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Everything posted by wvw

  1. Asta pentru ca imi place numai muzica de genu' asta... sau asta. Vreau sa-mi fac trupa.
  2. Foarte serios
  3. Si acum urmeaza un raspuns serios: Da, ravens, iti este interceptat Y!M-ul. Ignora faptul ca toti rad de tine, eu sunt aici sa te ajut. Posteaza aici daca vrei sa afli solutia problemei.
  4. Se discuta intens si pe forumurile oficiale http://forums.remote-exploit.org/index.php
  5. Care din ele? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_3.x
  6. wvw

    Fun stuff

    Yahu! Manelenger
  7. Nu pot spune decat ca elinks ruleaza ;-)
  8. Pentru pasionatii de electronica / DIY / spionaj pentru to(n)ti: http://huvanile.com/2008/09/03/the-laser-bounce-window-listener/
  9. Another gem from DEFCON 16. Download link: http://mirror.sweon.net/defcon16/Speakers/Schmiedl/ Your stack is smash-proof. Your dumpster is fully alarmed. And your firewall is so secure that it has former Soviet officials green with envy. So why are the developers finding their undocumented features in competitors' products, or company executives on a constant hunt for leaks and traitors? There's a whole lot more to doing an end-run around network security than calling up and pretending to be the help desk or hoping someone chucks a service manual in the trash Professional attackers with specific targets have a whole rash of techniques -- from using targeted employees to hiding microphones -- adopted from the world of espionage, and this talk is all about how they do what they do.
  10. wvw


    Buna si tentativa de flama.
  11. wvw


    Si in continuare poti ajuta, dar deocamdata n-ai dovedit nimic... Interesant. Ce master/facultate faci? Oh, snap, bine ca mi-ai spus. E a doua oara cand iti ceri scuze pentru *deranj* (sic!). Chill, nu a murit nimeni pana acum din cauza expunerii la doze mari de sarcasm.
  12. wvw


    Oah, super! Asteptam cu vadit interes. Nici macar niste procente, dupa modelul de aici?
  13. wvw

    blog nou

    Ce ganduri ai cu maretul blog si de ce ai doua sectiuni About?
  14. Sa evitam discutiile pe langa in topicul lui DonPablo. Acum... trecand peste flama & Co, ce inseamna "Linux este mai bun ca XP?" Din ce punct de vedere este mai bun? Poate ca eu lucrez zilnic in Visual Studio / sunt developer .NET / fac jocuri in DirectX 10 etc. La ce-mi trebuie GNU/Linux?
  15. wvw

    germana traduceri

    In regula. Atunci descarca asta http://www.testeweb.com/rst/ftp/v1c/Crypto/Die%20Chiffriemaschine%20ENGIMA.pdf du-te la pagina 7 si tradu-mi inceputul de la 1.1.11 Funkschlussel M. (pana la Wie die ENIGMA I war der Funkschlussel M auch mit einem Steckerbrett ausgestattet) ;-)
  16. Bine ai venit. Cam ce lucruri speri sa inveti aici?
  17. wvw

    germana traduceri

    Ok. De cati ani studiezi germana?
  18. Ah, nu stiam asta...
  19. http://jeremiahgrossman.blogspot.com/2009/01/calling-all-researchers-send-in-top-web.html
  20. *facepalm.avi*
  21. Ubi est bibula? Where are you from? How much will you pay for the job? Why did you bump a topic from 2006? Where is the proverbial via_gr@ / c1@li-s topic?
  22. ????????????????
  23. Sau poate fi citit aici: http://sillydog.org/mshidden.php In orice caz, old news. Mergeau mai bine linkurile clasice anti-Vista (nu neaparat pentru paranoici). Stiti voi, Windows Vista lets US Government Spy on your PC, A List of Windows Vista Spying Tools bawwwww, etc. Uite aici un eseu interesant pro-Linux (si pro-dumping Windows) http://fravia.2113.ch/linux.htm
  24. Super-topic!
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