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Everything posted by fusername

  1. Ca sa fii sigur ca nu gresesti nimic urmeaza instructiunile de pe martybugs.net. Daca citesti cu atentie nu ai cum sa gresesti sau sa nu intelegi ceva. [in cautarile tale cred ca ai mai ajuns pe martybugs.net]
  2. De 4 ori intr-o saptamana - aceeasi stire. Setarile pentru locatie sunt la indemana, la vedere, nu sunt secrete si termenii care descriu fiecare setare sunt cat se poate de clari. Nu sunt necesare cunostinte tehnice pentru a opri receptorul GPS, "Google location service" si "Location & Google search". Nici "Settings > Privacy > Backup my settings" nu este niciun secret "Stop backing up your Wi-Fi passwords...". So, Google ne spioneaza? WTF?
  3. @AlStar a fost destul de elegant dar tu ai fost crescut pe strada.
  4. ^^ Nu conteaza ca va bate limba romana la cur! E metoda chinejeasca. Minati baaaaihahahaiiiii! La anu' si la multi ani! In cat e azi bre? // Da ce sa stii tu daca esti bozgor! I am one! FU!
  5. Cand faci update de bios se pierd setarile facute de tine. Se revine la setarile predefinite (din fabrica). Verifica ce hdd are prioritate la boot si daca acel hdd este setat pe IDE sau AHCI. Nu este nevoie sa faci downgrade. Navigheaza putin prin meniuri ca sa te inveti cu ele si ce nu pricepi cauti pe google sau youtube. Daca esti destul de atent si citesti cu rabdare ai sa-ti rezolvi singur problema. Daca nu gasesti nimic nici pe google nici pe youtube atunci mai pune o intrebare aici! Intelege!.. daca biosul actual merge bine nu mai necesita niciun flash. Problema ta este doar rezultatul unei configurari nepotrivite. Spor!
  6. Un backup aici. Pentru atunci cand se mai intampla cate ceva.
  7. Bre, linkul original mere brici! Care-i faza?
  8. La RCS-RDS cred ca sunt rechini si in cutia metalica de pe scara blocului. Nu switch-uri ruginite (le-am zis asta si depanatorii se uitau unul la altul in genul "°.0! Am fost prinsi?") Ei copiaza mai multe idei de la google, mai putin asta: faulty hardware => bad karma => bad busyness! Pe bune acum: sarmanii pesti reprezinta cea mai mica amenintare la adresa internetului in zilele noastre. Sunt alti "rechini" cu mult mai prosti/periculosi!
  9. As gati spaghetti cu sos de Fac pe el un windows 8.1 ca este la moda. //Pai daca am muncit atata, ca sa fac cheia cat mai greu accesibila, ca sa fiu la adapost, eu ce fac la prima urgenta? O reconstruiesc pe gratis? Ca sa ma bag singur cu curu-n pula? @Azraell esti gabor?
  10. Politicienii sunt actionari la firme. Firmele au politicieni printre actionari. Rezulta trafic intens de influenta, fonduri si informatii care se rasfrang asupra profitului firmelor. "All connected". Daca faci un mic efort poti gasi si alte legaturi. Incearca sa dezvolti ideea! //Na! Ai facut sa fie +2. Esti multumit?
  11. @lulux: Vor mai face o lege. Toti detinatorii de routere (sau alte dispozitive) wireless vor fi obligati sa urmeze cursuri de securizare a retelelor wireless (aircrack-ng inclus) contra cost altfel aparatele vor fi confiscate. Amenzile vor fi grase. In acest fel economia Romaniei va creste (din taxe si licitatii) si vom scapa de saracie. Orice fapta rea este o fapta buna. Orice pierdere este un castig. Realitatea este cea din mintea ta. Conteaza doar unghiul din care privesti peisajul.
  12. @Vlachs: Da-mi voie sa-ti explic altfel, pe scurt:
  13. Americanii pierd din castigul rezultat din spionaj. Daca hotul pierde din ce a furat atunci, care este pierderea? Ma intelegi? // Si vorba lui io.kent! ^^
