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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/16 in all areas

  1. --[ Tools and Basic Reverse Engineering --[ Extended Reverse Engineering --[ Introduction to Memory Corruption --[ Shellcoding --[ Format Strings --[ DEP and ROP --[ Secure Systems and Game Console Exploitation --[ Address Space Layout Randomization --[ Heap Exploitation --[ Misc Concepts & Stack Canaries --[ C++ Concepts and Differences --[ Kernel Exploitation --[ Exploitation on 64bit, ARM, Windows --[ Automation & The Future of Exploitation http://security.cs.rpi.edu/courses/binexp-spring2015/
    4 points
  2. PHP 7 was released on 03 Dec 2015, and so many people have not yet started using or learning about the awesome features it has. I wrote this post to give a breakdown of the features released with PHP 7 for those that have not yet learnt about them and even if you know it, you might still learn something from this post. Rasmus Lerdorf(creator of PHP) claims that apps running PHP 7 performance is improved by 100% or more. Memory usage is lower also, so if you are running a lot of servers, PHP 7 is an essential upgrade. One of the big changes in PHP 7 is the refactored ZEND Engine(PHPNG) which is now faster, memory usage reduced and a “green” version of PHP which makes you run less hardware to run your code. Link: http://chikemgbemena.com/2016/10/29/php-7-in-depth-look/
    2 points
  3. Ce nisa e pagina, poate un link si niste poze cu statistici te-ar ajuta sa vinzi.
    1 point
  4. E fain, dar încă slăbuț pe pachete. Dacă ai nevoie de ceva trebuie să recompilezi din sursă tot. Oricum, promite. De ar fi avut si suport mai bun pe multithreading/multiprocessing era de vis.
    1 point
  5. ...azi maine or sa stea astia cu Cd-uri la colt de strada sa vanda iarba... ..si uite asa am mai pierdut minute importante din viatza mea ascultand la Idoser asta...
    1 point
  6. salut tocmai am aflat ca btcxchange.ro a vandut compania lor la alti si va fi disponibila pe 14 noiembrie 2016 , si sunt trist deoarece nu pot sa astept dupa propietarii cei noi pana pe 14 si vroiam sa stiu ce platforme mai EXISTA in romania ca asta cu 0 % comission sau cu un comission mai mic
    -2 points
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