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About MrGrj
- Birthday 01/01/1990
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A few days ago, a user contacted me on LinkedIn with a job offer, the message seemed very direct to me, but when I checked his profile and the company he worked for, everything seemed quite normal, and after answering the messages, and starting a process the interview went pretty straight forward (personal interview about my technical background, personal projects, etc), everything very normal up to that point. At the time of the technical interview, this person gave me the link to a repository where the challenge was (a backend/frontend project with a README in the root with the instructions). Maybe it was nerves, or maybe I was too confident, but I didn't review the code before running the project on my machine, but when I started the backend, I notice that although the terminal showed me that the server was running with no errors, I notice that when making any request no log appears, and that caught my attention. After making a review of the code I notice this weird line hidden at the end of a file (Picture 1 and 2) That was the line that prevented the server from running, when I checked that file I found this (Picture 3) The file is obfuscated, but at first glance you can tell it's an IIFE, and using an online tool I tried to decrypt it as much as I could and I found this kind of things (Picture 4, 5, 6, 7, 😎 Clearly that script was gathering information from my computer and sending it to that IP, and from what I can see the information it is trying to retrieve is related to crypto wallets. Obviously, all the responsibility here falls on me for not having reviewed the code at the beginning, or running the project on a virtual machine, as I said at the beginning, perhaps it was the nerves of the "interview" and I forgot about that. Another detail that I noticed after looking at the code more closely is that the folder where the script is is ".svn" (something very familiar to those who used Subversion), but the detail here is that many folders that start with a "." gets hidden by VSCode on the file explorer, so it was harder to notice if I hadn't found the reference in the code. Luckily they haven't been able to take any information from my computer since I don't have anything related to crypto, but I have had to change all my passwords, so lesson learned. Source
Romania - Te iubesc - digitalizare, doar pe hartie
MrGrj replied to WarLord's topic in Stiri securitate
Summary: se fura mult, se face putin si se face si prost. Pe bani imprumutati -
using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace MyNamespace { public partial class MyForm : Form { private Process cmdProcess; public MyForm() { InitializeComponent(); InitializeCmd(); } private void InitializeCmd() { cmdProcess = new Process(); cmdProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe"; cmdProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; cmdProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; cmdProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; // ascunde bara de titlu si butoanele cmdProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; cmdProcess.Start(); StreamWriter cmdStreamWriter = cmdProcess.StandardInput; StreamReader cmdStreamReader = cmdProcess.StandardOutput; StreamReader cmdErrorReader = cmdProcess.StandardError; // adaugă controlul la form TextBox cmdControl = new TextBox(); cmdControl.Multiline = true; cmdControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; cmdControl.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.Vertical; cmdControl.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Courier New", 10); Controls.Add(cmdControl); // afișează output-ul din terminal în control cmdStreamReader.BaseStream.BeginRead(new byte[1], 0, 0, null, null); cmdStreamReader.DataReceived += (s, e) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data)) { cmdControl.Invoke(new Action(() => { cmdControl.AppendText(e.Data + Environment.NewLine); })); } }; // citește input de la utilizator și trimite la terminal cmdControl.KeyDown += (s, e) => { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { cmdStreamWriter.WriteLine(cmdControl.Text); cmdControl.Clear(); } }; // afișează erorile în consolă cmdErrorReader.BaseStream.BeginRead(new byte[1], 0, 0, null, null); cmdErrorReader.DataReceived += (s, e) => { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Data)) { Debug.WriteLine(e.Data); } }; } private void MyForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { cmdProcess?.Kill(); } } }
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Ai niste credit moca si la cate cutremure avem noi pot sa consider ca merge for life Trimit mesaj doar cand e unu' cu magnitudine mare deci nu prea e stres.
Am facut si eu un script acum ceva timp (updated recently), in Python, care ia info de pe http://alerta.infp.ro/ (polling de 1s) si trimite mesaj via Twillio daca un cutremur are magnitudinea mai mare de un threshold custom (default 4). Rulat in background cu `nohup` merge decent. Link: https://github.com/mr-grj/eq_notifier
Raspunsul e foarte simplu: pare ca ai ajuns intr-un mediu toxic de care trebuie sa scapi cat mai repede. Cu cat stai mai mult cu atat vei deveni mai frustrat si te vei consuma pentru astfel de nimicuri. Cat despre ce ziceai tu cu: ... nu cred ca e cazul sa iti faci griji. Poate era o problema acum 10 ani inainte sa explodeze piata IT. In ziua de azi, angajatorilor le trebuie oameni si nu prea le mai pasa cat ai stat prin companii. Cu atat mai mult cu cat ai avut un motiv intemeiat sa pleci.
Da-le celor de la antidrog sa le foloseasca
Cred ca asta e mot-a-mot cu ce ai tu acolo desi b-ul ala nush de ce nu e float: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int n, a, b; cout << "n = "; cin >> n; a = 1; b = 1; while (a*a + b*b <= n) { if (a*a + b*b == n) { cout << "a = "; cin >> a; cout << "b = "; cin >> b; } a += 1; b = sqrt(n - a*a); } cout << "a = " << a << endl; cout << "b = " << b << endl; return 0; } // LE. Sunt platit foarte bine ca sa ajut lumea la teme. That could be you Learn and you'll get rich
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len("Acum cativa ani cand umblam pe aici era o activitate mare acum este intr-un punct mai greu, ma gandesc ca sa formam echipe mici sa revitalizam comunitatea dinou , 3 membri bunicei evident si cineva din staff de aici sa ne ocupam sa facem un grup puternic pe facebook Romanian Security Team unde acolo se creste foarte usor si foarte repede grupul. Sunt multi pasionati de informatica , iar pagina rst sa se ocupe alti 3 membri pentru revitalizare , trebuie sa cautam sa fim undeva in pas cu modul de expunere a comunitati cu timpul , parerea mea ca daca ne facem echipe de cate 3 , 3 pe un grup care garantat in 1 luna 2 face sigur 10.000 membri o spun din proprie experienta ca am crescut grup in scurt timp la 11.000 iar apoi 3 se ocupa de pagina rst acolo nu este munca multa doar daca se posteaza odata pe zi din 3 insi cate 1 post de fiecare in tema informatica plus noutatile in tehnologie etc iar avem de castigat ,iar unul pasionat de informatica din grup de aici care este pasionat si de tik tok poate face un cont de tik tok gen Rst, si tot asa pe diferite retele mai vechi si mai noi iar toate sa duca la acest forum , sursa mama si tata unde cine vor pe celelalte comunitati ale noastre sa dezvolte proiecte sa se inscrie aici si de aici facut un chat frumos unde sa dezbatem fel si fel de teme, vreau pareri si opinii".split()) Aproximativ 5 secunde, da, ca se incarca greu zsh. Se pare ca am gresit: sunt 258. Prima fraza am omis-o & inclus-o in count
Inainte de asta (MRRST - Marea Revitalizare RST), eu sunt uimit ca ai reusit sa faci o fraza de 282 cuvinte fara sa pui un punct. Mai mai sa raman fara aer cand am citit ce-ai scris.
Da, e adevarat. Ca daca era fals era fals da' nu e fals e adevarat