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  1. zbeng

    sal all

    bun venit pe aici florin
  2. bine ai venit in paradi...la cat mai multe posturi de calitate
  3. cein ce ceri u deja eixista u chiar vreti mura in gura sau ce....uite chiar tuate intrebarile care le aveti le gasiti raspunsu pe google si nu e la misto tuate "tutoriale facute de mine" is cu ajutorul lui(googl.es)
  4. poftim asta e cam tot ce iti pot zice cu mai mult nu te pot ajuta ...daca e da un add al id ovidiu_ghe2001 si mai vb;) DOWNLOAD: http://rapidshare.de/files/36267508/tutoriale.rar.html
  5. cei care nu au 30 posturi ii ignor sa stiti
  6. zbeng


    donatii pe un forum hack hmm suna cam dubios la cate cc se gasesc etc eu cred ca designu este bun asa pt ca ati observat cand sa schimbat au fost facute mai putine topicuri (asa mi sa parut mie) SI EU ASTEPT OPINIILE CELORLALTI SA VAD CE ZIC
  7. Step 1 Connect to the Internet in case you are a dial-up user. Open an MS-DOS prompt, and enter this command: C:WINDOWS>telnet mail.monitortools.com 25 This will open a Telnet window, and within a short time, you will be connected to the SMTP server, and the server says: 220 PROTAGONISTNT Mailmax version 4. 8. 3. 0 ESMTP Mail Server Ready This varies, but you should definitely see the '220' part. It is an indication that the server is ready to service your request. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 2 Now the server expects you to identify yourself. If you are a dial-up user, you can enter the name of your computer (the one Windows asks you when you intall Windows) or anything else you want. If you have a domain-name, then you should enter the domain-name here. My computer's name is dell01, so I say: helo dell01 Note that it is 'helo' and not 'hello'. The commands are not case-sensitive, so you can also say HeLo or HELO or hELo. The server replies: 250 HELO, How can I help you? This is like a shake-hand. You tell the server your name, and it says its name! Computers are quite friendly, you see! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 3 Next give the server your e-mail address. Note that most SMTP servers require that your e-mail address belong to the same domain as the server. For example, if you send mail from Yahoo! SMTP server, you should have a Yahoo! address. You cannot use it if you give it a Hotmail address. Let me give the SMTP server some e-mail address: mail from: [mail]webmaster@monitortools.com[/mail] 'mail from:' is a SMTP command. Note that there is a space between 'mail' and 'from', followed by a colon (. The server says: 250 Ok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 4 Tell the server who you want to send the e-mail to. Let me send a mail to info@activexperts: rcpt to: [mail]info@activexperts.com[/mail] There are no restrictions here. You can enter any e-mail address. If there is some problem with the recipient-address, your mail will bounce, but for now, the server doesn't complain. It will say: 250 Ok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 5 You have told the server your e-mail address, and the recipient's e-mail address, so now you can go ahead and type the e-mail. You have to do that with the data command: data The server asks you to go ahead with your e-mail: 354 End data with . Don't worry with the thing. It'll be explained later. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 6 Now type in your e-mail, like this: This is a test e-mail. Remember to type it all right. Backspace key doesn't work in Windows Telnet, though it does in Linux. If you make a mistake, try pressing CTRL-h. If it works, well and good. . When you finish your e-mail, press [ENTER], then a '.', and again an [ENTER]. This tells the server that you have finished the e-mail, and it can send it. It will say: 250 Ok: queued as 6AB5150038 Your mail was sent! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 7 Now you can either send another mail, or disconnect from the server. If you want to send another mail, you should repeat the 'rcpt to:' and 'data' commands. There is no need for 'helo' and 'mail from:', because the server already knows who you are. If you want to disconnect, just say 'quit': quit The server will reply: 221 Bye and you will lose connection with the server. Hurray, you sent a mail direct from the server! Try this in front of your friends who may be used to only GUIs and icons. They will begin to call you up for technical support! little add on to above: to make the emails look more authentic you can add a "Subject" to the email by using..... you guesed it a "subject:" command. the subject should be added after the data and before the email body (text) should look like this: C:WINDOWS>telnet smtp.isp-domain.com 25 helo mail from:you@domain.com rcpt to:them@domain.com data subject: a spoofed email helo this is a spoofed email
