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  1. @Hubba, nu cumva ti-a dat astea ? Desi e vechi dar posibil.
  2. Multumim.
  3. Product Description Your hard disk could be faster! Normal tasks like copying files or opening images takes you ages? SuperEasy Live Defrag is your hard disk professional that cleans your hard disk fully automatically and restores performance immediately. Why SuperEasy Live Defrag? You have the impression that your PC gets slower and slower? SuperEasy Live Defrag helps your hard disk find information faster and cleans the hard disk so that access times are reduced dramatically. The program relieves you of all the work and automatically ensures that no more fragmentation occurs. Functions at a glance Fully automatic background monitoring Real-time hard disk analysis Easy and uncomplicated operation Weekly statistics Expanded options for advanced users Energy check for notebooks SSD-hard disk protection Timer for defragmentation tasks Intelligent, resource-saving algorithm Simultaneous defragmentation of several hard disks Support for external USB hard disks Full RAID hard disk support Instant results Accelerates the opening of files, images, videos and music Removes fragmentation Accelerates the packing and unpacking of files Accelerates video editing Accelerates the start of your PC Accelerates copy procedures Top reasons for SuperEasy What you get with every SuperEasy program Repeatedly awarded software Computer magazines and experts worldwide recommend our programs. Useful software SuperEasy programs “made in Germany” meet the highest quality demands. 1-click technology Thanks to intelligent automatism you get results with but a few clicks. Easiest operation No previous knowledge required for operating the software. Free support Registered users get free E-mail support. High satisfaction Customers in more than 81 countries already use our programs. Free updates Users of our programs get program updates free of charge. Guaranteed virus-free All SuperEasy programs are 100% safe and virus-free. Product Homepage Here -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED!
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  5. Tot maxim 3 poti pune si trebuie sa le scoti pe ale tale. Poti sa aduni si 10k dar in momentul in care iti face plata poate sa-ti dezactiveze cont-ul din motivul "x" ( din propria experienta )... Ai grija, nu te juca cu ei.
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  10. Product Description With NeatMP3 Pro you can merge, organize, rename and edit the tags of your audio files in a single processing session. Just select a set of audio files, choose the way in which your files will be organized and renamed from a wide set of commonly used predefined patterns, select the location where you want your files to be moved and you’re ready to go. Get a perfectly organized music collection in just three easy steps. If the audio files that you are trying to organize have incomplete or invalid tags NeatMP3 Pro will automatically take care of them by removing the invalid tags and searching online for the missing tags. Windows version: Mac version: Want to manually edit your tags? No problem! NeatMP3 Pro also allows manual and batch id3 tag editing and offers support for Unicode characters. NeatMP3 Pro supports all the commonly used audio file formats (MP3, OGG, FLAC, WAV, MPC, AIFF, ASF, MP4) and also benefits from additional features like output preview, file search, saving the current setting as profiles for later use, logging, deleting the source photos after processing and even allows you to play the songs that you are organizing. All these features combined make NeatMP3 Pro a very useful music organizing tool that every music enthusiast should have. Supported OS: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8) / Mac OS X (Snow Leopard, Lion, Mountain Lion, Mavericks) System Requirements: Pentium or compatible processor at 1 GHz, 256 MB RAM, sound card Features: songs that have the same artist, genre, year or combinations of these attributes like year/artist, genre/artist/year or any other combination you would think of Edit the tags of MP3, OGG, FLAC, WAV, MPC, AIFF, ASF or MP4 files Support for Unicode characters Support for the mp3, mp4, wav, flac, aif, asf, ogg, mpc, spx and wv file extensions Automatically search online for missing tags Automatically fill missing tags by extracting them from the original file’s name Automatically erase invalid tags Rename your original files using tag information and get rid of the annoying “Track X.mp3? files Add individual files or entire folders (with sub-folders) to the organize/edit list Select the destination folder of your organized files Delete the original files after the organized files have been moved to the destination folder Play audio files so that you can easily identify the artist and title of a song Save your settings as profiles for later use Save a log file with all your processing information Batch tag editing Organize songs by Album and Album/Artist Drag and drop files directly to the list of audio files Real-time preview of the currently selected file’s output path Search for songs with a specific file extension and add the to the list of audio files Support for the m4a, wav and wave file extensions Free updates to all the future versions of the software Product Homepage Here -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED!
