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Everything posted by Axu

  1. Up! My post is too fucking short!
  2. Axu

    Domeni gratis

    # The promotion code entered has already been used # Mai dai?
  3. Dupa cum spune si titlul, vand conturi premium pentru backlink. Pe scurt: Submit your pages to 100 UNIQUE SITES. All links are on UNIQUE C Class IPs and Domains! Build backlinks to your pages 3 TIMES A DAY, every day. Build up to 9,000 BACKLINKS EVERY MONTH. Get access to reports to keep a record of all the backlinks you create! Get access to an RSS feed of ALL your links to get them and your pages indexed faster! Get advanced video training to learn how to make the most of your backlinks! For even better search engine rankings, more traffic, leads and sales! Pentru mai multe detalii, precum si un pret trimiteti PM!
  4. Asta e pt phpbb3, trebuie specificat. GJ.
  5. instal0us, a fost inchis intradevar. Dar cei de la hackulo.us au preluat proiectul din cate vad...si app se numeste instalous(fara 0). Adauga in cydia: cydia.hackulo.us si descarci de akolo aplicatia si merge perfect. Bafta!
  6. Axu

    Pax are fani ! :>

    Dau yo pt nytro... Mai vb vineri sa ne intl sambata sau dum, sa vad ce timp am si eu...
  7. Axu

    Pax are fani ! :>

    Ce-am mai facut? @nytro daca vrei te scot la o bere:)) sau ce bei tu:-??
  8. Axu

    10x man

    "The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters."

  9. Axu


    Da, am obs si eu ca trebuie platita intrarea... Totusi era mai frumos daca era free, poate atragea mai multa lume asa si in anii urmatori sa introduca o taxa...
  10. Axu


    The Story The Hacktivity conference is a traditional event where official and alternative representatives of the information security profession meet with all those interested in this f ield in framework which is at the same time informal and informative, and sometimes very in-depth technological. Participants: Official and alternative experts of the information security profession, Universities, colleges, and their professors participating in IT training, Young people participating in high level IT education /university and college students, professional trade unions. What will Hacktivity be like in 2010? The Hacktivity 2010 conference will be held in the Dürer Garden on September 18 and 19, 2010. This year’s keynote speaker will be no other than Bruce Schneier, the most famous IT security expert in the world. Even better than before, even more renowned foreign presenters, longer presentations providing even more insight, 500+ participants, inrenational conference /simultaneous interpreting in Hungarian and English/, bilingual website, we welcome participants from all countries, maintaining favorable ticket prices (with special discounts for students), extended opportunities for professional networking, Saturday night concert with palinka tasting. Mai multe info pe siteul lor Hacktivity Am gasit evenimentul asta sau ce e el pe Facebook...ma tot stresa in partea dreapta, si am zis sa arunc o privire... Participa cineva? Ultimul post pe facebook zice: "Top 5 countries our fans comes from are: Hungary, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Slovakia."
  11. wordpress...cu joomla iti cam bati capul...
  12. Axu

    Pixeli Morti

    yceman_yceman am la fel iphone ca si tine ...cu aceeasi problema... Se vor extinde...tot de la o dungulita a pornit si al meu... Am observat ca incept sa se extinda atunci cand este expus unor temperaturi mai mari(ex: sta in soare, lucrezi prea mult pe el si se incinge) Dar am mai observat ca si dispar din ei... Oricum daca mi-ai vedea iphoneu'...ai plange...si mie mi-e mila de el... Am incercat si yo programele alea cu multe culori degeaba... Daca rezolvi ceva...anunta-ma si pe mine
  13. Schimba portul USB si incearca din nou....
  14. Un prieten are aceeasi prob...dar a luat o tranta seriosa inainte de a avea prob asta... De 2 ani ii tot sta asa ledu ala rosu Singura solutie e sa te duci cu el la service...
  15. Poti sa il ti in casa pe post de telefon fix
  16. bro in arhiva sunt numai fisiere .txt Edit: acum am vaz ca e si un fisier .pl...
  17. Acesta merge instalat? Ca eu am luat toate .ipa de pe apptrackr si la instalare imi da " Invalid ipa" sau ceva de genu... LE: Da...si la asta imi da ca nu e valid. Am incercat sa il instalez si cu itunes si cu install0us...
  18. Oare o merge si la alea cu RedBull? O sa imi notez codu in tel si o sa incerc
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