SetTrayIconBallonTip("Checking mail server..."); GmailReader.GmailClient client = new GmailReader.GmailClient(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text); client.GetUnreadMail(); mailCount = (int)client.UnreadMailCount; if (mailCount == 0) { SetTrayIconBallonTip("No new messages"); notifyIcon1.Icon = Gmail.Properties.Resources.picasa_32x32; } else { if (mailCount == 1) { SetTrayIconBallonTip("You have 1 new message"); notifyIcon1.Icon = Gmail.Properties.Resources.desktop_32x32; } else { SetTrayIconBallonTip("You have " + mailCount.ToString() + " new messages"); notifyIcon1.Icon = Gmail.Properties.Resources.desktop_32x32; } Partea de cod de mai sus verifica numarul de mesaje necitite de pe contul de gmail,problema mea este cum pot sa fac sa afisez/citesc mailurile necitite?Orice idei sint binevenite(doar in C#) Aplicatia foloseste