  11. Full Title: Gruparea Carbanak a furat 1 miliard de dolari de la 100 de institutii financiare din lume Kaspersky Lab, INTERPOL, Europol si alte institutii de aplicare a legii din mai multe tari si-au unit eforturile pentru a descoperi planul de atac al infractorilor din spatele unei operatuni de furt cibernetic fara precedent. Aproximativ 1 miliard de dolari americani au fost furati de la mai multe institutii financiare din lume, intr-un interval de 2 ani. Expertii sustin ca in spatele acestui atac se afla un grup de infractori cibernetici din mai multe tari (Rusia, Ucraina, alte tari din Europa precum si China) Gruparea Carbanak, responsabila de acest furt de mare amploare, a utilizat tehnici preluate din arsenalul atacurilor cu tinta predefinita. Aceasta operatiune marcheaza inceputul unei noi etape din evolutia infractiunilor cibernetice, prin care infractorii sustrag bani direct de la institutiile bancare, fara a mai ataca utilizatorii individuali. Incepand cu anul 2013, infractorii cibernetici au atacat aproape 100 de banci, sisteme de plati online si alte institutii financiare din aproximativ 30 de tari. Aceasta operatiune este inca activa in prezent. Conform datelor Kaspersky Lab, atacurile Carbanak au vizat si organizatii financiare din Romania. Printre celelalte tari atacate se numara Rusia, SUA, Germania, China, Ucraina, Canada, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Franta, Spania, Norvegia, India, Marea Britanie, Polonia, Pakistan, Nepal, Norocco, Islanda, Irlanda, Republica Ceha, Elvetia, Brazilia, Bulgaria si Australia. Expertii estimeaza ca cele mai mari sume de bani au fost sustrase prin furturi bancare de cate 10 milioane de dolari. In medie, fiecare sesiune de furt bancar dura intre doua si patru luni, de la infectarea primului computer din reteaua interna a bancii, pana la sustragerea finala a sumei de bani. Intial, infractorii cibernetici accesau computerul unui singur angajat prin spear phishing, infectandu-l cu malware-ul Carbanak. Ulterior, infractorii cibernetici accesau reteaua interna si depistau computerele de supraveghere video. Astel, acestia puteau vedea si inregistra toata activitatea de pe ecranele angajatilor care se ocupau de sistemele de transfer de bani. Astfel, infractorii cibernetici au descoperit toate detaliile activitatii functionarilor bancari si au reusit sa ii imite pentru a transfera bani si pentru a-i incasa. Cum erau furati banii: In momentul in care infractorii cibernetici urmau sa incaseze banii obtinuti in urma atacurilor bancare, acestia utilizau sisteme de online banking sau sisteme de plata online pentru a transfera banii din conturile bancare ale utilizatorilor in propriile conturi. Ulterior, banii furati erau depozitati in banci din China sau America. Expertii nu elimina posibilitatea ca infractorii cibernetici sa fi depozitat bani si in alte banci din alte tari. In alte cazuri, infractorii cibernetici atacau mecanismul sistemelor de contabilitate, infland suma din conturi inainte de a incasa sumele aditionale de bani prin tranzactii frauduloase. De exemplu, daca intr-un cont se aflau 1.000 de dolari, infractorii cibernetici ii schimbau valoarea in 10.000 de dolari si ulterior transferau cei 9.000 de dolari in conturile personale. Utilizatorul contului nu suspecta nimic deoarece suma initiala de 1.000 de dolari se afla in continuare in cont. In plus, infractorii cibernetici obtineau control asupra ATM-urilor bancare si le programau sa scoata bani la o ora prestabilita, iar unul dintre agentii grupului se afla acolo pentru a-i colecta. „Aceste atacuri bancare au fost neobisnuite deoarece pentru echipa de infractori cibernetici nu conta care era software-ul utilizat de banci,” a declarat Sergey Golovanov, Principal Security Researcher in cadrul Global Research and Analysis Team din Kaspersky Lab. „Astfel, chiar daca software-ul bancar era unic, acesta nu garanta protectie deoarece atacatorii nu au fost nevoiti sa acceseze serviciile bancare: in momentul in care atacau reteaua, acestia reuseau sa isi mascheze activitatile frauduloase prin actiuni legitime. A fost o operatiune de furt cibernetic foarte simpla si inteligenta”, a explicat Sergey Golovanov. „Aceste atacuri demonstreaza, din nou, faptul ca infractorii cibernetici vor exploata orice vulnerabilitate din orice sistem,” a avertizat Sanjay Virmani, Director in cadrul Digital Crime Centre, din INTERPOL. „Atacurile arata si faptul ca niciun sector de business nu se poate considera imun la atacuri cibernetice si ca este necesar sa se preocupe constant de procedurile de securitate cibernetica. INTERPOL-ul lucreaza cu Kaspersky Lab pentru a ajuta atat sectorul public cat si sectorul privat sa se protejeze mai bine de aceste amenintari in plina dezvoltare”, a declarat Sanjay Virmani. Kaspersky Lab recomanda tuturor organizatiilor financiare sa isi scaneze cu atentie retelele interne si sa caute malware-ul Carbanak, iar in cazul in care il descopera, sa raporteze agentiilor de aplicare a legii. -> Sursa: Gruparea Carbanak a furat 1 miliard de dolari de la 100 de institutii financiare din lume
  12. O solutie de securitate performanta, pentru protectie impotriva programelor digitale malware, fraudelor online si infractorilor cibernetici, face parte din pachetul de baza al oricarui computer. Un lucru la fel de important pentru utilizatori este protectia tranzactiilor de online banking. Computer Bild (numarul 04/2015), cea mai mare revista de IT din Germania, a analizat opt pachete de securitate in cel mai recent test comparativ. Pentru aceasta a colaborat cu laboratoarele de testare independente AV-Test si AV-Comparatives si au fost testate peste 180.000 de programe malware. Rezultatul: G DATA INTERNET SECURITY este liderul de necontestat in materie de protectie pentru online banking. Datorita tehnologiei unice BankGuard, suita de securitate este eficienta, in timp real, chiar si in fata amenintarilor necunoscute. Organizatorii au premiat detectia cuprinzatoare, care a detectat si oprit 99,9 % din