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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/15 in all areas

  1. Pentru c? acum câteva zile am avut nevoie s?... scanez un ip pentru port-uri deschise, ?i pentru c? n-am dorit s? folosesc uneltele disponibile deja online, m-am „jucat” un pic. ?i pentru c? „sharing is good”, postez programul ?i codul surs? pentru oricine are nevoie de un scanner TCP multithreaded. Executabilul compilat poate fi desc?rcat aici. Codul surs? (proiect Visual Studio 2013) poate fi desc?rcat aici. Enjoy!
    1 point
  2. La fel ca si mine, juma' de Rst nu il agreeaza pè tk.Dar ala castiga intr-o luna cam cat castigi tu in 20 ani de munca, ca te scoteai ca stai la munca 12 ore si de aia postaezi cacaturi de alea copy/paste,ca esti la munca si te plictisesti.
    1 point
  3. Ai gre?it forumul. Stai o s?pt?mân? pe tu?? iar dup? ce revii treci pe la regulament.
    1 point
  4. I think i'll choose "The future security of all smart devices" like eye scanning, voice recognition and finger print. A smart anti-virus with artificial intelligence which has the abillity to decide in case of an cyber attack to save data on local storage(SD card),wipe data and shutdown the device or disconnect from internet, searching the breach and repair it.Nowadays are invented the smart tvs, how would be to watch something then someone gain control to your TV and change what you are watching to porn, how would you feel.Apple smart watch ($17,000) with the capabillity to receive calls would be intercepted and someone is listening to your calls would be a dirty thing, right? You can write about this if you want. Nr#1 Kronzy
    1 point
  5. Salut eu sunt alex si sunt nou.:D Traiesc aici in Germania si ma bucur ca mam inregistrat.am 16 ani. Sunt si eu pasionat de IT am inceput sa invat HTML si vreau sa invat mai departe. daca ma puteti ajuta cumva.!! Eu tot am incercat sa fac un cont la Filelist dar nam reusit. Si stiu ca nu mai se pot da Invitatii . daca vreti doar:-/
    -1 points
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