  8. Introduction Please know that hacking webpages is consitered lame in many's opinions, and it will most likly not give you a good reputation. People can always check logs once notified of hacking and most likly your address will come up and then at worst they will press charges for some elaborate computer crimes law and you will goto prison for up to 10 years and owe alot of $. So please attempt to refrain from abusing your knowlage on this subject. This is for informational purposes only. "Free" Web Pages Free webpages is web page hosting companies like Tripod and Geocities that host peoples web pages for free and make money off advertising. There is ways to hack these companies and have access to all users, but it would be to complex for most people. This way is simply social engineering which is not very hard to do, so don't proclaim yourself an Uberhacker because you vandalised a poor guy's webpage, who just happened to have his information on his site. All you have to do is set up an account with a free email service like hotmail and find your target. On your targets page up need to have the date of birth, name, and their old email, or instead of the DOB there address (I have lost my pass to a smaller company, and they needed the address i had registered with). All these free web page companies have their "verification" for people who have lost there password to their page. All their is to it is once you have this information is you either email the company telling them you changed your email address and once that is done wait about 2 weeks and then email them again saying that you lost your password. Most will email you telling you that you need some sort of verification, like the DOB or Address. In which you email them back and tell them and get a new password. On the other hand, companies like Geocities are too busy for email so they have set up a web site where members can get there password back (http://www.geocities.com/help/pass_form.html). User's Pages There is many different methods of hacking users web pages on a server. I will attempt to list as many ways possible but don't expect very much in depth information. Getting Passwords Okay suppose you found a page you want to hack, that is on someone elses server thats a basic server, light security. Okay very light security. I will be truthful. This pretty much works on servers with no security [=. Getting a passwd file is pretty easy. Simply telnet into the servers FTP anonymously and look in the ETC directory and get the file called Passwd. Another way to get them is to find your target and in a WWW browser type cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/cat%20/etc/passwd after the servers name. For example the name may be http://www.hackme.com/, you would goto http://www.hackme.com/cgi-bin/phf?Qalias=x%0a/bin/cat%20/etc/passwd except instead of http://www.hackme.com you would replace that with your targets URL. You may get a passwd file that has no user accounds, but only defaults which where the encrypted password should be a * would be in its place. On certain servers with this you may have a shadowed passwd but on all passwd files i have come across there is some user names like FTP and NEWS that have no encrypted passwords which is replaced with *. If you find only this and no encrypted passwds you probably have found a fixed passwd file and you must try another method of hacking the server. You need to examine this file and look for a line in the text that looks like this: rrc:uXDg04UkZgWOQ:201:4:Richard Clark:/export/home/rrc:/bin/kshdoes not need to look exactly like that, the only important part it needs it the uXDg04UkZgWOQ and rcc, which is the login part. Get a program called John the Ripper whcih can be found on any hacking site on the web. If you are to lazy, or stupid to find one on the web heres a good place to go for newbies I'>http://www.hackersclub.com/km/ I will not go in depth right here on passwd files, but i have written a text on passwd's going good into the subject which can be found at http://www.xtalwind.net/~lmclaulin/ugpasswd.txt. Anyway, using John the Ripper is easy, if you want to quickly hack something give the command (in DOS prompt) "john passwd -single" Replace "passwd" in there with the name of the passwd file, you may have saved it as passwd.txt or something. An important thing to remember is that the passwd file needs to be in the same directory as John. To see a list of other methods for cracking a passwd file, just type John and it will give you a list of commands. I have found john won't work for me with wordlists but other people say that it works fine for them. You can use incremental mode (to use that the command is "John passwd -incremental" It takes like a few days to finish so I wouldn't really want it to let it go on forever and ever if it was just some normal passwd file. Unless its like NASA's passwd file (keep dreaming, they probably change passwords everyday and that file is very outdated) I wouldn't want to use that too much. To see a complete list of John's cracking capabilities, just type john and it will give you a list of commands that you may use. If you Have an Account with the Users Server The next section is on how you can hack a webpage if you already have an account with the server. This was taken from a text by Lord Somer and since i don't want to butcher something important out of it I will just keep the text in its whole form. Exploiting Net Adminstration CGI (taken from a text by Lord Somer) ####################################### # Exploiting Net Administration Cgi's # # like nethosting.com # # Written by:Lord Somer # # Date:9/2/97 # ####################################### Well since nethosting.com either shutdown or whatever I figured what the hell before I forget how I did the more recent hacks etc... I'd tell you how so maybe you'll find the same sys elsewhere or be able to use it for ideas. Basically Nethosting.com did all it's administration via cgi's at net-admin.nethosting.com, well you need an account, card it if necessary, log in to net-administration, you'll see crap like ftp administration, email, etc... who really cares about e-mail so we'll go