toate programele malware – chiar si atunci cand nu a existat o conexiune directa la Internet. Cea mai buna protectie pentru online banking “In timpul tranzactiilor de online banking, suita G DATA ofera protectie chiar si atunci cand malware-ul nu poate fi detectat in totalitate. Aceasta monitorizeaz? RAM-ul si previne orice manipulare a datelor de plata. Drept urmare, G DATA este singura companie care a reusit obtinerea unui procentaj de top.” Organizatorii au mai adaugat: “Solutia este ideala pentru perioadele in care sunteti in miscare sau cand acoperirea retelei wireless este slaba: Chiar si fara o conexiune la Internet, software-ul de securitate detecteaza aproape toate programele malware si furnizeaza o protectie exemplara” a fost concluzia Computer Bild in cel mai recent test comparativ in care au fost verificate opt solutii de securitate. Protectie perfecta: G DATA INTERNET SECURITY G DATA Internet Security ofera protectie impotriva virusilor si troienilor, pentru computere si date cu caracter personal, si include un firewall eficient. Aceasta inseamna ca utilizatorii de Internet beneficiaza de cea mai buna protectie impotriva tuturor pericolelor – fie la trimiterea de e-mailuri, la efectuarea operatiunilor online bancare sau surfing pe net. Caracteristici de top pe scurt: Cea mai buna protectie impotriva virusilor si altor tipuri de malware Tehnologia BankGuard pentru online banking in siguranta Protectie instantanee pentru e-mailuri, inclusiv cu criptare SSL Protectie AntiExploit impotriva programelor malware ce exploateaza vulnerabilitati din software-urile instalate Protectie automata AntiKeylogger, protectie in timp real independenta de semnaturile de virusi, fara nicio pierdere de performanta Protectie impotriva hacking-ului prin intermediul unui firewall sigur Protectie AntiSpam impotriva reclamelor nedorite si e-mailurilor de tip phishing Suport tehnic gratuit -> Sursa: COMPUTER BILD: G DATA OFERA CLIENTILOR CEA MAI BUNA PROTECTIE PENTRU ONLINE BANKING
  13. Full Title: Expertii Kaspersky Lab au descoperit predecesorul programelor Stuxnet si Flame – cel mai periculos malware ca tehnici si instrumente utilizate Expertii Kaspersky Lab din cadrul echipei Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) monitorizeaza cu atentie, de ani de zile, peste 60 de grupuri de atacatori responsabile de multe dintre amenintarile cibernetice avansate la nivel global. Insa, abia acum, cercetatorii Kaspersky Lab pot confirma ca au descoperit o grupare mult mai evoluata decat tot ce a fost descoperit anterior – Equation Group, care este activa de aproape doua decenii. Incepand cu 2001, Equation Group a infectat mii sau zeci de mii de victime din peste 30 de tari la nivel global, vizand tinte din urmatoarele sectoare: institutii guvernamentale si diplomatice, telecomunicatii, industria aeronautica, energie, cercetare nucleara, industria de petrol si gaze, armata, industria nanotehnologiei, activisti si studenti islamici, presa, transporturi, institutii financiare si companii care dezvolta tehnologii de criptare. Grupul Equation utilizeaza o infrastructura complexa de comanda si control (C&C) care include peste 300 de domenii si peste 100 de servere. Serverele sunt gazduite in mai multe tari, printre care se numara: SUA, Marea Britanie, Italia, Germania, Olanda, Panama, Costa Rica, Malaesia, Columbia si Republica Ceha. In prezent, expertii Kaspersky Lab au preluat controlul asupra a catorva zeci de servere de comanda si control (C&C) din cele 300 descoperite. Pentru a infecta victimele, infractorii cibernetici utilizeaza un arsenal puternic de malware. Echipa GReAT a recuperat doua module care permit atacatorilor sa reprogrameze firmware-ul din hard disk-urile mai multor dezvoltatori cunoscuti. Acesta este probabil cel mai puternic instrument utilizat de grupul Equation, fiind primul malware care poate infecta hard disk-uri. Prin reprogramarea firmware-ului de pe HDD (rescrierea sistemului de operare intern al hard disk-ului), grupul Equation atinge doua obiective: Dobandirea de acces persistent, nefiind influentat de formatarea hard disk-ului sau de reinstalarea sistemului de operare. Daca malware-ul infecteaza firmware-ul, poate fi activ la infinit si poate preveni stergerea unui anumit segment al disk-ului sau il poate inlocui cu un segment periculos in timpul pornirii sistemului. „Atunci cand hard disk-ul este infectat cu acest malware, este imposibil ca aceasta infectie a firmware-ului sa fie identificata,” a declarat Costin Raiu, Director Global Research and Analysis Team din cadrul Kaspersky Lab. „Pe scurt, pentru cele mai multe hard disk-uri exista mecanisme care pot scrie in zona firmware-ului, dar nu exista mecanisme care le pot citi. Acest lucru inseamna ca suntem practic orbi si nu putem detecta hard disk-urile infectate cu acest malware,” a explicat Costin Raiu. Abilitatea de a dezvolta o zona invizibila pe hard disk, care sa fie utilizata pentru a stoca informatii confidentiale, pe care atacatorii le pot extrage ulterior. De asemenea, in anumite situatii, aceasta zona invizibila poate ajuta gruparea de atacatori sa captureze parola folosita de utilizator pentru criptareea HDD-ului. „Luand in considerare faptul ca implantul GrayFish este activ inca din momentul de boot al sistemului, infractorii cibernetici au posibilitatea sa intercepteze parola folosita pentru criptare si sa o salveze in aceasta zona invizibila,” a avertizat Costin Raiu. Pe langa acestea, atacatorii din gruparea Equation se evidentiaza prin utilizarea viermelui Fanny. Acesta are capabilitatea de a cartografia structura retelelor air-gapped, si anume deconectate de la internet, folosite de obicei in infrastructuri critice, cu scopul final de a le permite atacatorilor executia de comenzi pe aceste sisteme critice. Astfel, gruparea de atacatori utiliza un mecanism unic de control si comanda care le permitea sa faca schimb de date cu aceste retele izolate. In plus, atacatorii utilizau stick-uri USB infectate care aveau un segment invizibil