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Apropo de idei bune ?i e?ecuri r?sun?toare (în exemplu de mai jos bule speculative care se sparg) Top 10 dot-com flops - CNET.com De re?inut: *) A core lesson from the dot-com boom is that even if you have a good idea, it's best not to grow too fast too soon. *) Advertising, no matter how clever, cannot save you. Mai departe: chiar ave?i o idee original? ?i o pune?i în practic?, s-ar putea s? fie prea original? ?i... ve?i e?ua. Some applications are simply ahead of their time. There were online bookmarking sites way before Del.icio.us. There were photo sharing sites way before Flickr. Why is it that now these types of sites take off when before they didn’t? Detalii aici: Getting it Right ?i, pe final, Paul Graham explic? de ce Yahoo s-a dus duios pe pul? What Happened to Yahoo At Yahoo this death spiral started early. If there was ever a time when Yahoo was a Google-style talent magnet, it was over by the time I got there in 1998. The company felt prematurely old. Most technology companies eventually get taken over by suits and middle managers. At Yahoo it felt as if they'd deliberately accelerated this process. They didn't want to be a bunch of hackers. They wanted to be suits. A media company should be run by suits. The first time I visited Google, they had about 500 people, the same number Yahoo had when I went to work there. But boy did things seem different. It was still very much a hacker-centric culture. I remember talking to some programmers in the cafeteria about the problem of gaming search results (now known as SEO), and they asked "what should we do?" Programmers at Yahoo wouldn't have asked that. Theirs was not to reason why; theirs was to build what product managers spec'd. I remember coming away from Google thinking "Wow, it's still a startup." Probably the most impressive commitment I've heard to having a hacker-centric culture came from Mark Zuckerberg, when he spoke at Startup School in 2007. He said that in the early days Facebook made a point of hiring programmers even for jobs that would not ordinarily consist of programming, like HR and marketing. So which companies need to have a hacker-centric culture? Which companies are "in the software business" in this respect? As Yahoo discovered, the area covered by this rule is bigger than most people realize. The answer is: any company that needs to have good software.
Nota bene: La fiecare individ care reu?e?te s? fac? mul?i bani pe wwweb exist? zeci/sute de mii care au încercat ?i au e?uat. Dar despre acei 99% nu ?tim, ei nu exist?. La noi ajung doar pove?tile de succes ?i asta ne deformeaz? percep?ia. Internetul este un mediu "winner-take-all"
Le cere?i prea mult. Unii dintre ei nu ?tiu s? citeasc?.
Ponturi valabile pentru orice domeniu. Citi?i cu aten?ie Pin Dancing: The answer to "Will you mentor me?" is Just roll up your sleeves and get to work. If your work is good enough, you'll get all the "mentoring" you'll need. "Mentoring" from the best people in your field is a very rare and precious resource and like anything else in life that is precious, should be earned. Your *work* will, in time, bring you all the mentoring and community or whatever else you need. Working with uncertainty is part of the learning. Waiting for mentorship/leadership/"community"/ whatever to start working is a flaw that guarantees you will never achieve anything worthwhile. For some reason there are too many people who first want to form a community and then start learning/working/whatever. These efforts almost invariably peter out uselessly. First do the work. Then if you feel like "communing" talk to others who are also working hard.
digital forensic science
Pascal Junod SHA-3 Finalists Announced by NIST Mai multe aici The SHA-3 Zoo - The ECRYPT Hash Function Website NIST - Third Round Candidates
5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Boardwalk Empire Extended Trailer - HQ
Forumul regreseaz? în ritm accelerat
Corect. Mi-a sc?pat.
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Dar Nostradamus nu ?tia cu ce se m?nânc? teoria jocurilor. Nenea ?sta ?tie The New Nostradamus - Issue 007 - GOOD Dar tot degeaba.
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Nostradamus is watching our world leaders masturbate... from the past. Like a true prophet! Eh, crackheads. ?ia ?tiu ce spun. De acolo am aflat multe lucruri tinute secrete.
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World War III - IMDb O s? fie ?i în reluare.
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k Codex Alimentarius - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A auzit cineva de initium? Ingrasaminte naturale vs Ingrasaminte artificiale Ai uitat de ?erpilieni.
f+ le spune pe bune how to exploit the shallow deep_web Searching problems, web problems
Poate aici Eminescu Versus Eminem 2005 Linkurile au expirat, dar po?i s? ceri un reupload.
Diverse numere din 2005 pân? în 2010 (bune pentru încep?tori ?i nu numai) http://ifile.it/0jtfyhc/hakin9.zip Cele mai recente pot fi desc?rcate de pe situl oficial dac? da?i o adres? de email http://hakin9.org/
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