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  1. Ala cred e fratele vostru de aici :))) kfollow si celalalte 20 de nicknames
    3 points
  2. InfoG is a Shellscript used to gather information about a target. It allows the ethical hacker to gather information during the initial phases of a penetration test. The tool has many features. Some are as follows: Check Website info Check Phone info IP Tracker Check Valid E-mail Check if site is Up/Down Check internet speed Check Personal info Find IP behind Cloudflare Find Subdomains Port Scan (Multi-threaded) Check CMS Check DNS leaking Let’s Get Started! First, we need to install the tool by typing the following command: git clone https://github.com/thelinuxchoice/infog Then we change directory to infog by typing the following command: cd infog Now, we want to see the content of the directory, so we type the following command: ls Your screen should look like that: Then we run the tool by typing the following command: bash infog.sh The tool will start, and your screen should look like that: Then, we have a look at the options that are offered by the tool. You can choose any option of your choice. As a first test, we are going to check whether the website is up or down. So we type: 5 The tool will prompt us to enter the target website. You can type any website of your choice (where you are authorized to do so). In our case, we type: www.certifiedhacker.com The tool will run the test and will return the results. Your screen should look like that: The remote host is up. As shown in the above screen shot, the tool printed Site is Up ! Let’s try another test Now, we want to check the open ports of a given website. Again, we type: bash infog.sh then we select option 12 by typing: 12 After selecting the option, the tool will prompt us to enter the host. So we enter the following: www.certifiedhacker.com The tool will ask us if we want to scan a single port or a port range. We select port range, by typing the following: 2 Then, the tool will prompt us to enter the range of the ports that we would like to scan. In our case, we want to scan from port number 1 to 1000. So we type: 1-1000 Then the tool prompts us to enter the number of threads. The tool’s default is 10. So we keep it at 10 by typing the following: 10 If you successfully managed to follow the steps, your screen should look like that: Then our scan will start. And your screen should look like the following screenshots: In the above screenshots, the tool is scanning different ports, and it is flagging out the open ones as the scan progresses. At the end of the scan, the tool will give us a summary of the discovered open ports. In our case, the scanner printed the following: There are many other features and options to explore within this tool. Sursa: https://latesthackingnews.com/2019/05/13/infog-v1-0-an-open-source-information-gathering-tool/
    1 point
  3. Salut, detin un Samsung s7 edge si a inceput sa mearga cam greu si am decis sa il schimb. 1. Sa cumpar s10e sau s10 (plus mi se pare prea mare si inutil) 2. Sa trec la iPhone, insa bugetul imi permite maxim 8 plus (desi in reviewuri am observat ca si 7 plus e aproape identic schimbarile fiind nesemnificative) Voi ce recomandati din experienta voastra nu din auzite ca nu imi este util, deoarece si eu am tot citit reviewuri. Mentionez si ca vreau un telefon care sa ma tina 1 an jumate cel putin, nu ca dupa cateva luni sa il schimb ca merge greu (ceea ce am observant ca se plang multi cu iPhone ca dupa upgrade in loc sa mearga mai bine merge tot mai greu) Ce fac eu cu telefonul? - facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, skype, browsing zilnic deci sa nu moara bateria dupa 4 ore -am nevoie si de camera sa scoata pozele ok si sa pot filma cu el - legat de bateria la acest capitol nu-mi pasa ca daca trebuie sa fac poze/filmez am bateria externa cu mine
    1 point
  4. Voiam intr-un timp sa intru pe seria iPhone dar e nu e aceeasi chestie. Nu poti face la fel de multe lucruri ca pe un Android indiferent de ce telefon ai. Nu te mai lua dupa toti youtuberii si toate cacaturile auzite de pe net. Poti merge intr-un magazin sa incerci telefoane la rand si cel care iti place il iei. Eu cand mi-am cumparat Note am facut-o fara a ma uita daca are defecte si chestii pe care unii le scot in fata. Mergi pe ce iti place cel mai mult. Din partea mea iti recomand un S10 si ai sa vezi ca filmarile lui doar o camera le intrece.
    1 point
  5. Pentru filmari 4k si poze e cel mai potrivit S10/+ Eu am Note9 si inca-s multumit de pozele si filmarile pe care le scoate, mai ales bateria. Mi se pare seria Note mult mai avansata decat S. Ti-as recomanda unul dar sunt mari, parerea mea. Eu am palma foarte mare si imi permite sa il tin lejer in mana si sa pot scrie in acelasi timp.
    1 point
  6. După ce faceți muncă pe 2 lei, mai luați și țeapă. Bravo, așa meritați.
    1 point
  7. Le vinde, vechituri ordinare pe 50 de lei :)))
    1 point
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