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Eu nu inteleg nimic la 2, par litere puse la nimereala
E tepar, eu am cumparat steamul, bine-inteles la un pret mai mic. Totul a fost ok la tranzactie, pana cand m-a contactat cineva pe steam si mi-a zis sa-i dau gifturile promise(credeam ca sunt arcom, m-am uitat prin conversatie si am vazut ca era tepar). Apoi imi spune ca tradebanul e permanent, pe cand mi-a spus ca e temporar, si cand il intreb de ce (pe cel care trebuia sa primeasca gifturile, imi spune ca jocurile si itemele sunt cumparate cu CC). Am luat legatura cu Arcom, i-am explicat si i-am zis sa-mi faca refund si ii dau contul inapoi, nu a vrut, a zis ca cica deja s-au dus banii etc. Am facut chargeback pe pp. Vad ca deja a primit ban.
1. 16777217 si 16777218 2. 2 3. 2 4. Soon 5. 31337 Cred, nu prea stiu c++
Merge, e testat de mine si modificat de mine.
Are ban, din cate observi.
Probabil ca s-a grabit... Btw, chestii*
DHCP or Dynamic Host configuration Protocol is a network infrastructure service that provides IP addressing information to PC clients and other TCP/IP-based machines and network devices. The purpose of DHCP is to dynamically and automaticaly assign IP addresses and network settings to devices on computer network simplifying network configuration and avoiding the issues that static IP addressing can create. DHCP Server installation Installation of a DHCP server on a server that runs Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system, can be done by going to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Server Manager. To install DHCP server simple follow these steps: 1. Open Server Manager and click on Roles > Add Roles link, and proceed with the next: 2. In the Select Server Roles, select DHCP server, and then click Next: 3. Network cards and static IP addresses are automatically detected. Here it's possible to choose how DHCP will service clients on different subnets. Next ... 4. Specify the applicable DNS server(s) addresses to be provided to clients when an address is assigned: (If used, WINS server settings can be specified on the Next screen.) 5. Select the range of IP addresses and specify the appropriate scope options depending on the size and type of network and the amount of users that addresses will be assigned to: (Activate this scope checkbox. You can have multiple scopes.) 6. If IPv6 supports is needed, enable this functionality on your network, otherwise disable it: 7. Authorizing your DHCP server allows you to prevent hackers from configuring rogue DHCP servers: 8. If configuration settings are correct, continue with Install: (Once DHCP installed, it can be managed from the DHCP MMC snap-in located in Administrative tools) Creating reservations By creating a reservation, it's ensured that a client machine always receives the same IP address from the DHCP server. To create new reservation in DCHP MMC snap-in Right-click on Reservations and choose new reservation. Enter a friendly name and the IP address you want to assign to the computer or device by specifying phisical or MAC address of client. (On Windows machines, MAC address can be found by running ipconfig/all from the command prompt.) Creating exclusions In addition to specifying reservations on DHCP server, it is also possible to specify exclusions. By creating exclusions, it's ensured that client machines never receive a DHCP lease for that range of IP addresses. This is useful if addresses specified in exclusion range are assigned staticaly, for example to routers and gateways. In order tp create create exclusion range, in DHCP MMC snap-in right-click on Address Pools and choose New Exclusion Range: After entering start and End IP address, exclusion range can be seen in DCHP MMC snap-in: Source:DHCP installation and configuration tutorial, Dynamic Host configuration Protocol, IT Tutorials, Microsoft tutorials, (ICT) Information Technology Tutorials
- 1
ModSecurity ModSecurity is an Open Source Web Application project (Apache module) that aims to secure web applications running on webservers and block penetration or hacking attempts investigating in the body of http requests. It provides intrusion detection and prevention for web applications and aims at shielding web applications from attacks like SQL injections, cross-site scripting and path traversal attacks ... About Apache modules The Apache WebServer is a modular application where the user can choose the functionality to include in the server by selecting desired modules. Modules can be either statically compiled into the httpd binary when the server is built or compiled as Dynamic Shared Objects (DSOs) separately from the main httpd binary file. DSO modules may be compiled at the time the server is built, or they may be compiled and added at a later time using the Apache Extension Tool (apxs). After a module is compiled into a DSO, it will have an extension like mod.so. Installing mod-security Mod-security can be installed with apt-get manager on Debian, or on Fedora system Yum can be used. First, we'll update apt-get source database: After updating source list, we can install mod-security: In /etc/apache2/mods-available/ we can find available apache modules and mod-security: Enabling or disabling Apache modules Once apache module is installed we can enable it with a2dismod, or disable it with a2dismod command, after which we have to restart the Apache server with "/etc/init.d/apache2 restart" command: Check loaded modules To check and see loaded modules, modules which are enabled, apachectl -M can be used: Source:Apache Server security, mod-security, IT Tutorials, Linux tutorials, (ICT) Information Technology Tutorials
Solved, ti-am trimis PM.
Cand mi-am luat eu domeniu .net de la ei, costa vreo 3.5$, am continuat tot si cand sa dau submit, mi-a dat eroare cum ca captchaul este incorect(stiind foarte bine ca l-am scris corect), m-a pus sa-l scri dinouu si n-am vazut ca imi modificase din 3.5$ in 12 sau 13$ e si vina mea ca nu am fost atent.
Da, e facut de tine, si nici nu ai auzit de zatarra cum nici aici nu ai copiat. https://rstforums.com/forum/85647-script-imacros-addmefast-2014-a.rst#post550509 Iti gasesc sursa la tot ce ai facut tu, nu mai comenta si nu mai plagia.
Dupa ce ca sunt 95% sigur ca a uploadat scriptul lui zatarra pe un host si a schimbat cate ceva pe acolo ca sa ia numele si mesajul prin get si a facut doar o interfata cu o thema, punand un copyright si gata, mai si crypteaza parolele in metode care nu pot fi decryptate decat prin bruteforce. Seems legit.
defapt e:hexdecode-base64decode($_GET['a'])
L-a luat cineva deja...
Pai ce sa rezolvam? In titlu scrie HARD XSS CHALLANGE. La indiciu si idee, ar trebui sa ne dam seama ca literele sunt 'cryptate' si d-aia nu afiseaza nimic in pagina. Ce xss challange e asta?
Locatia a fost simpla de aflat (http://corex.in/complex/complex.php).
Nu-mi dau seama in ce sunt 'cryptate' literele. Btw, vezi ca e idee, nu ideie. De la idee acolo, vad doar acel keyboard cu literele si cifrele 'modificate'..
Posteaza programul facut de raiz0 si vedem noi cum facem.
Accepti si paypal?
Daca te uitai, vedeai ca cel original era scriptat altcumva. Cel "facut de tine", este altcumva scriptat si este exact la fel ca pe acel site. Anyway, toate toolurile pe care le-ai postat, nu sunt facute de tine decat copiate.
Yap, nici nu ai copiat de la scriptul facut de mine pentru like-ex noua metoda. //Pardon, acum m-am uitat in sursa. [Nevoie] - Script nou Addmefast de aici l-a copiat complet.
E afisat cu htmlspecialchars si si-a luat fail si la primul topic cu challengeu asta cand a zis ca e la parametrul st iar acum la fel.
Da, stiu ca am luat. Nu inteleg ce treaba are cu threadul de aici. Scuzati de off.