to Click'>http://ftp. Click on ftp administration. Lets say you were logged in as 7thsphere.com your url would be something like: Just'>http://net-admin.nethosting.com/cgi-bin/add_ftp.cgi?7thsphere.com+ljad32432jl Just change the 7thsphere.com to any domain on the sys or if in the chmod cgi just del that part but keep the + sign and you edit the /usr/home dir. In the ftp administration make a backdoor account to that domain by creating an ftp who's dir is / since multiple /// still means /. Once you have your backdoor have fun. Oh yeah and in the email you can add aliases like I did to rhad's e-mail account at 7thsphere, why the hell is he on that winsock2.2 mailing list? Well the basic theory of this type of exploitation is that: - the cgi is passed a paramater which we change to something else to edit it's info - since it uses the stuff after the + to check that it's a valid logged in account(like hotmail does), it dosen't check the password again. - multiple ///'s in unix just mean a /, thus we can get access to people's dir or the entire /usr/home dir I used this method for hacking a few well known places: 7thsphere.com sinnerz.com hawkee.com warez950.org lgn.com and several other unknown sites. Please remember if you ever use a method of mine please credit me and link to my site thanks. ######################################## # Contact Info: # # E-mail: [mail]webmaster@lordsomer.com[/mail] # # ICQ: 1182699 # # Site: The Hackers Layer # # http://www.lordsomer.com # # Other Sites: # # Hackers Club # # http://www.hackersclub.com/km # ######################################## Other Ways Of Hacking User Pages Another method that may work with really stupid Admins is sometimes, when you FTP to a server, you can leave your home directory and go back a few directories and find your targets directory. Once you have done that if you can access the HTML files and save them to disk and then "edit them". The HTML files may or may not be stored on FTP but with smarter admins they are not accessable by other users. Things that Don't Fit In Other Catagories There are many more ways of hacking web pages. Peoples stupidity is a good way. Many passwords are guessable if they are not hackable. Its not hacking but simply using a persons stupidity. If you were to get root on a server you could have access to everything on the server, so if you wanted to hack a servers webpage (or access anything else you want on the server) you would probably have to get an account and you could run an exploit on the server, but that is something newbies should probably not try until you know more about what you are doing. Why Hacking Web Pages (and other things) is a Bad Idea... Hacking web pages is an obvious signal that someone has hacked your server, which can reminer to forgetful admins to check there logs and immediatly call your ISP to cancel your account along with the FBI to come bust you on some elaborate computer crime law. Hacking school grades is another stupid thing you should never do. I know its off topic but its important to remember, because they are two things that both get people busted alot. Don't believe me? Let me show you a few pieces of articles from news at the hackersclub. The entire article (instead of the parts where the hacker got busted) may be read from the address beneath each section. "Kubojima is accused of taking over seven web pages of the Osaka-based television network Asahi Broadcasting Company on May 18 and replacing five of the seven weather charts on the pages with pornographic pictures. He also faces charges under Japan's anti-obscenity laws. If convicted, Kubojima faces a fine of one million yen ($8,600) and a prison term of up to five years under tough penalties against hackers adopted in 1992. " '>http://web5.hackersclub.com/km/news/1997/may/news4.txt "He is 18, and may be looking at up to 10 years in prison. He hasn't stolen anything, he hasn't hurt anybody and many familiar with the crime that he is accused of committing say the possible punishment borders on the absurd. The 18-year-old and a 17-year-old friend, police say, broke into a computer network. They added some funny pictures to a World Wide Web site run by the network operator, a Texas Internet service provider called FlashNet, police say. The two figured out some of the user names and passwords used by FlashNet customers. Then they left. The 18-year-old was arrested on suspicion of third-degree felonies that carry a sentence of two to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. His friend, who was arrested on suspicion of a less severe misdemeanor, faces up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine. " http://web6.hackersclub.com/km/news/1997/august/news3.txt "Student faces felony for hacking grades >From NewsTalk 750 WSB A 15-year-old Florida High School student faces felony charges for allegedly hacking his way into the school computer to change "F's" into "A's." Jason Westerman claims it was only a joke, but he faces felony charges for offenses against intellectual property and computer users. He's been suspended for ten days. Westwood high school administrators want to expel him. " http://web6.hackersclub.com/km/news/1997/june/news4.txt Getting busted hacking will not be a fun process unless you like paying $10,000 and having a date with someone names Spike in the prison's cafateria for the next 3 years. Be wise about what you leave behind, because soon you may be suprised by a knock at the door by your neighborly FBI agent.
  9. zbeng


