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  1. Man , ce ai vazut tu a fost doar prima pagina. https://rstforums.com/forum/74432-cerere-invitatii-pe-tracker-ul-filelist-ro-19.rst Aici este ultima pagina . Sunt posturi de azi , ieri , alaltaieri. Da-le si tu acolo vreo 20 de invitatii daca tot nu ai ce face cu ele , restul de 20 le dai prin alta parte. Nu are rost sa creezi topic special cand poti imparti invitatiile acolo. Iar se umple forumul de x posturi pentru invitatii.
  2. Rog frumos un moderator sa inchida acest topic. Il mai rog pe respectivul user care are invitatii sa ii ajute pe cei de aici daca vrea. https://rstforums.com/forum/74432-cerere-invitatii-pe-tracker-ul-filelist-ro.rst
  3. Matt

    RST Plagiat !

    Astia par niste copii , lasati-i sa se simta si ei bine de sarbatori.
  4. Membrii noi sunt noi si incepatori , dar si cei deja-existenti si vechi si mai prosti decat cei noi.
  5. Propun sa faceti un chat unde sa-i dati si lui Kabron moderator.
  6. Matt

    Get VIP+ on RST!

    1. Nu am pupat pe nimeni in cur ca sa primesc VIP. Am spus-o mereu si o sa o zic mereu la prosti. 2. Nu inteleg care e problema ta cu mine si cu ce am postat eu.Nu la toti le place sa citeasca. 3. Nu imi mai pomeni numele in posturi pentru ca nu ne tragem de sireturi. 4. Cauti anturaj? Caut-o pe polonic s-ar putea sa va intelegeti. 5. In rest doar banati-l pe prostu' asta ca a facut off-topic.
  7. Matt

    Get VIP+ on RST!