pentru stocare, pentru a colecta informatii de baza despre sistem de la computerele care nu erau conectate la internet. Ulterior, datele erau trimise la sistemul de comanda si control atunci cand stick-ul USB era conectat la un computer infectat cu Fanny si cu acces la internet. In cazul in care atacatorii intentionau sa ruleze comenzi in retelele fara conexiune la internet, ei le puteau stoca in zona invizibila a stick-ului USB. In momentul in care stick-ul era conectat la computerul fara conexiune la internet, malware-ul Fanny recunostea comenzile respective si le executa. Mai mult, expertii Kaspersky Lab au descoperit informatii care indica faptul ca grupul Equation interactiona cu alte grupari periculoase, precum operatorii Stuxnet si Flame. Grupul Equation avea acces la exploit-urile de tip zero-day inainte ca acestea sa fie utilizate de Stuxnet si Flame si le impartasea cu alte grupuri de atacatori. De exemplu, in 2008, Fanny utiliza deja doua exploit-uri zero-day, integrate in Stuxnet abia in iunie 2009 si in martie 2010. Unul dintre aceste exploit-uri zero-day era de fapt un modul Flame care exploata aceeasi vulnerabilitate si care a fost preluat direct din platforma Flame pentru a fi integrat in Stuxnet. Expertii Kaspersky Lab au observat sapte exploit-uri utilizate de grupul Equation, dintre care cel putin patru au fost utilizate ca exploit-uri zero-day. In plus, expertii Kaspersky Lab au observat si utilizarea unor exploit-uri necunoscute, posibil de tip zero-day, folosite impotriva Firefox 17 folosit in Tor Browser Bundle. In timpul procesului de infectare, grupul putea utiliza pana la zece exploit-uri in lant. Totusi, expertii Kaspersky Lab au observat ca atacatorii nu folosesc de obicei mai mult de trei exploit-uri: daca primul nu are succes, atacatorii incearca al doilea si al treilea exploit. Daca toate esueaza, sistemul nu va mai fi infectat. Produsele Kaspersky Lab au detectat mai multe tentative de atac asupra utilizatorilor sai, iar multe dintre acestea au fost blocate cu succes de tehnologia Automatic Exploit Prevention care detecteaza si blocheaza exploatarea vulnerabilitatilor necunoscute in aplicatii software. Viermele Fanny, compilat in 2008, a fost detectat si inclus in baza de date Kaspersky Lab in decembrie 2008. Mai multe informatii despre grupul Equation puteti citi pe Securelist.com. -> Sursa: Expertii Kaspersky Lab au descoperit predecesorul programelor Stuxnet si Flame – cel mai periculos malware ca tehnici si instrumente utilizate
  14. Full Title: Desert Falcons – primul grup de spionaj cibernetic de nationalitate araba identificat – ataca mii de victime la nivel global Expertii Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) din cadrul Kaspersky Lab au descoperit Desert Falcons, o grupare de spionaj cibernetic de origine araba care vizeaza organizatii importante si utilizatori individuali localizati in mai multe tari din Orientul Mijlociu. Echipa de cercetare Kaspersky Lab considera ca Desert Falcons este primul grup de mercenari cibernetici de nationalitate araba, care proiecteaza si executa operatiuni de spionaj cibernetic la scara larga. Campania Desert Falcons este activa de cel putin doi ani. Gruparea a inceput sa opereze in 2011, iar activitatile principale de infectare a dispozitivelor au fost demarate in 2013. Cel mai important moment din actiunile grupului s-a inregistrat la inceputul anului 2015; Cele mai multe tinte sunt localizate in Egipt, Palestina, Israel si Iordania; Pe langa tarile din Orientul Mijlociu, grupul Desert Falcons vizeaza si tinte din alte zone. In total, membrii gruparii au atacat peste 3.000 de tinte din peste 50 de tari din lume, furand peste un milion de fisiere; Atacatorii folosesc instrumente malware proprii pentru a ataca PC-urile Windows si dispozitivele cu Android; Expertii Kaspersky Lab au numeroase dovezi care arata ca atacatorii sunt vorbitori nativi de limba araba. Lista tintelor vizate include organizatii militare si guvernamentale, in special functionarii specializati in contracararea activitatilor de spalare de bani, precum si cei care lucreaza in sanatate si economie; institutii media de top, institutii de cercetare si educatie, furnizori de energie si de utilitati, activisti si lideri politici, servicii de paza si protectie si alte tinte care detin informatii geopolitice importante. In total, expertii Kaspersky Lab au descoperit peste 3.000 de victime, din peste 50 de tari, si peste un milion de fisiere sustrase. Desi gruparea Desert Falcons a vizat in principal tari precum Egipt, Palestina, Israel si Iordania, mai multe tinte au fost localizate si in Qatar, Arabia Saudita, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Algeria, Liban, Norvegia, Turcia, Suedia, Franta, SUA, Rusia si alte tari. Operatiunile de infectare si de spionaj Principala metoda utilizata de grupul Desert Falcons pentru a transmite fisiere periculoase este prin spear phishing, postari pe retele sociale si mesaje private. Mesajele de phishing includ fisiere periculoase (sau link-uri catre fisiere periculoase) prezentate drept documente sau aplicatii legitime. Grupul Desert Falcons utilizeaza mai multe tehnici pentru a convinge tintele sa acceseze fisierele periculoase, precum asa-numita “right-to left extension override”. Aceasta metoda utilizeaza un caracter special in format Unicode pentru a inversa ordinea caracterelor din numele fisierului, camufland extensia documentului periculos in centrul numelui si adaugand o alta extensie, care pare inofensiva, la final. Utilizand aceasta tehnica, fisierele periculoase (cu extensiile .exe, .scr) par inofensive si se confunda cu documente .pdf, astfel incat chiar si utilizatorii atenti pot fi inclinati sa le acceseze. De exemplu, o extensie a unui fisier de tipul .fdp.scr este inlocuita cu una de tipul .rcs.pdf. Dupa infectarea cu succes a tintei, gruparea Desert Falcons utilizeaza doua fisiere diferite de tip backdoor: troianul Desert Falcons sau backdoor-ul DHS, care par sa fi fost dezvoltate integral