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  1. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/12/04/cboe-announces-it-will-launch-bitcoin-futures-on-dec-10.html https://medium.com/@ImagineTraffic/the-5-minute-guide-to-bitcoin-futures-804a4935b583 Probabil de-asta.
  2. Moneda e lansata, e si pe CoinMarketCap, e listata si pe cryptopia, se poate tranzactiona, se mineaza. Inca nu au dat drumul la walleturi si aplicatiile pentru ios/android pentru ca si-au rezolvat niste probleme de securitate. Va recomand sa aruncati un ochi. Azi am cumparat niste Cardano (ADA), o vad cu ceva potential pe termen lung. Am gasit si un ICO care pare interesant si in care cred ca o sa investesc. https://gladius.io/ Ceva pareri?
  3. Probabil e o functie care verifica daca este an bisect sau nu. Ce e dupa return asta face.
  4. Huawei hasn't shared yet any information about Android 5 on their products.
  5. " Key Android Lollipop 5.0 Features to look forward to Android 5.0 Lollipop is Google’s latest operating system update for smartphones, tablets and even Android Wear-running smartwatches. It's arriving in the coming weeks and the newly announced Motorola Nexus 6 and HTC Nexus 9 tablet will be among the first devices to run on it. It’s also set to be available for smartphones and tablets before the end of 2014 with new HTC and Sony smartphones set to be among the first devices to get the new Android treatment. The Nexus 4, Nexus 5 as well as Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 tablets will also get to benefit from the new Android features. So what can Android users expect? Well, there’s actually quite a lot. We run down what makes up one of the biggest revamps of Android since it first launched. New look, dubbed Material The first thing you'll notice about Android 5.0 is that it looks quite different to the current Android 4.4 Android, and it's not – as we once thought – like the experimental Experience UI used in the Nexus 5. Google has come up with a new interface look, called Material. It's a lot more vibrant that current Android, and it makes much more use of interface layers. This is quite the opposite of recent trends in UI design, which have all been about making interfaces as flat and simple as possible. Material may be simple, but it's not flat. As part of the new Material interface, Google is also introducing two new widgets. The first is a more power-efficient RecyclerView widget, which can be used for features like scrolling through Contacts. The second is a new CardView widget, which has a very Google Now-inspired feel and should ensure widgets run smoother. Real-time Shadows The depth is not just about the way the interface is laid out, either. Android 5.0 introduces real-time generated shadows for interface elements. This should really help to spruce-up the look of Android, giving it some of the visual tactility of iOS 7. We have seen attempts at this kind of more substantive look in some third-party custom interfaces before, but they generally don't get it right. Others end up looking busy, and there are often performance hits to any visual flashiness. But we don't expect any of that with Android 5.0. Redesigned nav soft keys The look of the nav buttons that are a key part of Android have been changed as well. Their functions seem to be the same as ever – back, home and recent apps – but the look seems to have been pilfered from a PlayStation controller. A triangle, circle and square do manage, strangely enough, to encompass what each of the soft keys are for well enough, though. And the extra simplicity of this is no doubt all a part of the Material look. Dynamic 'heads up' notifications Another element of Android 5.0 that we've seen in some third-party Android interfaces is heads-up notifications. These pop-up on top of whatever you're doing, meaning you don't have to go to an app or drag down the notifications bar to find out what's going on when your phone beeps. More coherence across tablets, phones and PCs Google is keen to big-up that the Material look is going to be fairly consistent between phones, tablets, desktops and laptops. It wants to offer that smooth cross-platform feel that you get when you really buy into the Apple universe, with an iPhone, iPad and MacBook. Of course, on the PC front Google is only really going to have access to the Chrome interface – it can't reskin Microsoft's Windows. But the look on a laptop isn't a million miles removed from the tiles of Windows 8. Redesigned Gmail It's not just the Android interface that has been given a refresh. The Google apps have too. Much more colour has been injected into Gmail, and the look of the app is both a lot cleaner and more modern. The square avatar pics of current Gmail have also been traded-in for circular ones. It seems highly likely that you'll have control over what apps can send you these pop-up notifications. As otherwise they'll become very, very annoying. Expanded notifications This is something Google introduced in recent Android updates and now users will be able to view notifications in more detail in three different ways. There's text, inbox and image all of which can provide you with additional context for the notification. It's something that Android Wear smartwatch owners are also going to benefit from greatly as well. The idea is to evolve one of Android's core features to be more useful and deliver the information when you really need it. New lock screen notifications Notifications also have a real spot on the lock screen. And, again, this is something that has been common for some time in many custom Android interfaces. Each notification shows up as a little bar across the screen in high-contrast fashion, making them super-clear. It looks as though four different notifications can be displayed on the lock screen at once on a normal-size phone. 