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  1. Link: https://github.com/EdOverflow/can-i-take-over-xyz Este un repository pe GitHub ce contine discutii/lista cu CDN-uri sau alte servicii de web hosting, susceptibile la sub-domain take-over.
    3 points
  2. Synopsis: Blog series about Alex Matrosov and Alexandre Gazet joint Black Hat research "Breaking Through Another Side: Bypassing Firmware Security Boundaries from Embedded Controller" presented last week in Vegas. Link: https://medium.com/@matrosov/breaking-through-another-side-bypassing-firmware-security-boundaries-85807d3fe604 Via:
    2 points
  3. Maday.conf ( https://www.mayday-conf.com ) este prima conferinta internationala de cyber security din Cluj Napoca (24-25 octombrie) iar RST este community partener al evenimentului. Acest eveniment s-a nascut din pasiunea pentru security si isi doreste in primul rand sa ajute la dezvoltarea oamenilor care sunt interesati de acest domeniu. In timpul evenimentului o sa aiba loc prezentari referitoare la ultimele tehnici folosite de pentesteri, de Incident Responders dar si lucruri precum identificarea TTPs folosite de catre atacatori. Mai mult, in cadrul evenimentului o sa avem CTF-uri cu premii, exercitii cyber dar si workshop-uri. Pentru a primi notificari in timp real va puteti abona la newsletter pe www.mayday-conf.com, follow la pagina de Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/MayDayCon ) / Twitter ( https://twitter.com/ConfMayday) sau intra pe grupul de Slack ( https://maydayconf.slack.com/join/shared_invite/enQtNTc5Mzk0NTk0NTk3LWVjMTFhZWM2MTVlYmQzZjdkMDQ5ODI1NWM3ZDVjZGJkYjNmOGUyMjAxZmQyMDlkYzg5YTQxNzRmMmY3NGQ1MGM) Acum urmeaza surpriza... Pentru ca "sharing is caring" organizatorii ofera membrilor RST 10 vouchere de acces pentru ambele zile. Acestea pot fi obtinute printr-un private message catre Nytro (care sa includa o adresa de email) pana la data de 1 septembrie iar selectia se va face in functie de urmatoarele criterii: - numarul de postari pe forum - numarul de like-uri si upvote-uri primite pe postari - proiecte publicate in forum - vechimea pe RST URL: https://www.mayday-conf.com
    1 point
  4. Series Overview This series is intended for readers who are interested in reverse engineering, but have only opened a debugger a handful of times. If you have trouble with certain concepts of reverse engineering, tooling, disassembly or debugging then you’ve come to the right place. Starting from the ground up we’ll work our way to advanced topics that aid in automating the reversal process such as heuristic analysis using a disassembly engine, and return oriented programming. If you’re new it’s recommended you start from the first article and work your way through the series, as it’s meant to guide you through the intricacies of the architecture and operating system structures. This series does expect the reader to have prerequisite knowledge of a native programming language such as C, C++, Rust, etc. Native meaning compiled to a native machine language, as opposed to interpreted. I do not cover reverse engineering Java Byte Code. If you don’t have a background in a compiled programming language this series may be confusing and esoteric. Otherwise, you’re in good hands! This series is written for reverse engineering on a 64-bit Windows OS. Windows 10 will be the OS that the author is working in, and all examples will be relevant to Windows 10 and the Intel64/AMD64 architecture. You’ll certainly be able to take what you learn from this series and apply it to other architectures and operating systems, however, you’ll have to adapt to any changes present on those platforms. Also worth noting that I will address 64-bit Assembly in detail with a small subsection regarding 16-bit and 32-bit assembly to help solidify the readers understanding of x64 Assembly. All that being said, if you’re familiar with reverse engineering and interested in a specific topic then feel free to skip around, and visit the sections you find most interesting! It’s by no means linear, but if you’re starting out going in order will be much less confusing. Note: The documentation referenced will be the Intel and AMD SDM, among other books, articles, and blogs. I’ve decided for this series that, in order to reduce the length of my articles, I’m going to cover topics in their own separate post. They will be linked here so they’re easy to find from the main navigation bar on the left side of the site. Link: https://revers.engineering/applied-reverse-engineering-series/ Via:
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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