de acestia, si care evolueaza constant. Expertii Kaspersky Lab au reusit sa identifice un numar total de peste 100 de mostre de malware utlizate in atacuri. Instrumentele periculoase utilizate au functionalitate Backdoor si au capacitatea sa capteze imagini, sa inregistreze tastele apasate, sa incarce/descarce fisiere, sa colecteze informatii despre toate fisierele word si excel stocate pe hard disk sau pe dispozitivele USB conectate, sa fure parolele stocate (din Internet Explorer si din soft-ul de mesagerie live) si sa inregistreze fisiere audio. Expertii Kaspersky Lab au descoperit si urme ale unui malware – care pare a fi un fisier de tip backdoor pentru Android – si care sustragea lista de apeluri si SMS-urile. Utilizand aceste instrumente, grupul Desert Falcons a lansat si a derulat cel putin trei campanii diferite, care vizau mai multe tinte din tari diferite. Grupul Desert Falcons vizeaza informatii confidentiale Expertii Kaspersky Lab estimeaza ca peste 30 de persoane, din trei echipe localizate in mai multe tari, sunt implicate in campaniile Desert Falcons. „Atacatorii din spatele acestor activitati periculoase sunt foarte hotarati, activi si detin informatii tehnice, politice si culturale complexe”, a avertizat Dmitry Bestuzhev, Expert in Securitate in cadrul echipei Global Research and Analysis Team. „Prin spear phishing, inginerie sociala si instrumente si fisiere backdoor dezvoltate intern, gruparea Desert Falcons a infectat sute de tinte importante din regiunea Orientului Mijlociu, prin intermediul computerelor sau a dispozitivelor mobile, reusind sa sustraga date importante. Ne asteptam la o evolutie a operatiunii prin dezvoltarea mai multor troieni si prin utilizarea unor tehnici si mai avansate. Cu fonduri suficiente, acestia pot obtine si dezvolta exploit-uri care sa maximizeze eficienta atacurilor”, a explicat Dmitry Bestuzhev. Produsele Kaspersky Lab detecteaza si blocheaza cu succes malware-ul utilizat de membrii gruparii Desert Falcons. Mai multe informatii despre gruparea Desert Falcons puteti citi pe Securelist.com -> Sursa: Desert Falcons – primul grup de spionaj cibernetic de nationalitate araba identificat – ataca mii de victime la nivel global
  15. Pe 4 martie 2015, pasionatii de tehnologii open source vor face schimb de experienta si vor relationa in cadrul unei conferinte tehnice dedicate Brian King, European Community Manager al Mozilla, este cap de afis la conferinta Make Open Source Software (MOSS) organizata de ANIS – Asociatia Patronala a Industriei de Software si Servicii, in colaborare cu Intel Romania Software Development Center. Evenimentul are loc la Biblioteca Centrala din Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, pe 4 martie. Timp de o zi, dezvoltatori, manageri de echipe sau proiecte, studenti si profesori interesati de tehnologiile open source sunt asteptati sa ia parte la prezentari si discutii tehnice aprofundate despre masini virtuale, Internet of Things, implementari la scara larga prin Puppet Labs, studii de caz concrete despre scalabilitatea in Azure Cloud si demonstratii live. Agenda detaliata este disponibila pe site-ul evenimentului – Agenda – MOSS. “Suntem bucurosi sa organizam conferinta Make Open Source Software, in parteneriat cu Asociatia Patronala a Industriei de Software si Servicii. Va fi un prilej bun de a-i aduce laolalta pe profesionistii din sfera Open Source din Romania”, a declarat Mihai Constantin-Pau, Engineering Manager, Intel Open Source Technology Center din cadrul Intel Romania Software Development Center. La eveniment va sustine o prezentare despre debutul open source in Romania si dezvoltarea GNU Interactive Tools – Andrei Pitis, Presedinte ANIS si unul dintre primii contribuitori open source din Romania, acum 20 de ani. Studentii beneficiaza de o reducere de 50%, fiind incurajati sa interactioneze in comunitate, iar pentru companiile care doresc inscrierea mai multor persoane sunt disponibile pachete de grup cu discount. Biletele se pot achizitiona online, direct de pe site: Register – MOSS. -> Sursa: http://www.faravirusi.com/2015/02/20/18062/
  16. Product Description Get organized automatically Don’t spend time hunting down and organizing your files manually! Ashampoo Media Sync scans, identifies and organizes your media for you into categories (Documents, Music, Pictures, Video) – automatically. Files instantly organized No more file chaos! Just plug in your device. MediaSync will do the rest! Setting up takes only seconds Select input location. Select output location. Select file types. Done! Compatible with all autoplay-enabled devices CDs, DVDs, flash drives, smartphones, digital cameras and more. You name it, MediaSync supports it! The application consists of three main steps which you have to follow in order to sort your files. The first enables you to choose the source folder and the file category you want to sync (images, music, videos, documents), the second allows you to select the destination path and the third simply gives the all clear signal for the entire process. Ashampoo Media Sync can be used to synchronize content between mobile phones, tablets, external drives and so on, which makes it handy for scenarios in which you made a mess of things by copying stuff to the aforementioned devices without giving too much thought to sorting. Features: – Syncing happens in the background – Folder structures are preserved – File types are automatically recognized, files get organized into four categories (Documents, Music, Pictures, Video) – All auto-play-enabled devices are supported (CD, DVD, flash drives, smartphones, digital cameras and more) With Ashampoo Media Sync, organizing files is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Select input location 2. Select output location 3. Select file types Ashampoo Media Sync will scan, identify and organize your media into categories for you (Documents, Music, Pictures, Video) – automatically, every time. -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED!
