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Everything posted by NangiuVlad

  1. Merge bine. @roger Mie imi trimite in Inbox...
  2. Dute ma de aici.Auzi la el 5 fraguri.Faceam si 60 fraguri per harta si tot nu primeam ban lol,aveam ~2000 killuri cu leis si nimeni nu avea nimic cu mine.Mi-au facut cateva poze dar logic ca au iesit curate.
  3. Mersi mult.Si eu am cautat astazi Borland de mi-au sarit ochii.
  4. File Not Found Error 404 The file you were looking for could not be found, sorry for any inconvenience. Possible causes of this error could be: * The file expired because it was not downloaded for 60 days * The file was deleted by its owner * The file was deleted by zSHARE because it didn't comply with our Terms of Use * Our server turned evil and is now rebelling against us (not likely) Since you are here, would you like to know more about zSHARE or perhaps upload a file? ReUpload?Please?
  5. Cum a spus si black_death_c4t useru asta era banat,sa stea banat ca doar nu a primit ban degeaba.
  6. nullbyte poate iei ban
  7. Dear FileFront User: We regret to inform you that we are forced to indefinitely suspend the FileFront site operations on March 30, 2009. If you have uploaded files, images or posted blogs, or if you would like to download some of your favorite files, please take this opportunity to download them before March 30th when the site will be suspended. We would like to give a warm thank you to all of you who have been part of the FileFront communities we have built together. Your support has had a meaningful impact for all of us here at FileFront. Again, we want to give you a sincere “thank you” for your support over the years and wish you all the very best. Keep gaming alive, FileFront Management and Team.
  8. 1.Nu e deloc veritabil,orice idiot s-ar fi prins ca nu e adevaratul messenger. 2.Sunt o multime de variante care sunt ca un messenger normal
  9. La mine imi da eroare,zice ca are bug.
  10. De acord cu daatdraqq In Romania daca nu ai bani te poti considera mort.
  11. Cu ce e problema?Ca la www.rstcenter.com nu iti arata structura? Pe un alt site gen www.virtual-tuning.ro iti arata structura dar care defapt sunt niste topicuri amarate.
  12. De o luna sau de doua sau de trei luni tot e important.Poate sunt unii care nu au auzit.
  13. Primul meu telefon a fost un Nokia 3310
  14. CS3 e de o suta de ori mai bun,cel putin pentru mine.Oricum eu fac cu el doar Virtual-Tuning.
  15. Nu face nimica,nici macar nu ma doare capul cum au zis altii.
  16. Nu.Pax are dreptate.E un cacat de site.
  17. Si la ce imi foloseste?Ca IP puteam sa il vad il vad si cu Anti-Virusul http://www.rstcenter.com IP: [] ???: PR: Reverse DNS: bldcl-gv01-ro.fbi.gov Server: LiteSpeed Denied for robots: Not Found Sites on server(ReverseIP): rstcenter.com [] Site structure: root
  18. Ce gg ma ca nu merge link
  19. Abia astept v4.0.Faci treaba buna Nytro tineo tot asa.
  20. Dar mai este o versiune care inca merge?
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