  14. Deci iti dai seama cat pierd din cauza americanilor.
  15. NSA targets the privacy-conscious DasErste.de The investigation discloses the following: Two servers in Germany - in Berlin and Nuremberg - are under surveillance by the NSA. Merely searching the web for the privacy-enhancing software tools outlined in the XKeyscore rules causes the NSA to mark and track the IP address of the person doing the search. Not only are German privacy software users tracked, but the source code shows that privacy software users worldwide are tracked by the NSA. Among the NSA's targets is the Tor network funded primarily by the US government to aid democracy advocates in authoritarian states. The XKeyscore rules reveal that the NSA tracks all connections to a server that hosts part of an anonymous email service at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It also records details about visits to a popular internet journal for Linux operating system users called "the Linux Journal - the Original Magazine of the Linux Community", and calls it an "extremist forum". Downloads XKeyscore rules Read/download the XKeyscore rules here | download Disclosure Three authors of this investigation have personal and professional ties to the Tor Project, an American company mentioned within the following investigation. Jacob Appelbaum is a paid employee of the Tor Project, Aaron Gibson is a paid contractor for the Tor Project, and Leif Ryge is a volunteer contributor to various Tor-related software projects. Their research in this story is wholly independent from the Tor Project and does not reflect the views of the Tor Project in any way. During the course of the investigation, it was further discovered that an additional computer system run by Jacob Appelbaum for his volunteer work with helping to run part of the Tor network was targeted by the NSA. Moreover, all members of this team are Tor users and appear to be have been targets of the mass surveillance described in the investigation. It is a small server that looks like any of the other dozens in the same row. It is in a large room devoted to computers and computer storage, just like every other room in this industrial park building on Am Tower Street just outside the city of Nuremberg. That the grey building is surrounded by barbed wire seems to indicate that the servers' provider is working hard to secure their customers' data. Yet despite these efforts, one of the servers is targeted by the NSA. The IP address is explicitly specified in the rules of the powerful and invasive spy software program XKeyscore. The code is published here exclusively for the first time. After a year of NSA revelations based on documents that focus on program names and high-level Powerpoint presentations, NDR and WDR are revealing NSA source code that shows how these programs function and how they are implemented in Germany and around the world. Months of investigation by the German public television broadcasters NDR and WDR, drawing on exclusive access to top secret NSA source code, interviews with former NSA employees, and the review of secret documents of the German government reveal that not only is the server in Nuremberg under observation by the NSA, but so is virtually anyone who has taken an interest in several well-known privacy software systems. The NSA program XKeyscore is a collection and analysis tool and "a computer network exploitation system", as described in an NSA presentation. It is one of the agency’s most ambitious programs devoted to gathering "nearly everything a user does on the internet." The source code contains several rules that enable agents using XKeyscore to surveil privacy-conscious internet users around the world. The rules published here are specifically directed at the infrastructure and the users of the Tor Network, the Tails operating system, and other privacy-related software.
  16. si reusesc sa instaleze regimul paranoic stalinist!
  17. All the remaining Snowden documents will be released next month, according t?o? whistle-blowing site ?Cryptome, which said in a tweet that the release of the info by unnamed third parties would be necessary to head off an unnamed "war".? "July is when war begins unless headed off by Snowden full release of crippling intel. After war begins not a chance of release," Cryptome tweeted on its official feed. "Warmongerers are on a rampage. So, yes, citizens holding Snowden docs will do the right thing," it said. In other developments, ?Cryptome? has started a Kickstarter fund to release its entire archive in the form of a USB stick archive. It wants t?o? raise $100,000 to help it achieve its goal. More than $14,000 has already been raised. The funding drive follows a dispute between ?Cryptome? and its host Network Solutions, which is owned by web.com. Access to the site was bl?o?cked f?o?ll?o?wing a malware infection last week. ?Cryptome? f?o?under J?o?hn Y?o?ung criticised the host, claiming it had ?o?ver-reacted and had been sl?o?w t?o? rest?o?re access t?o? the site, which ?Cryptome? criticised as a form of cens?o?rship. // O selectie din abureala de aici: Remaining Snowden docs will be released to avert 'unspecified US war' – ?Cryptome? • The Register
  18. Pune un cablu utp si faci retea. Am stat toata ziua si am citit diverse pe forum sau pe langa. Am avut ceva treaba de la 16:00 pana la 17:00. Ramasesera foliile de ecran. #GHINION!
  19. 'Tails' Operating System Website Has Been Hacked - The Hacker News
  20. Priviti in jurul vostru! Cine a vrut sa ne dezbine, ne-a dezbinat. Si acum platim impozite...
  21. "@unii (nu toti)^^" Nush ce plm o fi in capul unora dintre voi (nici nu am habar cine sunteti si de unde)! Intentiile lor sunt clare. Scuzele -->> cocalaristice! Hoteala ieftina! Dati impresia ca nu stiti pe ce lume traiti. Plm! Soarta voastra!.. ?? Atunci de ce trebuie sa ma inregistrez cu date personale pentru cartela si pentru telefon -->> NU?
  22. fusername


    Decat sa futi internetzii vecinilor mai bine i-ai invata despre cum sa se protejeze de cei ca tine. Asa ai face ceva util. Asa vei castiga respectul lor si al celor din RST. Salutari si la multi ani pe aici!
  23. Americanii fura gigantic + sistematic cu cate un razboi sau recesiune din toata lumea si nimeni nu mai construieste gard in jurul lor. Probabil din lipsa de fonduri generata de recesiune/razboi. fu -> U.S.
  24. Acel diblu de plastic... are secretul lui...
  25. Alimentarea poate fi comuna pentru toate camerele. Cablul coaxial este un cablu ecranat. Microfoanele pe care le folosesti au preamplificare interna. Cablul RCA nu are intotdeauna cea mai buna ecranare. Firul din miez transporta semnalul (fir cald, feeder) iar tresa de pe exterior absoarbe interferentele (orice fir are efect de antena) si le descarca la masa inainte sa excite feederul. Ca sa treci pe un singur cablu toate camerele nu se poate analogic. Ca sa elimini toata mat"z"araia poti construi cate un modul radio pentru fiecare camera ( Bert Modderman PE1RKI ) acordat cu cate un receptor. Daca gasesti vreo solutie sa codezi semnalele in digital, sa le mixezi apoi sa le decodezi - separi la DVR ar fi cel mai bine. Cea mai buna solutie mi s-ar fi parut bazata pe camere wi-fi cu receptoare la usb conectate la un pc dedicat "Big Brother". As vrea sa te ajut dar mi se pare ca tu mai rau te incurci. P.S. Daca gasesti patch pentru @nevasta te rog sa-mi trimiti si mie un link!
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