  17. Product Description YoWindow is the new generation of weather program. The magic of YoWindow is the living landscape that reflects actual weather. 1. Picture reflecting actual weather – clouds, rain/snow, grass swaying with the wind, fog, thunderstorms. 2. True astronomical calculations – Sun and Moon, daylight. 3. Move in time! Watch the weather forecast exactly at the moment you need it. 5. Animated landscapes – Village, Seaside, Airport, Oriental plus 1400+ picture based landscapes. 6. Full featured weather station – lots of information. YoWindow can be set to be within easy reach at all times by configuring it to run with Windows. Thus, it will start with the operating system and minimize to the system tray. From there, it can display weather details of the home location by simply passing your mouse over its icon. The entire list pops right up and stays visible as long as you keep your mouse in place. YoWindow is a very cool way to get weather details on almost any location you want. It is extremely easy to handle and it relies on dependable weather services such as the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK and US National Weather Service. And more: Real cloud coverage, rain/snow, fog, grass swings to the wind, Sun, Moon, mist, thunderstorms… Time-scroll – see weather at any moment Full featured weather station Turn any picture into landscape or browse our collection Temperature near Windows clock -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED!
  18. Product Description PowerISO is a powerful CD / DVD / BD image file processing tool, which allows you to open, extract, burn, create, edit, compress, encrypt, split and convert ISO files, and mount ISO files with internal virtual drive. It can process almost all CD / DVD / BD image files including ISO and BIN files. PowerISO provides an all-in-one solution. You can do every thing with your ISO files and disc image files. Features: Create ISO File Create ISO file or BIN CUE file from hard disc files. Create ISO file or BIN CUE file from CD / DVD / BD disc. Create bootable ISO image file. Detect various CD / DVD / BD image files automatically. Support ISO9660, Joliet and UDF file system. Support unicode file name. Optimize file layout to save disc space. Edit ISO File Add files to ISO file. Delete files in ISO file. Rename files in ISO file. Modify file’s date time in ISO file. Add boot information to ISO file to make bootable ISO image file. Extract ISO File Support ISO file and other popular disc image file, such as BIN / CUE, DAA, UIF, DMG, MDF / MDS, ASHDISC, BWI / B5I, LCD, IMG, CDI, CIF, P01, PDI, NRG, NCD, PXI, GI, FCD, VCD, C2D, BIF and so on. Support multi-session disc image file. Extract files from ISO file. View and run files contained in the ISO file. Burn ISO File Burn ISO file and other image file to CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, DVD-R DL, DVD+R DL, BD-R, BD-R DL, BD-RE, BD-RE DL. Burn Apple DMG files directly to CD / DVD / BD discs. Burn files and folders to CD / DVD / BD discs on the fly. Burn Audio CD from MP3, WMA, APE, FLAC, WAV, or BIN files. Burn Video image file to CD / DVD disc. Support two erasing modes for rewritable discs: Full Erasing and Quick Erasing. Mount ISO File Mount ISO file and other popular image file as virtual drive. Support up to 23 virtual drives. Make Audio Disc Create standard Audio CD. Create mixed mode CD. Support Audio CD-TEXT. Burn mp3, wma, wav, flac and ape files to CD. Burn bin / cue, mp3 / cue, wma / cue, wav / cue, flac / cue and ape / cue audio image files to CD. Edit existing Audio CD image files. Support Playing Audio Tracks within Audio CD image file. Audio CD ripper Rip audio CD to mp3, wma, wav, flac and ape files. Rip audio CD to bin / cue, mp3 / cue, wma / cue, wav / cue, flac / cue and ape / cue audio image files. ISO and BIN Converter Convert ISO to BIN. Convert BIN to ISO. Convert Apple DMG files to ISO file. Convert all popular images files to ISO file. Convert all popular images files to BIN file. Open / Extract /Edit disk image file Support all popular virtual disc image files, such as VMWare Virtual Disc Images(*.vmdk), VirtualBox Virtual Disc Images(*.vdi), Virtual PC Virtual Disc Images(*.vdi). Support all floppy disk image files, such as BIF, FLP, DSK, BFI, BWI, BIN, IMG and so on. Support disc image files with FAT12, FAT, FAT32, NTFS and ext2, ext3 partitions. Create Bootable USB drive Create bootable USB drive for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Support USB-FDD, USB-ZIP, and USB-HDD. Supported CD/DVD disc image types ISO (Generic CD images) BIN/CUE BIN (CDRWin) IMA/IMG (Generic disk images) CIF (Easy CD Creator) NRG (Nero – Burning ROM) IMG/CCD (CloneCD) MDF/MDS (Alcohol120%) VCD (Farstone Virtual Drive) VaporCD (Noum Vapor CDROM) P01/MD1/XA (Gear) VDI (Virtuo CD Manager) C2D (WinOnCD) BWI/BWT (BlinkWrite) CDI (DiscJuggler) TAO/DAO (Duplicator) PDI (Instant Copy) DMG (APPLE Disk Image) Supported CD/DVD file systems Standard ISO-9660 Joliet ISO extension (CDs under Windows 95 and higher) RockRidge ISO extension (CDs under FreeBSD, Linux) El Torito extension (bootable CDs) Univeral Disk Format (UDF) XBOX DVD Format APPLE HFS APPLE HFS+ Easy and friendly interface Support drag and drop. Support clipboard copy and paste. Support multiple languages. Support operating system: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 2008, Windows 7 Support both 32-bit and 64-bit windows. -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED!
