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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/18 in all areas

  1. Gala Forbes 30 sub 30 2018. Cei mai influenți tineri au fost premiați la Gala Forbes 30 sub 30 Într-o atmosferă de excepție, peste 700 de invitați au participat la Face Club Bucharest la cea de-a șaptea ediție a Galei Forbes 30 sub 30. Eveniment deja cu tradiție, această gală îi premiază pe cei mai remarcabili tineri dintr-o arie largă de domenii, de la business, sport și artă, până la avocatură sau IT Pornit de la modelul de succes internațional FORBES 30 UNDER 30, ediția românească, FORBES 30 SUB 30, este un proiect care radiografiază mediul de business al tinerilor lideri sau antreprenori, aducându-i în prim-plan pe aceia care au reușit să rupă clișee, să facă o diferență pozitivă în societate. Din 2012, Forbes România a început să spună poveștile de succes ale unor tineri cu vârsta de sub 30 de ani. În cadrul galei, Forbes România i-a premiat pe cei mai reprezentativi tineri din generațiile anterioare care s-au remarcat prin evoluția frumoasă în cariera sau business-ului lor. [...] – Andrei Avădanei – Inițiator Defcamp [...] Felicitari @Andrei Articolul complet il gasiti aici: https://www.forbes.ro/gala-forbes-30-sub-30-2018-cei-mai-influenti-tineri-au-fost-premiati-la-gala-forbes-30-sub-30-115137
    2 points
  2. Salutare tuturor, Iata si cel de-al 2-lea CrackMe pentru Android. Imi pare rau pentru delay... sarbatorile de Pasti si altele :D. Nu difera cu mult de primul, insa unii cred ca vor invata o nuanta a platformei. Anyway, let's get started... CrackMe 0x02 Reguli: Va rog, NU POSTATI flag-urile direct in topic; Comentati cu "Done" la finisarea challenge-ului; Fiecare flag m-il trimiteti prin mesaj privat; Dificultate: Incepator; Link download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A0gsXeK6u97TjJtZnOq2sbkmQsvrdg-7 Checksum: [SHA-256] 44dee3a03b189418dca4bc20550037d03d4ddaea1709d1ac6ee5c99084afc9ac, [MD5] b3cd0dce4d2fe3652e5997e4de3e8096; VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/44dee3a03b189418dca4bc20550037d03d4ddaea1709d1ac6ee5c99084afc9ac/detection P.S. In caz ca aveti intrebari adresati-le direct in comentarii! Completed by: N/A
    1 point
  3. Resource Hacker – has been designed to be the complete resource editing tool: compiling, viewing, decompiling and recompiling resources for both 32bit and 64bit Windows executables. Resource Hacker™ can open any type of Windows executable (*.exe; *.dll; *.scr; *.mui etc) so that individual resources can be added modified or deleted within these files. Resource Hacker™ can create and compile resource script files (*.rc), and edit resource files (*.res) too. Viewing Resources: Cursor, Icon, Bitmap, GIF, AVI, and JPG resource images can be viewed. WAV and MIDI audio resources can be played. Menus, Dialogs, MessageTables, StringTables, Accelerators, Delphi Forms, and VersionInfo resources can be viewed as decompiled resource scripts. Menus and Dialogs can also be viewed as they would appear in a running application. Saving Resources: Resources can be saved as image files (*.ico, *.bmp etc), as script files (*.rc), as binary resource files (*.res), or as untyped binary files (*.bin). Modifying Resources: Resources can be modified by replacing the resource with a resource located in another file (*.ico, *.bmp, *.res etc) or by using the internal resource script compiler (for menus, dialogs etc). Dialog controls can also be visually moved and/or resized by clicking and dragging the respective dialog controls prior to recompiling with the internal compiler. Adding Resources: Resources can be added to an application by copying them from external resource files (*.res). Deleting Resources: Most compilers add resources into applications which are never used by the application. Removing unused resources can reduce an application’s size. http://www.angusj.com/resourcehacker/
    1 point
  4. Plagius is a desktop plagiarism checker software that analyzes documents looking for suspected plagiarism by searching on the internet or in local files. It is a tool to help in the hard task of finding plagiarism, allowing you to easily find sentences copied directly from websites or other files in your computer. Plagius examines documents of various formats (Word, PDF, OpenOffice, HTML, RTF, plain text…) and displays detailed reports, informing the references found, the frequency of occurrences on the Internet and the percentage of suspected plagiarism. https://sharewareonsale.com/s/free-plagius-professional-100-discount
    1 point
  5. As before, the CrackMe is dedicated to malware analysts and to those who want to practice becoming them. That’s why it is not just a set of some abstract riddles, but an exercise that walks through selected tricks that were used in real malware. (Expect some original schemes designed just for this game, too.) Of course, all is demonstrated on harmless examples, but we still recommend you use VM for reversing it so that it will not interfere with any antivirus protection. Rules of the contest There are two CrackMe contests: Capture the flag. The first three submitted flags win. The flag should be submitted along with (minimalistic) notes about the steps taken to find it. (No detailed write-up is required.) Best write-up. The write-up will be judged by its educational value, clarity, and accuracy. The author should show his/her method of solving the CrackMe, as well as their level of understanding of the techniques used. The write-up submission contest closes three weeks after capture the flag. Submissions to both contests should be sent to my Twitter account: @hasherezade. Each of the four winners will get a prize: a book of his/her choice and some Malwarebytes swag. At the end of the contest, I will publish my own solution, made from the point of view of author. All the submitted write-ups will be linked. Asking questions I want the contest to be fair to everyone, so I will not be answering any questions in private. However, if you are stuck, please don’t hesitate to post your question in the comments section of this post, and I will answer as soon as possible. The questions can be also answered by other participants. Giving false clues or teasing beginners will result in a ban—please respect fair play. The application The application is a Windows executable. It was tested on Windows 7 and above. You can download it here. Have fun! Sursa: https://blog.malwarebytes.com/security-world/2018/04/malwarebytes-crackme-2-another-challenge/
    1 point
  6. Ma poate ajuta cineva cu un good link, ca sa pot downlada si eu acest material!
    -1 points
  7. daca vreti vreun hack ptr jocuri din Appstore de pe iphone lasa-ti un comentariu cu jocul pe care vreti sa il rupeti
    -1 points
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