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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/18 in all areas

  1. Salutare, Daca sunteti interesati de Retelistica (Cisco CCNA) va invit sa urmariti aceste tutoriale si sa aplicati conceptele prin laboratoarele incluse [1] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVJZsdei_i2G3ZimBzqcmeg [2] https://ramonnastase.ro Spor la treaba !
    2 points
  2. Bine v-am regasit. Ma intorc acasa, cu dorinta de a gasi un ajutor din partea comunitatii. Din respect pentru cei mai avansati, nu am sa va cer detalii specifice, ci doar indrumare. Dupa ce am defenitivat micul proiect cu bios-ul, acum ma intorc pentru un nou proiect. Va rog sa imi intelegeti discretia in detalii. Incerc sa ma joc cu Snort .Monitorizez traficul eth1->eth0 , creez logurile in alert.log si aplic o lista de reguli. Cum pot face ca snort sa creeze log in sistem/kernel/consola daca minim 5 reguli au fost incalcate in interval de 24 de ore? Ma gadeam la un mic script care sa monitorizeze alert.log. (tali. -vf /snort/logs/alrert.log). Dar nu stiu cum sa declar numarul minim de reguli si intervalul. In alte cuvinte nu stiu sa scriu scriptul (sunt prost). Ce recomandati ,sa incerc sa creez scriptul extern? Ca un mic executabil care sa monitorizeze alert.log? Sau ca o regula interna care sa monitorizeze celelate reguli? Daca il creez ca script extern, in ce il scriu? Daca il creez ca regula, cum o scriu? Ar trebui sa fac referire la config.cfg unde am lista de reguli. Din motive de OS nu pot folosi barnyard. Sunt blocat intre batch scripting , python, pearl si cam atat. Incerc sa tin totul cat mai basic. Ma bate porcul nasos. AJUTOR!!!!
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Image: byrev / Pixabay If you wanted an exhaustive reference for all the command line tools and utilities available in Windows, "/h" was as good as it got. Well, that was until last month, when Microsoft published a whopping big PDF with information on every single terminal command the operating system has to offer. The document, released on April 18, comes in at 4.6MB and 948 pages and covers the following platforms: Windows Server (Semi-Annual Channel) Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Even though Windows 7 is absent, it's fair to say a lot of the commands should work on the older OS. The reference isn't just limited to commands — it also contains tips for configuring the command prompt window, as well as changes you can make to the Registry to enable and disable features, such as filename / directory completion. Best of all, hyperlinks embedded in the file for each command jump directly to online documentation, so you can always check out the most up-to-date content. This does however raise the question: why have a gigantic reference PDF in the age of online documentation? I guess if you print it out, it makes for good toilet reading material? Windows Commands Reference [Microsoft, via Bleeping Computer] Sursa: https://www.lifehacker.com.au/2018/05/microsoft-publishes-massive-948-page-pdf-with-every-windows-terminal-command-you-could-ever-need/
    1 point
  5. Laptopul de pe care scriu acum (un HP 8570w) a avut aceleasi simptome. Se aprindeau led-urile insa ecranul ramanea negru. Nici cu display extern nu functiona. Am schimbat placa video si acum functioneaza fara probleme. Vezi daca modelul tau stie sa functioneze si pe placa integrata. De exemplu al meu nu stia. Daca da, scoate-o pe cea dedicata.
    1 point
  6. h4x0r-ul... vrea sa dea deface la ReSeTe.. :))
    1 point
  7. vii cu miloaga si te intrebi de ce esti luat la misto
    1 point
  8. ma intereseaza ceva free prietene macar avast & windows defender ( 10 ) bypass atat ai ceva skype unde putem vorbii mai multe?
    -1 points
  9. nu nu sunt Terex dar ma intereseaza sa criptez un RAT macar pt antivirusurile astea Defender pt win 10 avast si malwarebytes am vazut pe YouTube ca este posibil dar nu am de unde sa dau 70$-100$ pe un crypter
    -1 points
  10. I am interested in downloading PB Ultimate Suite, but a premium license is required ($14 per month). Any kind of help would be much appreciated! Congrats for your great forum! Regards
    -1 points
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