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Everything posted by Reebock

  1. Simti ca nu dai bine din buci si vrei sa vezi unde gresesti? Drept ii?
  2. Reebock

    BTC Free

    Daca oricum oferi "pontul" prin pm, de ce nu il postezi?
  3. Daca as fi in locul tau, as achizitiona Z200-le. Are un amic ceva Utok dar tot la 2 saptamani trebe sa ii dau factory reset ca ba nu ii merge netul, ba ii sacadeaza... am avut si eu un Acer Liquid Z2 si am fost foarte multumit de el, il am si acum, dar sta in cutie, folosesc un S2 cu care dau si pe asfalt si nu pateste nimic.
  4. Salut, uite aici o solutie. blackberry solution for mep code (0 left) - GSM-Forum
  5. Nu am avut cand sa raspund, l-am rezolvat prin full wipe cu PartedMagician, am reinstalat windows 8 pe el si functioneaza fara probleme. Multumest @Rickets
  6. Mersi pentru raspuns, am si alt hdd, dar chiar nu am mai fost in stare sa il desfac, am sa il schimb cu alt hard sa vad cum se comporta, dar am sa incerc si cu Parted Magic sa vedem ce se intampla. Daca altii mai au ceva idei, sunt bine venite.
  7. Seara buna, laptop-ul mamei, un Sony Vaio VGN-NS30E nu mai booteaza nicicum, nu ii pot reinstala windows-ul, nu prea pot sa ii fac nimic. Aseara a fost trantit putin de masa, nu este crapat sau lovit, azi dimineata cand l-a pornit a functionat foarte bine pana cand i-a dat shut down, a durat vreo 5 minute sa se opreasca, dupa cateva ore cand a incercat sa il porneasca nu a mai bootat windows-ul, nici reinstalarea, nici nimic, adica incearca bootarea windows-ului dar ori ramane display-ul negru dar nu oprit, ci deschis dar afiseaza negru, ori arata logo-ul de incarcare a windows-ului la nesfarsit, cand incerc sa instalez windows-ul, porneste instalarea de pe stick/cd, si tot asa ramane blocat la "Setup is starting" sau ceva de genul... I-am dat doar rami jos, i-am pus la loc dar tot asa, tare ma tem ca este hd-ul, a mai patit cineva asa sau are careva vreo idee?
  8. Reebock

    Cumpar WMZ

    Am eu datele jegosului aluia de tot da tepe, stai linistit ca tot vin la tine tiganule. De pe contul @filatdegarda am primit teapa. Tot te prind tigane, apropo, inca am cutia si nucile, o sa te ajut sa le mananci. Nume: Gheta Cosmin Constantin Adresa: Strada Bradului nr.52, bl.s2, sc. c, parter ap.1, BACAU. CNP: 196111104**** Tel: 0747794435
  9. Da, am primit contul, multumesc frumos.
  10. Reebock

    iphone 5s

    Nu sunt sanse, nu merita.
  11. Era activat Steam Guard...am cardul de pe care am achizitionat jocurile direct din steam, am facut ticket, nu raspunde nimeni la el, asta e problema..
  12. Nu stiu cum sau cine, sau ce s-a intamplat, ideea ii ca nu stiu cum sa il recuperez, am primit un e-mail cum, ca contul a fost hack-uit, furat, spart, futut... i-am dat locked, am primit ceva pasi de urmat, am scanat pc-ul, am schimbat parolele..etc, si le-am scris e-mail inapoi, nici pana azi nu am primit un reply, o rezolvare, ceva... Ce sa fac? A mai patit cineva asta?
  13. Bine ca pe pagina de facebook ziceai "Reducere la metoda de facut like-uri de la 100 lei la 20 lei ! Oferta este valabila doar pana pe 18 noiembrie 2014.", sa inteleg ca metoda o dadeai si pe 20 de lei, despre care zici mai sus ca metoda este addmefast, defapt ce vinzi? Pagina aia de facebook cu clienti?
  14. Il mai poti face doar la service, cu box.
  15. @XoddX, aveti amandoi mesaj privat, fara suparare.
  16. Poti sa faci activare doar daca il decodezi sau il duci la un service si ti-l activeaza ei.
  17. Salutari, am facut un mic update la topic-ul initial, va rog sa aruncati o privire si daca aveti ceva din ce doresc sa cumpar, astept un reply sau un mesaj din partea voastra.
  18. Salut, imi spui un pret la cel cu CS:GO, CS 1.6 etc.
  19. Salut, acum am vazut doar topic-ul, daca mai ai nevoie de decodare, pot incerca eu prin imei sa vad daca merge, gratis.
  20. Google launches its own mobile network for Nexus 6 owners Google is now a mobile carrier. Today the company has made official its plan to offer wireless service to owners of its Nexus 6 smartphone. It's called Project Fi, and Google is launching an early invite program beginning today. "Similar to our Nexus hardware program, Project Fi enables us to work in close partnership with leading carriers, hardware makers, and all of you to push the boundaries of what's possible," the company wrote in a blog post. The service is only available for the Nexus 6 and requires a special SIM card for Project FI — it will work with both existing Nexus 6 devices and new ones. Google is says that right now the service is only available as an "early access program," and during that program it won't work on other phones. Google's new offering is unique in that the company will charge consumers only for the data they use rather than hit them with a flat monthly fee that comes with a preset amount of data. If you fail to use all the data you've paid for, Google will refund you the difference. If you go over your plan, Google will simply charge you at a pro-rated rate of $10 per GB. In other words, if you pay for data and don't use it, you get refunded. If you don't buy data and use it, you end up paying the same amount. There are no family plans available, but neither does it require a contract of any kind. As reported previously, Google will operate its wireless service with the help of both T-Mobile and Sprint; customers will have access to both networks, and Google's service will intelligently switch between them and Wi-Fi to maintain strong reception. "We developed new technology that gives you better coverage by intelligently connecting you to the fastest available network at your location whether it's Wi-Fi or one of our two partner LTE networks," the company said. Project Fi also supports voice calls and texting over Wi-Fi, lending subscribers more flexibility and how and where they can communicate with their contacts. Google also says it's using secure tech (there's a key that shows up in your menu bar) for when you're using public Wi-Fi hotspots. Google says Project Fi phone numbers "live in the cloud," according to Google, enabling you to text and place voice calls from a laptop or tablet without your actual phone nearby. When you are on the phone, Google says calls can seamlessly transition to LTE when you leave a Wi-Fi network. Google seems to be using the new, combined Hangouts / Google Voice infrastructure in some way for Fi, as its FAQ references it often. If you're interested in being part of Google's mobile experiment, the signup page is here. Google says it'll be sending out a small number of invites every week starting now. Sursa: Google launches its own mobile network for Nexus 6 owners | The Verge
  21. De ce sa fie scos doar dislike-ul? Eu nu vad oricum scopul like-urilor sau dislike-urilor.
  22. Salut, "mentionez ca se aprinde dar cred ca nu are semnal.", daca se aprinde de ce nu incerci sa vezi? E rupta sau ce e cu partea aceea? Partea aceea e pentru wi-fi normal, pe partea cealalta unde este prelungirea aceea micuta spre stanga merge cablul pentru semnal...
  23. Eu dau dislike pana imi pica degetul la cei 2 de care e numai gura si altceva nimic, teparii la care nimeni nu le-a facut nimic.
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