3D multitasking A minor visual tweak of Android 5.0 L is the new multitasking menu. It still shows your 'recent' apps, but rather than being displayed as a 2D scroll of apps, it's now a 3D cascade of app tiles. It looks quite similar to the tabs screen of the Chrome browser for Android – no surprise there. The look of the Android take is better, though – sharper, simpler and with good use of those new realtime shadows. Direct links to apps from Google searches Developers will now be able to have links to their apps take the place of websites in web searches. What this means is that you'll be able to head directly to a specific part of an app right from the Chrome browser on your phone. This feature has been accessible to a handful of apps to date, but now it'll be available to all developers. If you're worried about being launched from Chrome into some dodgy app, don't be. Just as lesser sites don't tend to feature too highly in your search results, ropey apps won't either. 64-bit CPU support One new feature we knew was coming – support for 64-bit CPUs. As 64-bit CPUs clearly designed to work with Android devices have already been officially announced, this one was obvious. As well as letting many more instructions take place simultaneously, having a 64-bit CPU really lifts the lid on how much RAM Android phones/tablets can actually make use of. With a 32-bit processor the limited address space means that only so much RAM memory can be accessed at once. Android TV While not a core part of the Android system, Android TV is a huge development in the Android universe. It's a version of the platform designed for your TV, and it'll eventually be built into set top boxes and TVs. You'll control the thing with your Android phone, and will be able to play Android games, watch video and do pretty much anything you can with your Android phone. Improved GPU support Google has improved the coding of Android's execution of graphics, allowing for much more advanced visuals. It has been dubbed an 'extension pack', and will finally make top-end processors start to make a bit more sense. The extension pack enables tesselation, geometry shaders, computer shaders and ASTC texture compression. The latter is an advanced image compression algorithm that will allow for highly effective reduction in the size of art assets. ART runtime is in Android 5.0 L switches over to the ART runtime. If you've read our Android 4.4 tips and tricks article you'll know that this is something people with recent Android phones have been able to try out for themselves for a while. At present Androids use the Dalvik runtime as standard. ART is significantly quicker, but uses a bit more storage space for apps. It's a fair trade off in our opinion. Smartwatch as authentication One of the funkiest little additions in Android 5.0 L is a new way to bring your phone out of standby securely. Android Wear watches will work as an authentication tool, meaning you won't need a password to unlock your phone if you're wearing your watch. We're not quite sure yet exact what tech is used to do this. But it is neat. BUT, of course, if you get mugged your attacker is probably going to nick your Android smartwatch as well as your shiny new Galaxy S6 mobile phone. But it should at least stop your friends from being able to tweet on your behalf should you nip of to the lav for a minute. Support for USB audio One of the new APIs of Android 5.0 L is USB audio. This means you'll be able to transmit digital audio right from a phone's microUSB port, bypassing the DAC stage used when you listen through a headphone jack. What will this mean? It opens up an Android phone to being a genuine audiophile source when paired with a decent outboard USB DAC, and could mean we start to see USB headphones – something Apple is rumoured to be working on through Beats. The Nexus 5 supported USB audio output, but it is not native to all Android 4.4 devices. Battery efficiency optimisation Android 5.0 L gets some new battery features, including a reworked Battery Saver mode. Android 4.4 falls well behind the competition in this respect – where phones like the Galaxy S5 have extreme power-saving modes on tap, the basic Android 4.4 battery saver is rather rudimentary. The lock screen will also tell you how long your phone will take to charge when plugged in – a clever little tweak that seems so obvious now it's in place. Bluetooth 4.1 support Android 5.0 L offers native support for Bluetooth 4.1. Top-end phones have Bluetooth 4.0 these days, but what's the difference? Bluetooth 4.1 doesn't clash with 4G signal like Bluetooth 4.0, and it gives manufacturers much more control over the timeout times of the connection. This gives much more scope for controlling power consumption. Bluetooth 4.1 also improves connectivity, letting Bluetooth peripherals talk to each other more easily. Android Auto A major new bit of Android 5.0 L is Android Auto. This is a bit like Apple's CarPlay – it's an in-car system that runs off your Android phone. You jump into your car and your Android 5.0 L mobile will start transmitting Android Auto to the screen on your car's dashboard. Its interface looks quite a lot like Google Now and Android Wear, and will of course let you GPS navigate to wherever you want to go. We imagine it'll be a lot more open than CarPlay too. " Sursa: Andrew Williams -- trustedviews.com
  6. A pus cineva Android in dual boot cu alt sistem de operare? Am incercat asta, nu prea mi-a iesit si am niste intrebari de pus. Multumesc.