    poftiti un site plin cu "virusi" Virus collection Backdoor Constructor DoS Email-Flooder Email-Worm Exploit Flooder HackTool IM-Flooder IM-Worm IRC-Worm Macro Net-Worm Nuker P2P-Worm SMS-Flooder Sniffer Spoofer Trojan-AOL Trojan-ArcBomb.BZip Trojan-Clicker Trojan-DDoS Trojan-Downloader Trojan-Dropper rojan-IM Trojan-Notifier Trojan-PSW Trojan-Proxy Trojan-Spy Trojan VirTool Virus Worm http://vx.netlux.org/vl.php
  10. zbeng


    hai noroc si ia si invata ce nu stii
  11. zbeng

    RST Net Party

    Acu la struguri ca casunii sau dus(din cat am auzit pe aici=))
  12. zbeng

    RST Net Party

    ma cel mia bine ne intanim in spania si gata:p ne vine bine la toti:)
  13. zbeng

    RST Net Party

    cred ca o sa se intample la fel ca "unirea" din bucuresti parca au zis ca vin vro 30 si pana la urma sau intalnit numai 10....deci...
  14. ma "jimi" daca spargi un cont nu esti hacker daca spargi un forum nici atunci daca citeste o carte despre linux nu esti hacker deci INVATA CEVA ESENTIAL MAI INTAI SI DUPA AIA VEI DESCOPERI SINGUR CUM POTI SARGE un cont sau alte chestii mai "grele"
  15. bv fatality vad ca progresezi
  16. arhiva contine 3 carti desre retee wifi cat si moduri de a gasi si "intra" in aceasta DOWNLOAD http://rapidshare.de/files/35819820/carti_retele_wifi_si_hack.rar.html au fost de folos la careva?
  17. chestia asta a mai fost postata e vechiul forum paraca;)
  18. ce persuane lipsite de imaginatie.....inventativa un nick si nul m-ai schimbati din 2 in 2 zile;)
  19. hai noroc si bun venit pe aici...daca nu vrei sa spargi atunci citeste;)
  20. as dori si eu templetu 11576 daca se pate.....ms daca am ajuta cineva:*
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