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  1. Exploiting VLAN Double Tagging April 17, 2020 We have all heard about VLAN double tagging attacks for a long time now. There have been many references and even a single packet proof of concept for VLAN double tagging attack but none of them showcase a weaponized attack. In this blog Amish Patadiya will use VLAN double tagging technique to reach a VLAN and exploit a vulnerability on a server which resides on another VLAN using native Linux tools creatively and demonstrate an actual exploitation using VLAN double tagging. But first the basics. What is VLAN? Before diving into the concept of VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) Tagging, it is important to understand the need for VLANs. When we create a network, there will be numerous hosts communicating with each other within that network. VLANs allow flexibility of network placement by allowing multiple network configurations on each switch allowing end point devices to be segregated from each other even though they might be connected on the same physical switch. For larger networks, VLAN segregation also helps in breaking broadcast domains to smaller groups. Broadcast domain can be considered as a network where all nodes communicate over a data link layer. In a VLAN network, all packets are assigned with a VLAN id. By default all the switch ports are considered members of native VLAN unless a different VLAN is assigned. VLAN-1 is a Native VLAN by default and the network packets of native VLAN will not have a tag on them. Hence, such traffic will be transmitted untagged in the VLAN network. For example, if we try to communicate to a host on VLAN network, the network packet will have VLAN tag (ID: 20 is the tag in this case) as shown in Figure: What is VLAN Double Tagging? Before understanding the exploitation, let’s have a quick overview of VLAN double tagging. The figure below shows a network diagram which is kind-of self-explanatory: Note that the attacker is in VLAN-1, a native VLAN which will be required for the double tagging attack, and the victim server is in VLAN-20. Server has a local IP address “” which is not accessible from attacker’s machine “kali-internal” on VLAN-1 as shown in Figure below: Attacker’s machine has two interfaces and “eth2” is connected on the VLAN-1 network. Figure below shows the network configuration of interface “eth2”: When it comes to VLAN exploitation Yersinia is the tool of choice. Yersinia provides a Proof of Concept (PoC) using ICMP packet. We have replicated a PoC using Yersinia for sending ICMP packets, and is shown in below Figure: Let’s confirm VLAN double tagging on each link on the network. The Figure provided below shows traffic captured on link “1” which connects VLAN-1 network and router “R1”. The figure shows the ICMP packet for address “” with dual 802.1Q VLAN tags: Figure below shows the traffic captured on link “Trunk” which connects router “R1” and router “R2”. When VLAN traffic passes through the Trunk, all native VLAN packets are transmitted without tags i.e. untagged, hence this attack can only be performed from native VLAN network. Here in this case, the VLAN-1 tag got removed and the packet only had the VLAN-20 tag. Now, the traffic is on VLAN-20 network and therefore the VLAN-20 tag was removed by router “R2” as shown in Figure below which also shows traffic captured on link “2” connecting router “R2” and victim server: Lets try to replicate the same attack using native Linux tools. Double Tagging Using Native Tools We will leverage vconfig utility available in all Linux machines. Using this utility we could create an interface which allowed us to send double tagged packets to the network. We have written a script detailing each step as shown in figure below to help configure your network to double tag real-time traffic of your machine: Here we have used 802.1Q kernel modules to allow tagged packet transmission. The virtual interface “eth2.1” is created using vconfig which automatically tags packets with VLAN id 1. Another interface “eth2.1.20”,which tags packets with VLAN id 20, is created on “eth2.1” resulting in double tagging of the outgoing packet. On executing this script you get following output: To test our configuration for double tagging on real time traffic. Let’s ping the victim server “” as shown in below Figure: We can see the traffic captured on link “1”, which has ICMP packets sent to victim server getting double tagged: The traffic captured on link “2” confirms that the packets also reached the victim server: This confirms our ability to transmit actual traffic to another VLAN. Now let’s try to weaponize the attack. Weaponizing double tagging To weaponize this we started with TCP traffic and immediately hit a roadblock, this made us revisit our fundamentals. Taking a stepwise approach to understand the problem, we started a server on the victim machine as shown in Figure: On the attacker machine we ran a simple “wget” to access content of the web server hosted on the victim server as shown below: It can be seen that wget could not find the web server. This is not because of the double tagging misconfiguration. It is because “HTTP” uses TCP protocol and TCP requires a 3-way Handshake to initiate connection. While requesting a wget it will first attempt to establish a full TCP 3-way handshake before the actual communication. Figure below shows the traffic, captured on link “2”, which shows the “SYN” packet sent from attacker machine to victim server: As the victim is a member of VLAN-20, the response packet from the victim will have a tag VLAN-20. Since the attacker is a part of VLAN-1, a different VLAN, the attacker will not receive any response from the victim. VLAN double tagging attack is a one-way communication, the attacker machine will not receive any “SYN-ACK” packet to complete a 3-way handshake as shown in Figure: To demonstrate, we tried to communicate with the victim on TCP port 8080 and the network status on the attacker’s