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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/18 in all areas

  1. M-am jucat putin cu https://www.captionbot.ai/Home/Magic -> https://www.captionbot.ai/ si e interesant, cel putin din punct de vedere al securitatii. De exemplu, bagati https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/141110204938-kim-jong-un-horizontal-large-gallery.png prin captionbot. In 5-10 ani trecand imagini CCTV din centrul Londrei si detectand starea de spirit a populatiei intr-o anumita zona sau dupa ce vad o anumita reclama.... Combinat cu pozele si informatiile din social media (gen scandalul Cambridge Analytica) si poti afla aproape in timp real cum se simte o persoana suspectata de exemplu ca ar pregati atentate. Sa vezi daca merge spre depresie, (analiza faciala mai avansata decat captionbot dar poate fi bagat in machine learning, etc)
    4 points
  2. Security researchers have discovered a massive continuously growing malware campaign that has already infected nearly 5 million mobile devices worldwide. Dubbed RottenSys, the malware that disguised as a 'System Wi-Fi service' app came pre-installed on millions of brand new smartphones manufactured by Honor, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, Vivo, Samsung and GIONEE—added somewhere along the supply chain. All these affected devices were shipped through Tian Pai, a Hangzhou-based mobile phone distributor, but researchers are not sure if the company has direct involvement in this campaign. https://thehackernews.com/2018/03/android-botnet-malware.html
    1 point
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