Dedicatie speciala pentru unu_1234567, SQL Master Kabron, pentru daemien, Mihaita 007m si Benjamin Loppa. Sper sa va fie utila. Link download : Sursa [c0ded in VB6, no need for .net] 'variabile... Dim i, lenghtu As Integer Dim letter, textu As String 'setam un 0x in textboxul in care va aparea hexul Private Sub Form_Load() hexbox.Text = "0x" End Sub 'blocam anumite caractere pe baza de cod ascii Private Sub textbox_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If (KeyAscii > 0 And KeyAscii < 8) Or (KeyAscii > 8 And KeyAscii < 32) Then KeyAscii = 0 End If End Sub 'impartim stringul char by char, daca acesta s-a modificat, se reia toata treaba Private Sub textbox_Change() hexbox.Text = "0x" textu = textbox.Text lenghtu = Len(textu) i = 1 For i = 1 To lenghtu letter = Mid$(textu, i, 1) hexbox.Text = LCase(hexbox.Text + Hex(Asc(letter))) Next End Sub 'asta e pt butonul clear, reseteaza text box-urile Private Sub cleatbut_Click() textbox.SetFocus textbox.Text = "" hexbox.Text = "0x" End Sub ##### c0ded by Fitty ##########