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Everything posted by Fitty

  1. Pax si ce vrei sa pilotezi? Harrier? )
  2. Eu zic, ca nu o sa am probleme cu probele & shit.
  3. Fitty


    ^^ Impaciuitorul.
  4. Eu vreau sa ma duc la astia, la aeriene
  5. Fitty


    si de ce _death? si nu _god _life
  6. Fitty


    Ma intreb black_deathcat ce o avea de zis..CAT!
  7. 007m, we got new shit for you.
  8. WTF? MySQL leaving us? Noi ce mai exploatam?? LE: Signed.
  9. Fitty


    Asa ma cheama.
  10. Proxy: HTTP
  11. Yet another one http://exploiter.pcriot.com/ Apropo, incercati http://x10hosting.com/signup.php fratilor, cei mai tari in materie de free hosting zic eu. Aveti CPanel 11 FULL
  12. Fitty

    Make Short URL

    sp2.ro - Fa-l SCURT! Serviciu gratuit ce-ti transforma un url lung intr-unul scurt.
  13. Fitty


    Since Adam and Eve.
  14. Fitty


    People mating.
  15. @colt: si daca sa zicem ca update-ul a dat gres si BIOS-ul e varza...se mai poate face ceva?
  16. Nice......
  17. Cred ca nu e roman...
  18. 2006-2009 numai am citit pe forum (nu postam) da ma jur ca nu l-am observat pe lexx ala
  19. Eu de obicei fac balta de fludor..
  20. Updated azi, 4.1.2010. Functii noi : DB to DB dumping Schimbari: algoritm nou de aflare nr. coloane (mult mai exact), input URL fara ' final (din cauza unor probleme de filtrare ) Download : http://alienhackers.com/download/mysql_exploiter_php.rar http://fitty.pastebin.com/fc50cb47 PS: Screenshot-uri noi, verificati primul post. Enjoy! LE: Am urcat noul script pe http://forcemu.idle.ro/exploiter.php MySQL settings (pt MySQL dumping):, root, fara parola http://forcemu.idle.ro/phpmyadmin/
  21. The press sucks, man. The press - meaning all that shit, from newspapers&TV to the Internet - is a bunch of motherfucking liers. Altough, the media DOES have a large impact on the masses => they, these fools, have the power. Example : the power to ruin a VIP's rep... Tiger Woods cheated on his wife? Very well. He has the moral right to do it, because marriage = jail.
  22. Happy new time(), man.
  23. Bine ai venit (..de pe ISR?).
  24. Pai si tu i-ai dat add, cu ce scop? Sa ai o discutie de postat pe RST?
  25. Si ce legatura are asta cu Security Research? Mai e si copiat...
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