machine is “SYN_SENT” as shown in Figure: On the victim’s machine, the network status for this request packet is “SYN_RCV” as shown in Figure: Meaning the “SYN-ACK” sent by the victim never reached the attacker on another VLAN. This supports the conclusion for now that we cannot attack a TCP service on another VLAN. What about UDP services? There are multiple services running on UDP ports , and UDP ports most of the time go unnoticed in engagements. As UDP is a connectionless protocol it does not require any handshake. It sends the data directly so we can send packets to any UDP service on another VLAN. To demonstrate the attack we used a “Log4j” server having vulnerability CVE-2017-5645 in UDP mode. Figure below shows that “Log4j” service is listening on UDP port “12345” on the victim server: To verify the success of our attack, we will try to create a file with the name “success” at location “/tmp/” on the victim server. Figure below lists current contents of “/tmp/” on the server: “Log4j” service accepts logs in serialized format, we make use of Ysoserial tool to generate a serialized payload and run the payload to execute the attack on the victim server on the mentioned port as shown below. On analysing the traffic on Wireshark we confirmed that the UDP payload reached VLAN-20 network: The payload reached the victim server and created a file named “success” at location “/tmp/” as shown in below Figure: Now, let’s take a shell, However we are again stuck with one way communication limitation. We can overcome this limitation by leveraging a publicly hosted server (let’s say kali-Internet). We started a listener on server “kali-Internet” on port “32323” over the internet as shown in Figure: We create a serialized payload using ysoserial which sends the shell to “kali-Internet”. After payload is executed on the victim server, we get the shell over the internet. Doing a quick cat on “/etc/hostname” of the server it reads “Victim__[eth0:_10.0.20.11/24]”, which is our victim server, as shown in below Figure: And this is how we can use the VLAN double tagging technique for actual exploitation of UDP services. TCP attack revisited Once we were able to exploit UDP service we wanted to revisit TCP and see if anything could be done, so we ran some tests. The section below is purely an adventure into wonderland and we are making assumptions to see if anything could be done. The first major hurdle in our path was that the 3-way handshake couldn’t be completed. Let’s delve deep into the handshake and understand the bottleneck. We setup the following: Start a listener on victim machine Start traffic capture at victim machine Sent a wget request from attacker machine We can see in traffic capture that the SYN packet is received and a SYN-ACK packet is sent from victim machine with “Seq=2678105924” and “Ack=2082233419”, however, as described already this doesn’t reach the attacker. We can validate this by looking at the netstat output on the attacker machine, the connection is in SYN_SENT status. This got us thinking what if we emulate the SYN ACK, would the server then send a full request to the victim. So we tested this using a utility called Hping3: This indeed resulted in a connection being established, as can be seen below: Now as the connection is established per attacker, the attacker goes ahead and sends an HTTP request, This is duly received and captured at the victim end. This shows that, if we can grab valid “Seq” and “Ack” values, a successful TCP connection could be established and an attack on TCP service could be possible. However this attack would have been super easy if the RFC 6528 was not in existence (https://www.rfc-archive.org/getrfc.php?rfc=6528). This RFC implements TCP sequence and Ack numbers randomized at protocol level itself. However we wanted to put this out in open so that if anyone wants to go down this path they have some details of what people have attempted so far. Limitations Following prerequisites are needed to perform VLAN double tagging attack: Attacker must be on native VLAN network. Attacker should have following information about the victim server: VLAN information of server. Vulnerable UDP service and port. Remediation Never use native VLAN for any network. By default VLAN-1 is native VLAN. If deemed necessary change the native VLAN from VLAN id 1 While configuring a VLAN network configure endpoint interfaces clearly as access ports. Always specify allowed VLAN ids per trunk, never allow all VLAN traffic to pass through any trunk port. References https://cybersecurity.att.com/blogs/security-essentials/vlan-hopping-and-mitigation https://packetlife.net/blog/2010/feb/22/experimenting-vlan-hopping/ https://tools.kali.org/vulnerability-analysis/yersinia https://serverfault.com/questions/506488/linux-how-can-i-configure-dot1addouble-tag-on-a-interface https://www.rfc-archive.org/getrfc.php?rfc=6528 Sursa: https://www.notsosecure.com/exploiting-vlan-double-tagging/
    2 points
  2. Sursa: https://github.com/enkomio/shed/blob/master/README.md Shed is an application that allow to inspect the .NET runtime of a program in order to extract useful information. It can be used to inspect malicious applications in order to have a first general overview of which information are stored once that the malware is executed. Shed is able to: Inject a .NET Assembly in a remote process (both managed and un-managed) Extract all objects stored in the managed heap Print strings stored in memory Save the snapshot of the heap in a JSON format for post-processing Dump all modules that are loaded in memory Download Source code Download binary Using Shed Shed is a command line tool. To display all available options run: shed.exe --help Inspecting an already running application In order to inspect an already running process you have to pass the pid to Shed. Example: Shed.exe --pid 2356 Inspecting a binary In order to inspect a binary, Shed needs to execute it and to attach to it in order to inspect the runtime. Example: Shed.exe --exe