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Mdea masura luata parca in Africa nu??? Oricum ar fii binevenit si pe la noi
LoL vad in Brasov zi de zi masini cu RST o sa incerc sa fac o poza....sometimes...
Mdea.....tot despre masoni si NWO.......depopulatie and crap...un fel de Zeitgeist.
))))))))))))))))) Eh nu chiar da.....ce sa mai zicem ca ne-ai lasat masca
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LOLCATSSSSSSSS ALLLLLLLLLLLL RIGHT NAOOOO !!!!!!!! send a lolcat to space....
@loki nu sunt de acord lanterna calatoreste CU TN...deodata nu calatoreste mai incet...deci nu ar fi nici o schimbare lumina ar ajunge pe bordul masini (sau ma rog..) Alt exemplu ar fii.....u esti intr-o masina(vitezoman) si ai o moneda YOU FLIP THE COIN ce se intampla???Nimic anormal moneda iti cade in mana exact cum ar cadea daca ai sta intr-un loc nu se duce in spatele masini......pt. ca moneda calatoreste deodata cu tn.... la fel si cu lumina...
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Mdea intrebari "clasice" "These are very good questions, and thinking about questions like these motivated Einstein to develop his Theory of Relativity. It will be easier to answer the second question first. In that case, the bullet would accelerate to 1200 ft/s relative to the ground. The reason is that the force of the gunpowder explosion increases the velocity of the bullet by 600 ft/s relative to the gun. If the gun happens to be traveling at 600 ft/s relative to the ground, then the final speed of the bullet relative to the ground will be 1200 ft/s. Keep in mind that essentially all speeds are relative to something else. For example, the Earth is rotating and moving around the Sun, so you are moving through space even when you are "at rest" relative to the ground. I said "essentially" because there is one exception... the speed of light is always the same (specifically, 300000 km/s) to all observers , regardless of the speed of the observer or the light emitter (in this case, the flashlight). This is not very intuitive, as I hope the bullet explanation was. So even if you are traveling at 150000 km/s, a beam of light would still pass you going 300000 km/s or approach you going 300000 km/s. What happens is that as you travel faster and approach the speed of light, distances shorten and time slows down so that light still travels at 300000 km/s relative to you. This is not just a theory... these effects have been observed in experiments. According to Einstein's equations, it is impossible for anything with mass to reach the speed of light. So the answer to the first question is that you couldn't be traveling at the speed of light, but even if you were traveling at close to the speed of light, you would still be able to illuminate your console and shine a light on a target outside. The speed of a bullet is negligible compared to the speed of light, so in that case we don't have to worry about these effects." [url=http://wiki.answers.com/Q/If_you_turn_on_a_flashlight_while_on_a_spaceship_going_the_speed_of_light_what_speed_is_the_light_from_the_flashlight_moving_at]WikiAnswers - If you turn on a flashlight while on a spaceship going the speed of light what speed is the light from the flashlight moving at[/url]
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More Active Sun Means Nasty Solar Storms Ahead
prodil89 replied to begood's topic in Stiri securitate
Pfoai frate eu ma "cac" pe ea te telecomunicatii........pe mn ma deranjeaza caldura infernala -
Doamne fereste pana acuma esti pe primul loc ca fiind cel mai prost membru pe care l-am vazut pe RST.....de cand sunt eu aici
Windows 7 and Mac OS X both hit by fundamental flaws Windows 7 and Mac OS X each have a new, fundamental flaw that will be presented at the Hack in the Box conference in Amsterdam in July. These security holes are so close to the core operating systems that fixing them may be very hard. Windows 7 has an issue in the 64-bit edition of the operating system. Security researchers at Sogeti/ESEC, Christophe Devine and Damien Aumaitre, discovered weaknesses in Direct Memory Access (DMA). An attacker could use those vulnerabilities to get access and take control of the machine, thereby bypassing all security features of the operating system. "The problem is related to the functioning of the motherboard, so it is quite irresolvable in software," Hack in the Box conference organizer Dhillon Andrew Kannabhiran told Webwereld. "This is quite a fundamental problem, because an attacker basically can manipulate the PC's memory." [url=http://www.infoworld.com/d/security-central/windows-7-and-mac-os-x-both-hit-fundamental-flaws-679]Windows 7 and Mac OS X both hit by fundamental flaws | Security Central - InfoWorld[/url]
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW Ai Zis cuvantul magic ME LOVE STRING THEORY!!!!!!!!! I just made a new friend
Military leaders warn of NK cyber attack "Military leaders called North Korea's cyber threat "real," Tuesday, and said there was a high possibility it will conduct an attack on South Korean communication networks during the G-20 Summit to be held in Seoul in November. In a speech at a cyber security conference in Seoul, Minister of National Defense Kim Tae-young said North Korea is focusing on cyber terror attacks against South Korea, including the distribution of false information to Internet sites to defame the South Korean government." [url=http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2010/06/113_67314.html]Military leaders warn of NK cyber attack[/url]
Reþeaua wireless poate spune multe despre voi
prodil89 replied to amprenta's topic in Stiri securitate
Fa dreq un scan.......cu orice..........ai reusit sa sa arati cat de prost esti cum dreq mah 2007.....puteai si tu sa faci offtopic la thred-uri mai noi... -
Fa spam pe forumuri....chiar daca o sa iei ban oriunde exista cativa prosti care iti descarca
La noi sunt alte probleme Liviu....adica aceeasi probleme......dar majoritatea celor care au aceste probleme sunt smecherii....si tiganii
De ce mah mie imi place......in afara de our code is diffrent
lol acum ca am vazut "cum sa faci un email bomber" m-am razgandit acum sunt 100% sigur ca nu stie sa codeze cred ca a invatat codul ca pe o poezie..... Da imi place ca nu se da batut......cenzurat
Ce sa zic unii sunt mai sensibili ca altii.....i guess >_> Le trebuie minim 15 metri distanta fata de restu lumii
lol'ed Cat despre cunostiinte nu stiu ce sa zic.....parea sa faca aceeleasi lucruri schimbandule numele......sa faci modificari la coduri...nu inseamna neaparat ca stii sa programezi........nu?? xD
Mah da eu nu il inteleg pe baiatul asta.....cam cati ani are.....dupa cum se poarta zici ca e ala din avatarul lui de pe mess.....
2010-01-13......nu prea merg
Ms frumos nigga.......in cat timp le-ai strans?? PS:lol 1 luna?
"napare" PE "dextop" BAAAAAAAAAAAH CE MAAAAAAAAA INNNERVEZI IN RASA MATII DE CAINE!!!!!!!!!! Ah da si tocmai ti-ai trimis parola la toata lista fraierule,boule,cercopitecule
Nu e vorba de "securitate" aici este vorba despre giganti incercand sa scape unul de celalat................
Nu am vrut sa fac un thread nou but just a heads up......Romania sa mai facut de rusine inca odata..... AC/DC Finds Highway To Hell According to Big Pond News, AC/DC's tour caravan was stopped in remote Romania at the border with Hungary by employees of the national roads company who asked them to pay 50 euros for each vehicle, or a total of 2,500 euros (approximately $3,052) before they were allowed to leave the country, the company's manager Doina Tiron told AFP on Tuesday. The overzealous staff argued the drivers had not paid the highway toll, she added. "But in a letter sent to the company, the group said they had not been given any receipt" for this fine, Tiron stressed. The company has opened an investigation into the allegations.