  7. Merge pe Vodafone. Adauga-i si un buton de EXIT si MINIMIZE. + http://gyazo.com/25aeef8c6314a33955f6d358b172c943 la textul "!@#$%^&*()_+". Si desi imi apare pop-up cu 'Mesajul nu a fost trimis', tot apare 'Mesaj trimis' sub buton.
  8. "Cyanogen refuza banii Google, si asta in conditiile in care multe companii aflate la inceput fac din castigarea interesului Google chiar telul lor final. Nu si pentru Cyanogen, care sunt un pic mai incapatanati si mai integri. Conform The Information, directorul Cyanogen, Kirt McMaster le-a spus actionarilor ca recent a refuzat o oferta de la Google ce intentiona sa cumpere Android Sundar Pinchai, preferand in schimb sa se axeze pe incercarea de a obtine un ajutor de un miliard de dolari pentru a finanta a treia runda de produse. Decizia este motivata de scopul final declarat al companiei: acela de a deveni una dintre cele mai populare ecosisteme mobile din lume. OS-ul Cyanogen este practic o versiune “mai deschisa” a Androidului. Chiar si asa, sa refuzi Google este o miscare indrazneata, mai ales ca acum compania cauta fonduri in plus fata de cele 30 de milioane de dolari pe care le-a colectat anul trecut. Exista insa speranta: investitorilor Cyanogen li s-a spus ca aceasta companie a realizat o intelegere cu Micromax pentru a construi telefoane conform modelului Cyanogen. Este inca prea devreme sa ne pronuntam daca aceasta miscare va avantaja compania pe termen lung, insa Cyanogen este cu siguranta pe radarul Google si asta reprezinta ceva!" Sursa: Andrei Ene, zonait.tv]
  9. Cu ajutorul site-urilor celor in genul pe care ni l-ai aratat tu nu poti descarca videouri de pe grupuri private. Linkurile care le introduci tu acolo trebuie sa fie publice.
  10. Salut, asta e un tutorial simplu, care poate vor ajuta multi care nu-si dau seama cum sa faca asta. Nu stiu si nu cred ca aceasta este o idee originala, este posibil ca acest tutorial sa fie deja pe google, dar nu l-am gasit aici si am zis ca ar fi util sa-l fac. Efectiv ne vom folosi de Google Chrome si Inspect element. 1. Intram pe pagina/profilul unde apare video-ul. Ca exemplu, eu ma voi folosi de pagina lui Mihai Bendeac (fara absolut nicio legatura cu el/ceea ce face el). 2. Vom downloada video-ul care se vede in imaginea de mai sus. Dam click dreapta oriunde pe pagina respectiva si selectam 'Inspect Element'. Ceea ce ne va aparea pe jumatatea ecranului este: 3. Acum dam play la video si apasam pe 'Network' in 'Inspect Element'. Ceea ce ne va aparea va fi asta: 4. Ce ne intereseaza pe noi din acea lista este type-ul. Dam scroll pana gasim 'video/mp4'. Vom avea nevoie de linkul din stanga pentru a accesa video-ul independent de facebook. Mai exact: 5. Dam click dreapta pe acel link si apasam pe 'Open link in new tab'. 6. In noul tab va aparea doar video-ul pe un fundal negru. Dam click dreapta pe acesta si apasam 'Save video as...' In acest fel puteti descarca orice tip de video, de pe profiluri, grupuri private (sau nu) sau de unde altundeva doriti. Sper ca chiar va ajuta pe cineva.
  11. Eu am avut un HTC Evo 3D, am pus un ROM foarte okay pe el si eram extra multumit. Avea niste tweakuri care chiar aveam nevoie, rula destul de bine cu procesorul de 1.2GHz si chiar n-am avut probleme. +1 pentru One M8.
  12. Chiar ca-s niste mizerii. Cel mai ok mi se pare iPhone 5s cu iOS 7 pe el.
  13. Am vazut ca a aparut si 8.0.2, acolo s-a fixat bugul?
  14. Daca furi ceva in valoare de 100 de milioane de dolari, probabil esti condamnat sa traiesti in stilul de viata al lui Dan Bilzerian, nu crezi?