  19. Pentru inceput poti sa le dai putin mai ieftin, doar asa poti avea succes.. Parerea mea. Succes!
  20. Product Description We all like fast and secure computers, but only constant system maintenance and time-consuming optimizations will keep them that way. Those of us who like to invest time and effort to keep up with the latest developments may very well handle those tasks using default Windows tools alone. As system experts, they love to accelerate their machines, protect their privacy, clean and backup system files, fix common Windows errors any perform many other tasks. This not only sounds like a lot of work, it is! Our WinOptimizer will do the work for you, easy, fast and efficiently. It will give you maximum performance and security and save you precious time so you can get real work done instead. Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11 … … frees space Make orphaned files, program remains and temporary files disappear and delete no longer needed documents irrevocably. Find duplicate files and track down resource hogs. Reclaim your disk space! … fixes errors Clean your Windows Registry, fix file system errors and monitor the health of your disk drives. Just say No to Windows errors! … guarantees steady performance Use the powerful Live Tuner to auto-tune your applications for maximum speed and optimize your Internet connection. Get more performance out of your PC! … protects your privacy Wipe all Internet traces from your system and encrypt sensitive data safely. Now, you decide what information is automatically sent to Microsoft on a regular basis. Protect yourself against prying eyes! … customizes Windows to your needs Adjust hidden system settings, alter file type associations or adjust context menu entries easily. More flexibility for you! More power under the hood Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11 not only provides extensive system details but it is also the fastest WinOptimizer ever. Completely redeveloped core algorithms and radical program code optimization make it a screamer. Live Tuner 2.0 – More efficient, more effective, more versatile With brand-new algorithms, Live Tuner can accelerate applications more effectively while using less memory resources. Options for rule-based tuning have also been greatly enhanced. Game Booster – Turbo for gamers Game Booster gives you excellent gaming performance at the click of a button. All non-essential Windows processes will automatically be shut down and memory freed. Perfect gaming conditions instantly. User Rights Manager – Have it your way Discover the easiest way to define which actions, settings or applications can happen on your machine. For example, prevent your kids from installing programs, altering critical system settings or launching unsuitable applications. Faster, leaner, more efficient Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11 starts up faster and requires less memory. This is especially true for Live Tuner that can now optimize application processes more efficiently. The detection rate for all cleaners has been increased and the integrated backup system now supports incremental backups for modified system files. Get more out of your PC and get Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11 – the tuning specialist for your PC. -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED! Grab 50% Discount Coupon on Ashampoo WinOptimizer 11 With Free Updates. Click Here.
  21. Product Description Family Tree Heritage makes searching for ancestors and creating your tree easy. Find records and important documents for your ancestors with one click for seamless searches to the world’s largest genealogy database. -Fast & Easy! Find Your Ancestors and Create Your Family Tree! -Create Your Family Tree – Quick & Easy! -Search Your Ancestors – FREE!* -Share Your Family Story – Charts, Books & More! Direct Access to FamilySearch Family Tree Heritage is fully integrated with the new Family Tree of FamilySearch. Import records directly and build your family tree quickly. No subscription required for worldwide searches Search billions of records with 1-click from the software Easy access to nearly 1 billion documents and records—Free! Design Trees, Charts & Reports! Create colorful trees, heirloom-quality charts, reports and family books that will be cherished by your family members now and in future years, with Family Tree Heritage’s genealogy design tools. New Features Exciting new features to help you easily research your ancestors and share your family story. Interactive Research Timeline Uncover new information about your ancestors. The research timeline helps you uncover clues that will assist you in researching your family history by uncovering events in an ancestor’s lifetime. These events may have affected your ancestors, such as a war or immigration issue, and they can point you to additional resources to help you learn more about your ancestors. There are several pre-designed event groups to choose from. You may also add your own events. The Timeline view is interactive: click on names, dates, and places to see how it responds. A Timeline report is available for printing. Tags Tag ancestor similarities—up to 3 tags per person. You can create your own set of Tags and assign up to three Tags to the various individuals in your database. This is a popular and useful new feature among genealogists. The tags display on various screens and reports in Family Tree Heritage. Color Coding Easily identify individuals and family lines. This four color filing system has gained popularity among genealogists over the past few years. This feature allows you to add background colors to the name boxes for individuals and/or family lines. The color coding will display on various screens and reports, allowing you to easily track individuals from both the maternal and paternal sides of your mother and father’s ancestors. Four-Color Fan Charts Enhanced Fan Chart With color coding, you can now generate a Four-Color Fan Chart and include siblings in the first generation of the chart. Lists & Calendars End-of-Line Individuals List Sorted Place List Sorted Individuals List Sorted Marriages List Source and Citation List Family Reunion Contact List Custom Lists Birthday Calendar Anniversary Calendar Records & Reports Family Group Record Individual Summary LDS Individual Reports LDS Couple Reports Modified Register Page of Testimony Blank Family Group Sheets Advanced Management Reports Research Log Sorted Place List with Events Possible Problems Duplicate Individuals List Unlinked Individuals List Relationship Report Database Comparison list Detailed Change Log User-Friendly Interface Modern Interface with 17 Skins Share on Flash or Thumb Drive 1-Click Search to Billions of Records Advanced Features GenRelationship™ Examiner Indexed & Advanced Search GenCollaboration™ GenResearchManager™ GenSourceCitation™ MapQuest® Locator New Features Color Coding to ID Generations Interactive Research Timeline Tagging Updated FamilySearch Database Ancestry Charts Box Charts With Photos Standard Ancestry Chart Ancestry Wall Chart Wall Chart with Siblings Descendant Charts Standard Descendants Chart Descendants Wall Chart Dropline Chart, Line of Descent Simple Dropline with Photos Family Charts Publish a Family Book Ahnentafel Chart (German Ancestor Chart) Ahnentafel with Siblings Cascading Family Group Charts Pedigree Fan Charts Four Color Fan Chart Quarter Circle Fan Chart Half Circle Fan Chart Full Circle Fan Chart Large Wall Charts Ancestry Wall Charts Descendant Wall Charts Descendant Dropline Charts Line of Descent Charts Wall-Sized Fan Charts Pedigree Charts Basic Pedigree Chart Blank Pedigree Charts Pedigree Chart Documented Pedigree Chart with Images Cascading Charts Family Books & Scrapbooks Publish a Family Book Ancestral Book Reports Descendant Book Reports Lists & Calendars End-of-Line Individuals List Sorted Place List Sorted Individuals List Sorted Marriages List Source and Citation List Family Reunion Contact List Custom Lists Birthday Calendar Anniversary Calendar -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED!
