email, swap files, download programs, and chat Dogefile.com
    -1 points
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