malware.exe You can also specify the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before to suspend the process. This will allow the program to have the time to initialize its properties. Example: Shed.exe --timeout 2000 --exe malware.exe Injecting an Assembly in a remote process With Shed is possible to inject a .NET Assembly in a remote process thanks to the ManagedInjector Library. In order to do so, it is necessary to specify the pid of the process and the exe to inject. Once that the Assembly is injected is possible to activate it by invoking a specific method. The rules to identify the method are inherithed by the ManagedInjector project and are the following: You must specify the full method name to invoke (eg. this.is.my.namespace.class.method) You can inject an executable that defines an EntryPoint method to execute (like a Console project) You can define a method with the following signatue: <public|private> static void Inject() For example, to inject the Assembly InjectedAssembly into the process with pid 1234, you have the run Shed with the following command: shed.exe --pid 1234 --exe InjectedAssembly.dll --inject With the --method option you can specify a method, from InjectedAssembly.exe to invoke. Find below an example of execution: Dumping options By default Shed dump both the heap and the modules. If you want only one of that specify the --dump-heap option to dump only the objects in the heap or the --dump-modules to dump only the modules. Dumping the heap can produce a lot of information which are not strictly useful for the analysis. You can filter it by using two files: blacklist.txt this file contains the type names prefix that must not be logged whitelist.txt this file contains the type names prefix that must be logged even if blacklisted For example, if you want to filter all the System.IO namespace but you are interested in logging System.IO.MemoryStream, you can add the first value to blacklist.txt and the second one to whitelist.txt. Examples In the Examples folder you will find three different projects that you can use in order to test Shed. Example: Shed.exe --exe ..\Examples\ConfigurationSample\ConfigurationSample.exe When the analysis is completed, Shed will print where you can find the result, as shown below: [+] Result saved to C:\Shed\Result\7800 Build Shed If you have installed Visual Studio, just run the build.bat batch file, it will create a zip file inside the build folder. License information Copyright (C) 2017 Antonio Parata - @s4tan License: GNU General Public License, version 2 or later; see LICENSE included in this archive for details.
    2 points
  3. Mare atentie, mai ales astazi, pe youtube circula niste live stream-uri cum ca Robert Kiyosaki (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPPgYUYL3eY) sau Steve Wozniak (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsif-dmgCHs) ar da gratis 5000/10000 BTC. Astea sunt scam-uri. Avoid Robert Kiyosaki 5000 BTC scam (1FFzZCnrwUcS7gVoC25P7Tp8mMdD1rqd9L), Steve Wozniak 10000 BTC scam (16vDMjXdQg85tE6yZkET1dzYQhYMskth94). Scam links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dsif-dmgCHs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPPgYUYL3eY http://wozniakbtc.org https://telegra.ph/Steve-Wozniak-Foundation-5000-Bitcoin-Giveaway-Airdrop-05-07 Daca mai identific alte link-uri postez aici. Pentru a vedea cati oameni au fost scamati pana acum: https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/16vDMjXdQg85tE6yZkET1dzYQhYMskth94 https://www.blockchain.com/btc/address/1FFzZCnrwUcS7gVoC25P7Tp8mMdD1rqd9L
    1 point
  4. An Undisclosed Critical Vulnerability Affect vBulletin Forums — Patch Now May 11, 2020Mohit Kumar If you are running an online discussion forum based on vBulletin software, make sure it has been updated to install a newly issued security patch that fixes a critical vulnerability. Maintainers of the vBulletin project recently announced an important patch update but didn't reveal any information on the underlying security vulnerability, identified as CVE-2020-12720. Written in PHP programming language, vBulletin is a widely used Internet forum software that powers over 100,000 websites on the Internet, including forums for some Fortune 500 and many other top companies. Considering that the popular forum software is also one of the favorite targets for hackers, holding back details of the flaw could, of course, help many websites apply patches before hackers can exploit them to compromise sites, servers, and their user databases. However, just like previous times, researchers and hackers have already started reverse-engineering the software patch to locate and understand the vulnerability. National Vulnerability Database (NVD) is also analyzing the flaw and revealed that the critical flaw originated from an incorrect access control issue that affects vBulletin before 5.5.6pl1, 5.6.0 before 5.6.0pl1, and 5.6.1 before 5.6.1pl1. "If you are using a version of vBulletin 5 Connect prior to 5.5.2, it is imperative that you upgrade as soon as possible," vBulletin said. Though there was no proof-of-concept code available at the time of writing this news or information about the vulnerability being exploited in the wild, expectedly, an exploit for the flaw wouldn't take much time to surface on the Internet. Meanwhile, Charles Fol, a security engineer at Ambionics, confirmed that he discovered and responsibly reported this vulnerability to the vBulletin team, and has plans to release more information during the SSTIC conference that's scheduled for the next month. Forum administrators are advised to download and install respective patches for the following versions of their forum software as soon as possible. 5.6.1 Patch Level 1 5.6.0 Patch Level 1 5.5.6 Patch Level 1 Have something to say about this article? Comment below or share it with us on Facebook, Twitter or our LinkedIn Group. Sursa: https://thehackernews.com/2020/05/vBulletin-access-vulnerability.html
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