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  1. Pe networking pot sa-ti spun eu pentru ca in domeniul asta lucrez. Este la fel ca orice alta ramura din tech. Ai joburi de inceput, unde faci sa zicem Level 1 Support, deschizi tickete, faci niste verificari minimale pe echipamente, iei legatura cu oamenii din teren, field engineers, si cam asta in mare parte. Urmaresti ticketul de la inceput pana la sfarsit insa te apropii foarte putin de tehnic. Practic este o secretara care are un limbaj dezvoltat pe networking. Asta ar fi incepator. Ca posturi poti gasi diferite denumiri, care fac acelasi lucru: NOC Engineer, 1st Level Support, IT Help Desk, NMC Engineer (Network Monitoring Center). La medium, sunt inginerii care pot trata singuri cap coada un ticket. Care au acces deplin pe echipamente si pot sa aduca diferite modificari / imbunatatiri retelei. Ai nevoie de un minim CCNA, ideal CCNP, dar depinde de firma bineinteles. La avansat treaba este mai complicata si este foarte vast. Aici deja se imparte in echipe de Switching si echipe de Routing. Dupa care poti sa te bagi ori pe Routing & Switching, ori pe Security, strict de networking. Aici fara CCNP si probabil putin descurcaret nu prea poti face fata. Vorbim totusi de arhitecti de retea si alte lucruri. Am prieteni care au CCIE-ul si fac WAN-uri in Germania si Olanda. Sa faci chestia asta, nu prea poti fara ani de experienta si sa fii dedicat. Ce zice Nytro are dreptate. Posturi de networking pur nu-s foarte multe in Romania dar si cele care sunt concureaza cu centre din afara. Cum ar fi Cisco Systems, Datanet, GTS Telecom si lista mai poate cuprinde multe alte firme. La partea de certificari eu ce am invatat dupa atatia ani este ca: nu conteaza certificarea, ci ceea ce stii. Dar nu prea ai cum sa stii multe daca nu ai certificare. E gen o mana spala pe cealalta. Daca iei cap coada un CCNP R&S ai sa vezi sa gasesti scenarii cu care te intalnesti poate odata pe an in real world, dar atunci cand te intalnesti, esti stapan pe tine. De inceput cred ca poti incepe cu un Comptia Network+ dar repet, de inceput. Daca vrei ceva mai nisat, poti merge cu certificarile de la Cisco. Strict vorbind pentru certificarile Cisco, dupa ce am facut ccna si ccnp si cochetez asa... sfios si timid cu CCIE-ul, este asa: La CCNA e ceva gen: wow, nice, uite ce este internetul. La CCNP e ceva gen: uite, asta poate face un router si asta poate face un switch. Iar la CCIE iti dai seama ca nu stii nimic de networking.
    2 points
  2. Eu zic ca merita si ajuta mult pe partea de "defence". E foarte utila in pozitii de SOC sau asemanatoare. Cred ca ar fi o adaugare buna la cunostiintele de networking/servere pe care le ai deja. CISSP incearca sa acopere cat mai mult si doar la suprafata, e utila pentru pozitii de management dar nu e chiar asa "hands-on".
    1 point
  3. Vai mama mea, 2020 si inca o mai iubiti pe diavola "Am terminat cu cacaturile,," Scan 1234 Ai mama mea in 2020 ipv4
    1 point
  4. Buna ziua ma numesc Vasile. Doresc sa imi depun CV-ul Aptitudini: -mysql: nivel: medium; -php: nivel:: junior; -perl: nivel: junior; Pula mea vrei sa iti facem noi portofoliu?!
    1 point
  5. Two Romanian hackers namely Bogdan Nicolescu and Rady Miclaus will be spending 20 and 18 years respectively in prison for infecting 400,000 computers with cryptominers and stealing sensitive financial and credential data. The duo is said to have stolen millions of dollars from countless unsuspected users. Both the accused are members of the infamous Romanian hacking group called Bayrob. Nicolescu was the group leader whereas Miclaus served as the co-conspirator. The third accused, Tiberiu Danet, is also a member of the same group. In November 2018, Danet pleaded guilty to eight of the charges and will be sentenced on January 8, 2020. See: Dutch Police Nabs Romanian Gang for Stealing $590K worth of iPhones According to the official press release, the duo was found guilty of 21 counts of money laundering, wire fraud, identity theft, and malware development for mining bitcoin and monero cryptocurrencies through utilizing host computers’ resources apart from other crimes. “These sentences handed down today reflect the dynamic landscape in which international criminals utilize sophisticated cyber methods to take advantage of and defraud, unsuspecting victims anywhere in the world,” said FBI Special Agent in Charge Eric Smith. “Despite the complexity and global character of these investigations, this investigation and prosecution demonstrate the commitment by the FBI and our partners to aggressively pursue these individuals and bring justice to the victims.” The Bayrob Group was founded in 2007 and operated actively until the apprehension and extradition of its key members, including the group leader Nicolescu, in 2016. This group operated from the outskirts of Bucharest and carried out different hacking and malware campaigns including spam emails loaded with dangerous Trojans sent as harmless messages from renowned firms and enterprises. The emails mostly contained attachments hiding the Bayrob botnet, and were sent from the IRS, Norton, and Western Union. As soon as the user clicked on the attachment, the computer got infected with the malware, and all the installed malware protection tools got disabled while access to websites of law enforcement agencies was also blocked. The attackers copied the email contacts of the victim through the malware and sent the infected emails to them as well. Through the botnet, the Romanian hacker group managed to steal $4 million. Moreover, the group also developed crypto miners to mine for Bitcoin and Monero and scan and transfer the victims’ crypto wallet ownership along with the funds. They also stole personal data from the infected computers including credit card information, login credentials, and usernames/passwords on different websites. Furthermore, the malware enabled the system to register AOL accounts, which were used to send more malicious emails. The duo got 100,000 email accounts registered through this method and subsequently sent out tens of millions of infected emails. They also replaced legitimate websites like eBay with fake replicas and when the victim accessed these websites, they were tricked into entering their credentials to the fake webpage instead of the authentic ones. It did not end here; the group also used eBay for their nefarious objectives. The duo placed over 1,000 fake listings of motorbikes and automobiles on eBay and uploaded malware-infected images on these listings. Users who clicked on the images were redirected to fake eBay ordering pages where the victims were encouraged to pay for the items. A person was hired to play the role of fictional eBay Escrow Agent whose only job was to collect the money from the victim and transfer it to the hacker duo. “These sentences handed down today reflect the dynamic landscape in which international criminals utilize sophisticated cyber methods to take advantage of and defraud, unsuspecting victims anywhere in the world,” added Special Agent Smith. Source https://www.hackread.com/20-years-prison-romanian-hackers-infected-computers/
    1 point
  6. Ti-am lasat o poza + explicatii. Nu iti atasez codul pentru copy paste, in schimb iti ofer explicatii la aproape fiecare linie de cod
    1 point
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