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Everything posted by luyzette

  1. luyzette


    hya, bine ai venit:P
  2. cool )
  3. *******
  4. aaa..da, corect..ala e neme:))
  5. primul?aa...Alcatel stiu sigur..da nu mai stiu de care era=))
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Nemessis Cum sa scoti cei 3 magnifici din header? M-am tot gandit ... cine sunt cei trei? yo cred ca sunt neme, Kw3rrLn, ...um...poate sunt mai multi totusi=))) da mai bn sa ne zica neme, ca el stie mai bn;)
  7. poi si ce vrei? sa punem ingerasi?
  8. hihi..nice, chiar se vede ca te straduiesti sa faci ceva f bun:d
  9. luyzette


  10. love it, thanks
  11. luyzette


    ce misto...thx , nu am avut timp sa le verific inca, dar, thx
  12. ....am trait sa o vad si pe asta=))
  13. hai ba..gata..ce atata cearta pe forumul asta?si pt un lucru....
  14. whatever the DJ is splinnin'
  15. ai vointa:))
  16. perfect
  17. singurul lucru (foarte minor) care nu imi place la rst este asta: ar fi mai misto un cap de mort in locul lui=))
  18. sal&welcome, normal ca o sa ne inteleg bine daca respecti regulile;)
  19. am inceput sa ador melodia asta: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TCwciQ-od8
  20. n-am ce zice..si-au facut-o cu mana lor...)
  21. mda..dupa parerea mea exista 2 tipuri de prosti: prosti cu noroc(aia de care se amuza lumea , acest tip este unul carea stiut sa isi foloseasca prostia in multe feluri) si prosti care stiu sa isi ascunda faptul ca sunt prosti.
  22. e dragut design-ul...:)mie imi place:P
  23. ce comoara ati descopedit:))(pt voi..pt me e = cu un gunoi:)) )
  24. L0phtCrack is a password auditing and recovery application (now called L0phtCrack 6), originally produced by Mudge from L0pht Heavy Industries. It is used to test password strength and sometimes to recover lost Microsoft Windows passwords, by using dictionary, brute-force, hybrid attacks, and rainbow tables.[1] It was one of the crackers' tools of choice, although most use old versions because of its price and low availability. The application was produced by @stake after the L0pht merged with @stake in 2000. @stake was then acquired by Symantec in 2004.[2] Symantec later stopped selling this tool to new customers citing US Government export regulations, and discontinued support in December 2006.[3][1] In January 2009, L0phtCrack was acquired by the original authors, Zatko, Wysopal, and Rioux from Symantec. L0phtCrack 6 is scheduled to be released at the SOURCE Boston Conference on March 11, 2009. L0phtCrack 6 contains support for 64-bit Windows platforms as well as upgraded rainbow tables support.
  25. MetaProducts Mass Downloader (MD) is a Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 program that allows you to download individual files (or lists of files) from the Web and FTP sites at the maximum available speed. Multiple channels technology significantly reduces download time. MD also allows you to browse Zip archives before loading them and to choose only the desired files to download. Mass Downloader has an excellent Internet Explorer-like user interface. Mass Downloader allows you to download specific files by filename, which differs from Offline Explorer in that Offline Explorer allows you to download entire web sites. - HTTP, FTP, HTTPS protocol support - The ability to preview ZIP-archives contents and load only the desired files. - Internal FTP Browser - Download categories - Cookies support - Very fast and reliable file retrieval from the Web and FTP sites - Maximum Internet connection bandwidth usage when loading several file parts simultaneously. - HTTP and SOCKS Proxy support - Supports Drag-and-Drop links from Internet Browsers to the Main window and Drop Box, paste links from the Clipboard. Also, Mass Downloader intercepts clicks in Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, embeds the item in the Microsoft Internet Explorer context menu. - Fully configurable user interface - Very easy to use - Can operate in the background - Download scheduling - Automatic dialer to connect to your Internet Service Provider - History of all loaded files allows you to easily find them on disk and to get additional server and download information - Import incompletely downloaded files from other download managers - The ability to work in automatic mode down: http://rapidshare.com/files/211916651/Mass_Downloader_3.2.0.642_SR1.rar.html
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