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Everything posted by mataky

  1. e.g. meam mentulam sugare ad astra
  2. Nytro e Aerosol se stie
  3. mataky

    Elohim scam.

    A fost si el ridicat pt 24h, ce credea ca tine o vesnicie.Totul se plateste mai devereme sau mai tarziu.
  4. Daca imi dau cocaina eu ma duc intr-un sant si trag pe nas pt popor!
  5. in afara de cei de la sri bineinteles
  6. Bitch please
  7. All the best, Romanian Security Team Ma trezisem dintr-o betie si vad ca Maximus se considera bitch q.e.d.
  8. All the best, Romanian Security Team Ma trezisem dintr-o betie si vad ca Maximus se considera bitch q.e.d.
  9. De vazut Kill the Messenger 2014 inspirat dupa fapte reale "CIA's role in arming Contra rebels in Nicaragua and importing cocaine into California" sau "Has Washington resurrected “Operation Gladio,” which consisted of CIA bombing attacks against Europeans during the post-WW II era that Washington blamed on communists and used to destroy communist influence in European elections? Just as the world was led to believe that communists were behind Operation Gladio’s terrorist attacks, Muslims are blamed for the attacks on the French satirical magazine. " Charlie Hebdo and Tsarnaev’s Trial: Cui bono? - PaulCraigRoberts.org Cine e, de fapt, in spatele atacului de la Paris? (Opinii) | Mobile
  10. Got an HDMI port handy? Sure, you could plug in a Chromecast, Fire TV Stick or Roku Streaming Stick to get your Netflix fix. Or you could pay $150 to get a full Windows 8.1 PC in the same form factor. This is the Intel Compute Stick, a humble HDMI dongle that houses a full desktop computer experience. It's not a particularly powerful one—you get a quad-core 1.33GHz Intel Atom processor, 2GB of RAM, and 32GB of solid state storage—but it does have Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and both a full-size USB port and a microSD card slot for expandability. As long as you're not gaming and find yourself a decent couch controller, you could probably do quite a bit from this tiny PC! Here's the spec sheet. More likely, it'll find a home in small businesses, schools, and the like who want to roll out super cheap computers to their employees, since all you need is this stick, an HDMI monitor and a couple peripherals to get things cranking. Remember when the tiniest PC was a nettop that hooked onto the back of your monitor? Now they come in dongle-form. If you're feeling brave, you can actually already buy one of these tiny dongle-PCs from Chinese resellers, but it probably won't come with Windows on board. I'd wait for the official Intel version to arrive. The Wall Street Journal says it'll hit by the end of Q1, with a Linux version also available for $90. Intel's $150 HDMI Stick Turns Any TV Into a Windows Desktop
  11. Contul paypal trebuie sa fie de US ca sa nu ti-l limiteze sau merge cu orice tara?
  12. Ai rezolvat cu r0bf0rdsn0w-v1.2 ?
  13. Ahmed Merabet, Cop Killed In Paris Attacks, Was Muslim | The Daily Caller Daca unii romani fura asta nu inseamna ca toti fura,sa nu generalizam.
  14. This is what the Tor network looks like right now. "“Lizard Squad,” the notorious hacker collective is now reportedly after the anonymous communication service, the Tor Project. Tor's service keeps users anonymous by bouncing communications around a large network of computers known as "volunteer nodes." But as Gizmodo points out, if one group can control most of the nodes — which is exactly what Lizard Squad is attempting to do here — it may “be able to eavesdrop on a substantial number of vulnerable users.” Computer programmer Nadim Kobeissi says Lizard Squad has claimed nearly half of Tor’s ~8,000 relays. As for the Tor project, the group has not released any statements." All your onions are belong to us...Lizard Squad Targets Tor - Slashdot ‘Lizard Squad,’ The Hacker Gang That Shut Down PSN And Xbox Live For 2 Straight Days, Is Now Reportedly Attacking Tor - Business Insider Anonymous To 'Lizard Squad': Stop Attacking Tor Anonymous @yourAnonNews Anonymous To 'Lizard Squad': Stop Attacking Tor - Business Insider
  15. Women keep DNA from everyone they've had sex with; it modifies their own and any future baby The DNA of men a woman had intercourse with remains in her body and modifies her own dna. It's called Microchimerism (Mc) "Collectively with data showing the presence of male DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid [32], our results indicate that fetal DNA and likely cells can cross the human blood-brain barrier (BBB) and reside in the brain. Changes in BBB permeability occur during pregnancy [33] and may therefore provide a unique opportunity for the establishment of Mc in the brain. Also unique to our study are the findings that male Mc in the human female brain is relatively frequent (positive in 63% of subjects) and distributed in multiple brain regions, and is potentially persistent across the human lifespan (the oldest female in whom male DNA was detected in the brain was 94 years)." When scientists autopsied the brains of women who had never even been pregnant they STILL found male DNA prevalent in the female brain. "CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or SEXUAL INTERCOURSE." This has very important ramifications for women. Especially promiscuous women who practice unprotected sexual intercourse. Every male you absorb spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you FOR LIFE. The women autopsied in this study were elderly. Some had carried the living male DNA for well over 50 years The male DNA can also pass into and become part of a fetus from an entirely different male. So if your woman has a long track record, then your kids are likely carrying DNA from her past hookups. Deci aveti grija !
  16. https://t.co/z8Z2h839SG https://torcache.net/torrent/161B83FA0EA45F20EFE804A844A551113690C0D1/%5Bstarvestnik.ru%5DThe.Interview.2014..1080p..torrent TheInterview.torrent
  17. un hacker considera pe toti online de la sri
  18. Intai a fost votata tacit la americani acum la noi: "Last week, Congress passed the Intelligence Authorization Act for 2015 (H.R. 4681), which includes Section 309. "This takes the NSA PRISM program information and others like it and allows any and all info to be shared across .gov and local gov" H.R. 4681 is the largest threat the internet has ever faced - Imgur https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/protect-our-privacy-and-please-veto-hr-4681-aka-intelligence-authorization-act-fiscal-year-2015/lln5hN5c
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