    Acele posturi erau macar despre "Securitate".Tu ai 450 posturi cont din 2013 iar 300 posturi sunt la "Bine ai venit" In rest ma pis pe tine.
  8. Ei bine , asta nu vezi in fiecare zi. Ia sa vedem bai LEgend cum iti sta :
  9. http://www.realitatea.net/bucurestenii-s-au-batut-in-statiile-de-tramvai-pentru-a-urca-sa-mearga-la-parada-de-1-decembrie_1329307.html]Bucure?tenii s-au b?tut
  10. @Deliric :
  11. Frumoasa tara , oameni de cacat.
  12. Ok, toata lumea care are acum pc racheta vine si critica Winamp.Well, din ce imi amintesc Winamp era cam singurul program de muzica care se folosea in anii 2000+ pe orice pc. Ei au fost cam singurii care au iesit la suprafata in perioada aia asa ca nu mai pupati toate programele astea de au aparut acum cand au crescut si resursele + ca a avansat si tehnologia. Intr-adevar poate au stagnat dar asta nu inseamna ca n-au fost odata buni.
  13. Tipic romanesc.Tu il jignesti pe ala si apoi vii si plangi pe forum ca te-a batut? Pai ce-i asta ma? Eu iti rupeam capu'.
  14. App, vezi ca RST nu e Yahoo.
  15. Norwegian company Opera Software made a bold -- some critics might say foolish -- move when it decided to switch from the company's own Presto engine to Chromium. The company is currently still in the transition period from Opera 12.x to Chromium, even though some Chromium versions have already been released. Currently, both the old and new version of Opera are available. That is going to change in the future so that only new Chromium versions of Opera will be supported by the company. The change affected not only the web browser, but also other parts of Opera Software as well. The mail client for instance, integrated in Opera 12.x, was released as a separate product as it has not been integrated into the new Chromium versions of Opera. And Fastmail, the company's mail service, has been bought back by the original owners, Opera Software announced today that it will shut down My Opera as of March 1, 2014. Originally created as a support forum for the web browser and other products in 2001, it quickly became a social meeting place for Opera users. In 2006, My Opera was improved by allowing all users to maintain their own blog on the site and the service has provided the functionality to all My Opera users ever since. Note: The shutdown affects My Opera mail accounts as well. Why is My Opera shut down? Opera offers two reasons why the service is shut down. The company notes that other social media and blogging services offer "more and better" features, and that it cannot keep up with that. In addition, the resources needed to maintain My Opera have changed the company's "outlook on My Opera". Time to export your data If you operate a My Opera blog or have an account, you have until the shut down date to export your data. Opera has created several help guides that walk users through the necessary steps. Opera blog owners can move their blog to other blogging services such as WordPress, Squarespace, Typepad or Moveable Type. To do so, they need to perform the following operation: Log in to the My Opera website Hover the mouse over the wrench icon and select account. Click on Blog settings Click on export your blog there. To download all files that you have uploaded to My Opera, perform the following operation: Hover the mouse over the wrench icon and select files Select Zip your files and click Start. Other changes The desktop team blog will be moved to a new blogs subdomain on the Opera website where you can access it. Opera Link, the company's data synchronization service will also be moved to a subdomain on the Opera website. The forums will be moved to Opera.com in the future as well, with the most important threads migrated to the new destination as well. My Opera users can continue to use their login information to sign in on the Opera website to participate in the forums just like they have done before. Closing Words It is clear that Opera Software is trying to streamline its portfolio after the move to Chromium. While services such as My Opera or Fastmail may not have been profitable, or worth the effort in the eyes of Opera Software, long standing users may see this in a different light. My Opera was the place to hang out for Opera users and to meet like-minded fellows. Removing that option may impact the strong sense of community in a negative way, which may have consequences that Opera Software did not anticipate. Source GHacks.Net
  16. Li-Fi este un standard de comunica?ie wireless despre care a început s? se vorbeasc? de prin 2010, acesta încercând s? ofere o alternativ? la cunoscuta tehnologie Wi-Fi prin utilizarea luminii în locul undelor radio. Tehnologia a f?cut unele progrese între timp, îns? realizarea unui grup de cercetare sus?inut? de cinci universit??i britanice este interesant? deoarece a atins limita de 10 Gbps cu ajutorul unui singur LED de tip RGB. Dac? acum un an, sistemul cu LED-uri albe permitea atingerea unei rate de transfer de 130 Mbps iar Fraunnhofer a anun?at ulterior atingerea unei viteze de 3 Gbps, cercet?torii din Marea Britanie au reu?it atingerea unei viteze de 10 Gbps prin multiplexarea canalelor RGB ale unui LED alb. La fel ca în cazul încerc?rilor anterioare, sistemul func?ioneaz? prin modularea rapid? de câteva milioane de ori pe secund? a intensit??ii luminii emise. Spre deosebire de cazurile anterioare, noul sistem folose?te LED-uri RGB ?i este capabil s? ofere rate de transfer de 3,5 Gbps pentru fiecare component? de culoare în parte, fluxul de date final având o l??ime de band? total? de 10 Gbps. Deoarece fluctua?iile de lumina sunt prea rapide pentru a fi percepute de ochiul uman, lumina emis? vizibila va fi tot alb?. Avantajele unui astfel de sistem de transmisie ar fi posibilitatea reutiliz?rii instala?iilor electrice deja prezente în orice re?edin??, l??imea de band? disponibil? care este superioar? celei alocate pentru spectrul radio Wi-Fi ?i eficien?a energetic? superioar?. Dezavantajele sunt imposibilitatea penetr?rii pere?ilor ?i dificultatea implement?rii unor sisteme optice similare de emisie ?i recep?ie în locul modulelor radio din produsele Wi-Fi obi?nuite. Sursa Go4IT.Ro
  17. Era un afis in Rectoratul Politehnicii cu - Sageata stanga spre OWASP Conf
  18. Unde sunt haterii si copiii care ziceau ca e forumul plin stiri si tutoriale copiate de pe site-uri de specialitate? Userii prefera sa faca posturi in categoriile de Off-Topic decat sa citeasca stiri.Daca face Matt mai multe posturi ca Nytro?
  19. Hahahahahahhaha
  20. Chiar atunci m-am culcat.Recunosc ca in secundele alea m-am simtit atat de bine incat am adormit imediat.=)
  21. Matt

    Fii Barbat

  22. Get a life(and a woman).
  23. Intr-adevar ai o mare problema.
  24. @sebyarword : Ai probleme serioase amice.Daca te deranjeaza asa mult stirile mele gaseste-ti alt forum.Daca ai invata ceva din fiecare stire pe care o postez eu nu ti-ai mai pune link cu likes primite la semnatura.
  25. Asta e strict problema lor.
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