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Multumim tuturor care au participat la concursul CTF! De asemenea multumim tuturor celor care au creat exercitii! Clasamentul final poate fi vazut aici: https://ctf.rstcon.com/scoreboard - Locul I - adragos (3000 RON) - Locul II - Kayn (2000 RON) - Locul III - edmund (1000 RON) Castigatorii au fost contactati pentru oferirea premiilor. Exercitiile CTF vor mai ramane online o perioada (1-2 saptamani): https://ctf.rstcon.com/ Mentionez ca exercitiul Windows PWN nu a fost rezolvat, prima persoana care o va rezolva va primi un premiu bonus de 1000 RON. Statistici: - 78 de persoane inregistrate - 32 au rezolvat cel putin un exercitiu - 25 au rezolvat probabil cel mai usor exercitiu (Steago) Asteptam parerile voastre referitoare la CTF dar si la exercitii. De asemenea sper ca la anul sa avem mai multi participanti si mai multe exercitii.3 points
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Scripts/Enumeration.py at master · MistSpark/Scripts · GitHub Pentesting Links Penetration test lab "Test lab" | Pentestit CTF365 - Capture The Flag | Security Training Platform [PentesterLab] PentesterLab Pro Mainsequence - Exploit Exercises OverTheWire: Natas Level 0 Welcome [Root Me : Hacking and Information Security learning platform] Pentester Academy: Learn Pentesting Online AttackDefense Labs: Pentester Academy Attify Store - Offensive IoT Exploitation | Attify Store Flex Center // Infosec Skills :: Home Reverse Engineering GREM IT and Information Security Cheat Sheets GIAC GREM Certification | Reverse Engineering Malware Cheat Sheet for Analyzing Malicious Software Reading The_Evolution_of_TDL.pdf Detecting DNS Tunneling Two's Complement VirusTotal Learn to Develop with Microsoft Developer Network | MSDN GitHub - ytisf/theZoo: A repository of LIVE malwares for your own joy and pleasure. theZoo is a project created to make the possibility of malware analysis open and available to the public. 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Exploit writing tutorial part 1 : Stack Based Overflows | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 2 : Stack Based Overflows – jumping to shellcode | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 3 : SEH Based Exploits | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 3b : SEH Based Exploits – just another example | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 4 : From Exploit to Metasploit – The basics | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 5 : How debugger modules & plugins can speed up basic exploit development | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 6 : Bypassing Stack Cookies, SafeSeh, SEHOP, HW DEP and ASLR | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 7 : Unicode – from 0x00410041 to calc | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 8 : Win32 Egg Hunting | Corelan Team Exploit writing tutorial part 9 : Introduction to Win32 shellcoding | Corelan Team Reverse Engineering and Binary Exploitation Series | PWNTHEBOX! 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