  15. "Un grup de hackeri responsabili pentru furt de jocuri si… secrete militare a fost condamnat, acestia pledand “vinovat” in fata unui judecator din Statele Unite. Acestia se fac vinovati de furt al unor jocuri neterminate pentru Xbox si software militar. Departamentul de Justitie al Statelor Unite a anuntat astazi ca din 4 membri ai unui grup international de hackeri pusi sub acuzare pentru furtul de 100 de milioane de dolari in software si proprietate intelectuala, doi au pledat deja vinovati. Folosind un mix de SQL injection si parole furate, grupul a intrat in retelele interne ale Microsoft, Epic Games, Valve, Zombie Studios si ale… Armatei Americane! Tinta lor? Jocurile video si software de pilotaj. Pe langa acumulare de date ale angajatilor companiilor, se spune ca grupul a furat si codul si specificatiile tehnice pentru versiunile timpurii ale jocurilor Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 3 si Gears of War 3 pentru Xbox One, precum si simulatorul de elicopter Apache construit pentru armata de catre Zombie Studios. DoJ spune ca grupul este acuzat ca a conspirat sa vanda informatia dobandita. “Economia americana este caracterizata de inovatie”, a explicat asistentul procurorului general, Leslie Caldwell. “Dar inovatia americana este valoroasa doar atat timp cat poate fi protejata.” Cazurile de hack sunt la ordinea zilei, insa DoJ spune ca acest caz este unic in felul sau, marcand ceea ce ar putea fi prima condamnare a unor hackeri straini pentru furtul unor astfel de bunuri si pentru incercarea de a le vinde. Chiar si asa, acuzatii nu stau prea departe: David Pokora, care a pledat vinovat, este din Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. El nu a fost inca acuzat, dar faptul ca a pledat vinovat este primul pas, nu-i asa?" Sursa: Andrei Ene - zonait.tv
  16. De banii astia iti iei un android foarte decent si un laptop la fel de decent. Mi se pare ca deja exagereaza cu preturile astea doar pentru emblema Apple. BULLSHIT
  17. Vreau sa dau o fuga pana la biblioteca sa imprumut niste carti pentru a invata Python. Imi puteti face niste recomandari cam dupa ce as putea sa ma uit? De preferat ar fi in romana, dar ma descurc si cu engleza. Multumesc. (daca nu am postat unde trebuie, mutati-l va rog in zona corespunzatoare)
  18. Scrie chiar in acel folder cum o poti decripta.
  19. Salutare, am si eu o intrebare. Stie cineva daca exista un gadget pentru Windows 7 care sa aibe rolul unui calculator de durata? Un exemplu ar fi eu sa setez o anumita data, iar acesta sa-mi afiseze countdownul lunilor si al zilelor. Ceva de genul acestui website, doar sa fie aplicatie pentru Windows 7. Va multumesc anticipat.
  20. CodeBlocks-ul nu difera deloc in opinia mea.. Iar daca vreti sa rulati programe Windows pe Ubuntu, intrebarea mea ar fi de ce ati mai ales Ubuntu? Sau cel putin, de ce doar Ubuntu? Daca ai nevoie si de acele programe, dual boot si gata, la fel si cu jocurile.
  21. Cauta sa opresti procesele nefolositoare din Settings si vei mari memoria disponibila. Daca il ai rootat (sau nu, nu stiu daca e necesar, la mine a fost - HTC Evo 3D) cauta o aplicatie sa iti permita sa selectezi ce aplicatii sa-ti booteze in background, care sa-ti porneasca automat si care nu. Pe telefonul meu se numeste ManageApp, sau ceva de genul. Daca ai probleme si cu felul in care se misca, cauta un Kernel Tuner si seteaza core-urile pe Performance.
  22. Am intrat pe fb si de pe Nokia 1610, daca nu ma insel. L-a testat cineva?
  23. Si eu la fel. Il am de cateva luni si n-am intampinat nici o problema.
  24. Poti face asta doar daca utilizatorii facebook nu si-au selectat optiunea de ascundere a numarului, prin sincronizarea contului de facebook cu telefonul. Si cred ca trebuie sa fie si o optiune din contacte in care sa iti afiseze si contactele din facebook. Cel putin la mine asa e.
  25. "If you have one already, just send me the address to send it to, which is the email address you use for it or you can send me a PayPal money request, so once i receive the details i will go ahead with the payment through PayPal and then i will contact my shipping company after you get the payment. I will need your home address for the merchandise to be Picked Up by the Shipping Company" Cam aceeasi fraza cu ce mi-a trimis mie.. Hmm.. LE: )))) Mda, aveti grija cu chestiunile de genul.
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