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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/17 in all areas

  1. Hi all, while surfing various IRC Channels, i have come across a list of very useful links, courses to get into hacking URL: https://ghostbin.com/paste/j858d There are courses for computer basics, hacking, programming and many more Good luck in your long journey of learning!
    3 points
  2. Hi all, there is a website that I found where you can practice your website hacking skills. There are 50 vulnerabilities to be found, this website goes along with the courses from my previous course where I provide a URL with a plethora of courses The URL of this website: http://hackyourselffirst.troyhunt.com/ Good luck.
    1 point
  3. Pe redhat majoritatea subdomeniilor daca nu erai logat si intrai pe o pagina unde necesita logarea redirect ul se facea prin service-now care avea un parametru prin GET vulnerabil. Nu am mai gasit poza exacta, am facut o poza dupa video ul de poc. La sap.com la.fel era un XSS prin GET, postez poza diseară cand ajung. Ambele raportate, rezolvate si ca recompensa am luat hof pe ambele. La redhat m au pus sa aleg in care vreau la service now sau redhat😂
    1 point
  4. Duration: 6 months Rate: £500 per day - Linux Kernels - Docker Kernels - Linux Containers - The Complete production transition from Infra through to Containers & Automation etc Pm pt mai multe detalii!
    1 point
  5. Daca ai postat aici un anunt, vorbeste aici nu prin alte mijloace ! Ai Private Message si aici , nu vad rostul e-mailului !
    1 point
  6. Suite for Information Gathering written in python 3.5. This tool automates some steps of Information Gathering from a target The module Google Hacking uses the tool: Google Hack Database Tool automatically. This module has been modified to be compatible with python 3.5. Installation pip install -r requirements.txt If you want to use nmap customized mode, you must install it in your computer. Usage Just write: python maxrecon.py. Don´t forget using sudo if you want to use the nmap feature. Download: https://github.com/santidediego/MaxRecon
    -2 points
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