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Everything posted by kznamst

  1. Care e rezolvare ca ma ucide curiozitatea? Am incercat in in alte moduri si tot segmentation fault imi da. Multumesc Edit: Daca declari o variabila de tip char in main si ii dai ca valoare sirul ala. Iar apoi apelezi functia ca : removeString(variabila, 4, 6); merge. Totusi sunt interesat si de rezolvarea pe care ai gasit-o tu
  2. Am o invitatie care expira in 3 ore, care e interesat sa imi zica acum.
  3. Mai aveam una care am trimis-o deja pe la 4, va anunt daca nu o foloseste si o dau altcuiva. Am mai dat una zilele trecute, dar nu a fost folosita si a expirat.
  4. Scuze de dublu post. UPDATE: Mai am 4 invitatii
  5. Cum treceti de sectiune "Identity"? Imi zice ca "There are no supported documents for the chosen country" .
  6. I-am dat claim si a urcat din nou la 24 de ore. Deci, daca o vrea cineva sa ma anunte.
  7. Mi-a venit o invitatie pe mail, mai e valabila 16 ore. Daca vrea cineva o dau gratis
  8. sudo apt-get a life
  9. Freenom.com sau pe godaddy iti iei un .com cu 4 lei.
  10. Tin sa te contrazic, sunt foarte multe intrebari stupide, iar daca le razpunzi gresit iti va iesi comportament agresiv/impulsiv etc. Multe intrebari ca in exemplul de mai sus cu musca.
  11. La ofiteri: Te inscrii la Sediul din orasul tau. Dupa te trimit la un spital militar(pierdere de timp, doar la ochii e serios). Apoi vine proba psihologica si cea sportiva. Psihologica: 6 teste de inteligenta, cronometrate(nu ti se spune timpul) 2 teste de personalitate (230 intrebari + 130 intrebari) La testul de personalitate trebuie sa minti pe rupte, ca altfel nu il treci. (EX : Ai ucis vreodata o musca care te enerva? Sa pui ca te enervezi foarte greu, ca iei initiativa tot timpul intr-un grup) Astea sunt si la subofiteti si SGP. Apoi proba sportiva : Traseu + rezistenta. PS: Acum s-au schimbat lucrurile, in functie de rezultat la testele psihologice ei te repartizeaza : Arme de sprijin, sanitar, etc (erau mai multe categori)
  12. Atunci ramane google-ul.
  13. Google is your friend. How to Get a Free .edu Address for Student Discounts
  14. E ceva de genul : Fac un ebook: "Cum sa faci bani online" Scriu in ea : "Creeaza un ebook 'Cum sa faci bani online' in care sa scrii 'Creeaza un ebook ..etc' si incepe sa-l vinzi".(recursiva treaba) Asta era pe HF.
  15. Vad din de in ce mai multe anunturi de tip: Am zis hai sa vad despre ce e vorba si am trimis mail. Dupa cateva minute am primit un mail cu un pdf: Aici aveti fisierul VT Si nu inteleg care e chestia cu anunturile astea, am citit pdf-ul ala si te pune sa cauti litere puse aiurea, dupa care le trimiti lor(nu am mai facut asta). La inceput ma gandeam ca a folosit un pdf exploit, dar habar n-am. Stie cineva care e treaba cu anunturile astea? PS: E plin facebook-ul de anunturi de acest tip, la fel si publi24. PPS: Sau mai sunt cu : "Trimite CARTE la adresa xxx"
  16. @Sveratus https://rstforums.com/forum/101936-servicii-vps-hosting-pentru-btc.rst
  17. Ai facut postul la misto?
  18. @siur citeste si opreste-te pana nu ajungi rau de tot.
  19. .