  22. Product Description 40% Discount on Zoner Photo Studio 16 Pro! Best graphic software 2014. What’s new in Zoner Photo Studio 16? Now with Touch Control Zoner Photo Studio is the first free photo edit software with Touch Controls. Find, edit, show and share images faster than ever. Bring those same Touch Control motions that you use on your smartphone and tablet to your PC! Cycle through photos with just a flick of the finger Zoom in and out using pinch actions Select desired files or retouch options with a single tap Editing—Faster and Easier Than Ever What You Want In One Place Stop spending time hunting through pull-down edit option bars to locate what you want. The Editor now displays all functions in a Quick Edits pane on the right hand side of the workspace. Easy-to-use sliders deliver instant results. Geotag Photos to Maps See Where You’ve Been Click on a photo, drag it to a map, and Zoner Photo Studio creates a virtual pushpin that automatically adds a Geotag to the file and places it on the map. Have a camera that already Geotags your photos? Those tags will be visible when you import them into Zoner Photo Studio. Geotags also display in Zonerama album photos. Content-Aware Resizing Intelligent Photo Composition Wish to change a photo’s composition or size without shrinking or cropping key elements? New for version 16 is Content-Aware resizing and the ability to adjust only areas you designate. Use to: bring two people side-by-side make narrow an object that’s too wide improve overall balance and proportion Automatic Facebook Sharing From Zonerama to Social Media Sharing If you upload photos to both Zonerama albums and Facebook, you now have seamless integration between the two. No more uploading twice! Pick one and photos appear in both places IMPORT Import now also allows moving files from camera/card instead of copying them Improved detection of already-downloaded photos Automatic notification when a device is newly connected MANAGER Manager now has four modes—Browser, Preview, Map, and Compare Viewer—photo viewing; quick 1:1 detail checking/easy access to zoom Map—offers GPS tagging by dragging pictures onto a map; shows shot locations of all pictures in current folder Compare—for visually comparing up to four photos, including synchronized panning/zooming Navigator—now uses sections instead of tabs, for quicker navigation RAW+JPEG—RAW+JPEG file pairs can now be grouped for easier management Keywords pane—easier keyword drag and drop: onto multiple selected files, onto the Preview, onto individual pictures in Compare Folder synchronization—new settings for fine-tuning synchronization and for how folder comparison results are shown Background synchronization—new configurable synchronization tasks and scheduled running of these tasks in the background even when ZPS is not running Catalog—new display options: Last 7 days, Last 30 days EDITING FILTERS New Content-aware Resize—resizing of a picture that takes its contents into account and preserves the most important parts of the picture (e.g. a person) while shrinking the less important parts (e.g. the sky). Editing filters are no longer windows—their settings are in the Side Panel, and they now have the same look and feel as the rest of ZPS Place Text, Place Image—new watermarking option Envelopes—new Frames category VIEWER Filmstrip—now offers easy folder navigation Quick 1:1 viewing and smooth zooming EDITOR Settings for all tools and editing filters are now in the Side Panel. Everything now works and looks the same way, and settings are easier to reach. Side Panel can now be placed on either the right or the left. Quick Filters—new filters and frames New “Place Line” tool—for quickly drawing lines onto pictures Place Image, Place Text, etc. tools—previews for saved layer-effect settings (e.g. shadow, outline, etc.) and quick application of these effects Place Shape tool now offers previews of shapes Filmstrip—now offers easy navigation of folders RAW Pictures are shown and refreshed more quickly, at better quality, and with lower memory demands. GENERAL Improved support for devices with touch controls Improved display support for high-DPI display devices Hardware acceleration for display of previews in Preview mode and in the Viewer—smoother display and zooming GPU acceleration—two more operations can now be accelerated: rotation and horizon leveling Other interface improvements -> Download <-Deal Expires in: EXPIRED! Click Here to Get 45% Discount Coupon on Zoner Photo Studio 17 Pro
  23. Suntem in cautare de persoane care sa ne ajute sa ducem proiectul inainte. Cine este interesat este rugat sa-mi trimita un PM Avem nevoie de: Persoane pentru a ne ajuta cu sursele canalelor! Totul sa fie facut voluntar, nu platim absolut pe nimeni cum si nimeni nu ne plateste pe noi pentru munca depusa!
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