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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/23 in all areas

  1. In 2019 we celebrated the 10th edition with 3 stages packed with interesting briefings & panel discussions for the 2000+ security experts, developers, decision makers, entrepreneurs, members of the academia and private and public sectors from all around the world. In 2020 we had a COVID-19 break and for 2021 we moved fully online. In 2022, DefCamp returned onsite, in Bucharest, and brought together more than 1,600 participants from over 30 countries. The turnout in such large numbers and the enthusiasm of the participants stood as a powerful motivation to continue strengthening the infosec community and creating a meaningful learning and networking experience. As a result, we are now preparing for the 2023 edition with lots of enthusiasm and energy while we set up the logistics to meet once again with the community under the same roof, in Bucharest. Detaii: https://def.camp/ Bilete: https://def.camp/tickets/ Ne vedem acolo! ❤️ Important: pe 15 creste pretul la bilete.
    1 point
  2. Salut, sunt multe astfel de mizerii care se intampla pe net. Ma mir ca mai merg. Pe principiul asta faceau romanii bani pe ebay acum 15 ani. Educatia e importanta. Daca cineva are incredere si trimite bani "random" unei persoane de pe net, isi cam merita soarta. DAR, e o buna metoda prin care invata. Faptul ca ai postat aici e un lucru util ca vad si alte persoane scenariul si o sa fie pregatite. Platformele ar trebui sa faca ceea ce face OLX, sa tina comunicatia intern si sa ofere mesaje de avertizare pentru useri.
    1 point
  3. CentOS e mort... mai bine incepi cu o alta distributie ca mai incolo sa nu fi nevoit sa migrezi
    1 point
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