  20. Google's acquisition of Android, the mobile operating system maker, was miniscule at an estimated $50 million. But the deal eight years ago turned out to be a huge coup that ultimately served as the foundation for Google's Android operating system now used in 75% of all smartphones and more than half of all tablets sold. Photo: Shutterstock “Stagefright” is one of the worst Android vulnerabilities to date. So listen: Can I have your number? Can I have it? Can I? Have it? Um…maybe not. Actually, you should think twice before giving away your cell phone number—especially if you happen to own a phone that runs on Google’s Android operating system. That’s the only thing a hacker needs to compromise a handset. A mobile security researcher has uncovered a flaw that leaves as many as 95% of Android devices—that’s 950 million gadgets—exposed to attack. The computer bug, nicknamed “Stagefright” after a vulnerable media library in the operating system’s open source code, may be one of the worst Android security holes discovered to date. It affects Android versions 2.2 and on. Should a hacker learn someone’s cell phone number, all it takes is for that person to send a malware-laced Stagefright multimedia message to an affected phone in order to steal its data and photos or to hijack its microphone and camera, among other nefarious actions. Worse yet, a user might have no idea that his or her device has been compromised. Joshua Drake, vice president of research and exploitation at the mobile security firm Zimperium zLabs, says an attacker can delete the message before a victim has any idea. “These vulnerabilities are extremely dangerous because they do not require that the victim take any action to be exploited,” he writes on his company’s blog. “Unlike spear-phishing, where the victim needs to open a PDF file or a link sent by the attacker, this vulnerability can be triggered while you sleep. Before you wake up, the attacker will remove any signs of the device being compromised and you will continue your day as usual – with a trojaned phone.” When Drake reported the severe vulnerabilities along with potential fixes to Google GOOG 0.73% in April (as well as another set May), the company, he writes, “acted promptly and applied the patches to internal code branches within 48 hours.” That doesn’t mean the problem is resolved, however. As Forbes reporter Thomas Fox-Brewster writes, device manufacturers will still need to push the updates out in order to safeguard their customers. Google’s major Android partners, which include phone-makers like LG, Lenovo LNVGY -5.20% , Motorola MSI -1.33% , Samsung SSNLF -3.23% , and Sony SNE -1.33% were not immediately available to comment. (Fortune has reached out to these handset makers. We will update this when we hear back.) An HTC HTC 0.00% spokesperson responded: “Google informed HTC of the issue and provided the necessary patches, which HTC began rolling into projects in early July. All projects going forward contain the required fix.” Drake praises the security firm Silent Circle, based in Geneva, Switz., which makes the Blackphone handset, for its quick response protecting users since it released PrivatOS version 1.1.7. He also praises Mozilla, maker of the Firefox web browser, for including fixes since version 38. “We applaud these vendors for prioritizing security and releasing patches for these issues quickly.” “This is Heartbleed for mobile,” said Chris Wysopal, chief tech and information security officer at the application security firm Veracode. These vulnerabilities “are exceedingly rare and pose a serious security issue for users since they can be impacted without having clicked on a link, opened a file or opened an SMS.” Drake plans to present his research at the Black Hat and Def Con security conferences in Las Vegas next month. So, um, can I have your number? Update — Google told Fortune: We thank Joshua Drake for his contributions. The security of Android users is extremely important to us and so we responded quickly and patches have already been provided to partners that can be applied to any device. Most Android devices, including all newer devices, have multiple technologies that are designed to make exploitation more difficult. Android devices also include an application sandbox designed to protect user data and other applications on the device. Update July 28, 2015 — Google Nexus told Fortune: As part of a regularly scheduled security update, we plan to push further safeguards to Nexus devices starting next week. And, we’ll be releasing it in open source when the details are made public by the researcher at BlackHat. (You can read more about Android security from Adrian Ludwig, Google’s lead Android security engineer, here.) Samsung told Fortune: Protecting our consumers’ privacy is our top priority, and we work hard every day to safeguard our valued Samsung users. Google notified us about the issue, and we are working to roll-out the software update as soon as possible. Samsung encourages users to keep their software and apps updated, and to exercise caution when clicking on an unsecure mail or link. Motorola told Fortune: After Google informed us in late June, we’ve been working to integrate, test and deploy the patches. It has been included in many of our recent Lollipop upgrades for current products and we’ll include it in the remaining planned Lollipop upgrades as soon as possible. All of our products being announced on July 28 will have the patch integrated into the software. Sursa: HF - Stagefright: MMS Text Message Can Hack Android Phones - Fortune
  21. Dupa cum am citit aici, astazi e lansarea oficiala, in VR. Intrebarea mea e urmatoarea: Stie cineva cum poti obtine o invitatie pentru a achizitiona un telefon? LE: Aici!
  22. Acum sunt reduceri pe Noaptea devoratorilor de preturi, poate e cineva interesat. PS: Merita sa arunci un ochi, poate gasesti ceva mocaieli. LE: Daca gasiti ceva interesant lasati aici un link.
  23. Sursa: How to validate a credit card with your mind - 9GAG
  24. 81
  25. kznamst


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